“Hi Aurora! This video (above) was made by Dalton, age 7. We didn’t have a styrofoam block so we made the robot with a plastic cup. It worked great. We had so much fun. We even thought we could attach it to a swiffer and clean the floor! Thanks so much! We really enjoy your classes!” ~Anitta Charlson
I have wanted to tell you that we have enjoyed watching and listening to several of your lessons. Thank you for sharing instructions although I already had them, for a lesson easy enough that even I could do it with our son. I did enjoy your explanation which was easier to understand than what I had read before doing the lesson with our son.
Luke is loving your experiments and creating his own which I really like. Here’s a picture of one after doing a couple robot until ecamp projects; he used a plastic container from a clay kit. It works in the water, a twist on the catamaran.

Our last experiment was via a live webinar on building a solar oven. Son and husband did this together. It blessed my heart to see the two of them working side by side, listening to Aurora, and completing the step by step construction of this simple device out of common materials: a cardboard box, tape, magnifying sheet lens, glue gun, and tape.
Click here to read full review
Supercharged Science is another inventive, fantastic tool that will allow you to bring superior education to your homeschool. Supercharged Science is a complete hands-on line science curriculum for the homeschooler. With this program you now have access to a professional, enthusiastic scientist, Aurora Lipper, who will explain scientific concepts, walk you through experiments and get you jazzed about Science. I love how Aurora takes into account kids learning styles. There is something for every type of learner here: auditory, kinesthetic and visual!
Making clouds
Golden Grasses Homeschool Blog
Click here to read full review
“Thanks for the terrific Light and Lasers teleclass today. I bought a laser kit from you a couple of years ago but never used it. We took it out and had a terrific time reflecting the laser in mirrors. You suggested stomping on a dirty carpet to get dust particles to see the light. We used a flour sifter and it worked great. Here’s a video…” ~Brenda Praggastis (mother of George from Washington)
After reviewing and using this program I can confidently say it is worth every single penny! If you are looking to get your children riled up for science this is the program you need. Head right over to Supercharged Science and check out their “Super” e-Science program you won’t be disappointed!
Click here to read full review
I have to admit- the first thing we did was watch a boatload of experiments, performed and explained by Aurora Lipper. She has an incredible background in science, and you can sense her expertise in the way she explains the process. She displays excitement and joy in her presentations which keeps kids riveted to the screen. The variety of experiments was astounding- over 800 to choose from. I had to drag the kids away so we could make lunch.
Susan Raber
“Supercharged Science is a science program like no other. There is no textbook to bore your child. No long, dry scientific explanations, just straightforward, simple language for natural occurrences in God’s creation. This science program has a few different options. You can use it as a full year homeschool science program for grades K-12, as a supplement to another curriculum, a resource for science fair projects, or your child can enjoy a summer science camp at home. There are even some fun math tips and tricks.
For a full curriculum plan, you have a couple of options, the Science Mastery Program, or the e-science program. The basic difference is the Science Mastery Program is a full, science program. You receive all instructions, parts and materials, DVD’s, and lifetime support. On the other hand, the e-Science program is paid month to month and the parent provides the basic supplies, while Supercharged Science provides instructions, videos, and support only during the subscription period.
The e-science program is simple to follow. There are 19 units that are each designed to be completed between one and three weeks. Each unit includes a shopping list of ordinary, everyday supplies that are relatively easy to locate. Some optional activities are a bit more involved and complicated–such as the hovercraft in Unit 1, and require specialized items such as motors and propellers. The goal of this program is to learn by doing. The activities and experiments are the heart of Supercharged Science, but don’t worry mom, you won’t be forced to teach a subject you don’t understand. The support you’ll receive is well worth the overall cost.
Each lesson is introduced to the student by the entertaining and energized founder of Supercharged Science, Aurora Lipper. She has a brief video lesson explaining each principal. She has a way of connecting with and audience and making science principals fun and entertaining. Even I enjoy learning with her. Not only does she have videos, but her support resources include teleclasses and complete instructions for each experiment and activity.
The cost of the e-Science program is a monthly fee that can be cancelled at anytime. High school cost a bit more than K-8, but the requirements are also more rigorous. The at-home Summer e-Camps are very reasonably priced. It’s a flat fee, and some of the parts and pieces are mailed to you as you need them.
If your child is aged 7-12, Aurora teaches a five-day live summer camp every year in California. These are packed with fun. You can have your name added to the Early Bird list for 2013.
This program is very different from any other science program I’ve seen. Buttercup enjoys the hands-on activities. Until now, all of her science has been book based with some experimentation to back up the written word. Supercharged Science reverses this; it encourages the student to journal what was learned in the hands-on activities. This makes her think about the cause and effect relationships, and why things happen. It has really given her the best exposure to the scientific method. Supercharged Science gives her the experience of using activities to make connections she would only read about in other science curricula.”
Aurora ~ I truly feel like God brought your program to our lives. We are
science lovers…and have been doing a decent job at learning (been using
Apologia)…but WOW…the experiments, videos and webinars you offer are
going to be awesome!! We are signed up for the upcoming webinar … it will
be our first. I just wanted to thank you for all the FREE stuff you share.
Our two oldest children have already make comments about wanting to work for
NASA and our son wants to get his pilot’s licence. Anyway, we are truly
excited about the experiments.
Blessings ~ The Dempsey Family
I just started using your science curriculum a few weeks ago as part of our
homeschooling activities and so far, it’s been a hit. My oldest son (8
years old) has been obsessed with science for as long as he could talk. We
have therefore done a lot of experiments together and for the past few years
worked our way through different curricula covering some chemistry, biology
and astronomy. However, my youngest son (6 years old) who is naturally much
more interested in the arts, music and languages, has found our time spent
on science to be really boring and frustrating, and would more often than
not end up doing something else during it.
Eager to find a way to get him interested in the subject just enough to
ensure his participation during homeschool, I looked at countless science
curricula for kids and found yours to be the most attractive. It provided
the kind of real substance required to keep my oldest son engaged but
delivered in such a way as to draw the attention of my youngest.
On our first homeschool day of the New Year, I had planned to watch your
teleclass on astronomy. When I announced that it was time to start
watching, my youngest son immediately announced that he hated science and
that he would just keep on drawing instead. I convinced him to give you a
try so he sat down with us and started listening. It engaged both kids
equally. They were excited by the content and answered loudly and with
great enthusiasm every question you asked. In fact, when the class was
over, they both wanted to another!
Since then, we have been working our way through the first unit of the
program, with similar results. So thank you for creating this curriculum.
So far…it is excellent…the most organized and well-thought out program I
have ever seen in my 25 years of home education. Can’t wait to learn right
along with my sons.
Tina Crowder
Hi Aurora, we love your program so much, thank you.
Hey Aurora: My kids used your projects and worked very hard. It paid off and my son, who did the crystal radio, won 1st place in 8th Grade and 1st place overall the whole middle school. My daughter won 2nd place in her 6th Grade class. She did the Light Speed in a chocolate bar. Thank you sooooooooooooooo much. They learned lots and we are so proud of them.
Sue Bridgman
I found Supercharged Science a year ago. I liked the concepts and the experiments looked fantastic, but was a little hesitant about the price. WHAT WAS I THINKING? After mediocre experiments in other science programs, I finally ‘gave in’ and signed up for the eScience summer camp so I could try it out. My kids love Supercharged science and I regret that I didn’t start a year ago. I now regret that we missed a year of awesome, Supercharged Science. We are definitely using Aurora’s program next year and beyond as our main curriculum. I am learning with my kids and we are all have having a blast. I wish all our subjects could be this much fun. Thanks Aurora for being really committed to teaching our kids and bringing us these quality programs in such an easy to use format.
Kim Bauer, California, Home school mom
This was awesome! It works perfectly for us. My 12 year old is loving this program. It is so much better than the book work we struggled with last year. He is actually choosing to do science whenever he has a chance now that he has discovered what the program has to offer. We found all the parts at home, our local pharmacy and pet store(tubing). Thank you so much for this great program.
~Darlene Young
Thanks, Aurora! I have to say that you have the best ever customer service and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE calling your number and hearing your cheerful voice and funny wit on the message! Makes my day every time I’ve had to call, which by the way, hasn’t been often. That’s because your customer service is SO phenomenal!
“We are into our 2nd week of school and have done science most of those days. My 4 boys (ages 12, 10 and 8 years) are really loving it. What do I like best? Each of my boys can explain the why behind the experiments. My biggest thrill happened yesterday when we did the ping pong ball/funnel experiment. We did the experiment first before watching/listening to you. The boys expected the ball to hover just above the funnel as they blew – of course they were surprised when that didn’t happen! What was my thrill? My 12yo explained the why perfectly! I thought that was so cool!” ~Z. B.
“I LOVE THE PROGRAM!!! I love that you have the forethought to give us supply lists. I LOVE that you speak to my kids about atoms, particles, accelerators, generators, nuclear physics, all four types of force and treat them like they are…REAL SCIENTISTS !!!! You are a wonderful role-model for my scientific daughter and son, as well as for my husband and I. You do have a tremendous impact in helping us motivate our learners.
“Let me reiterate that never before in one day, in SOOO many ways have I heard my kids so clearly exclaim: “I CAN!” I love the warning you post on your website encouraging repetition, persistence, and participation. ALL LEARNING should have this label!” ~Bernadette Frischkorn, Alaska
“Just wanted to let you know that my boys are so busy, so busy doing all the cool experiments you sent on the DVD. They think this is the best, and have already done the Ivory Soap, the grape, rockets and the house is exploding in stuff they are experimenting with to see what happens. I cannot tell you how happy they are and we will certainly want to continue our subscription for fall. We are doing a one week serious all day fun camp of science, complete with t-shirts and science snacks. That is the reason I purchased the summer program, but the boys are truly enjoying all of this we are going to need to continue. Just thought you would wanted to know how much joy you brought to two little boys in Monterey, California.” ~Christina S.
“I have a very, let’s say, precoscious 5-year-old kindergarten boy. He loves putting things together, taking them apart, and trying to put them back together. His favorite questions is “How.” As in, “How does that work?” “How do I get it to do that?” My family thought I was weird for signing up for a “professional” science curriculum so young – wait until he’s older, they said. I know my son, however, and this was the best thing I ever did for him and my house!
“Although he can’t read the material, and even has a hard time understanding some of the information, he LOVES watching the videos and doing some of the experiments. So, if anyone out there wonders if there is a “too young” for this program, tell them NO! Even my 3-year-old likes to “help” with the experiments. Thank you for this wonderful website. My house may stay standing if my boys have something constructive to take apart!
~Kate Pantinas
“Aurora knows her stuff. The video demonstrations are clear, engaging and inspiring. The text is easy to understand. The experiments go from fun to hilarious! The online section will never let you get bored… The customer service is better than we’ve found in any business, whether homeschool resource-oriented or not. You will have that taken-care-of feeling. Put it all together, and you have the best deal anywhere. Oh, did I mention? We’re really happy with our purchase.” ~Helen Dallman
“My boys have been picking away at the electricity experiments and they threw a FIT when I told them it was time to put it away because it was time for dinner. I am not happy about their bad attitudes, but I have been homeschooling for 8 years now and they have NEVER reacted with such vehemence about wanting to CONTINUE school as they did with your science. I was completely overjoyed that they were enjoying it so much.” ~Samantha Sampson
“I love the program. You make the most elaborate experiments seem so easy. I love that we can use things from around the house, and I LOVE that you make short videos of the experiments. My daughter can sit and watch and copy you and she feels like she can do it. In homeschooling, science is not my forte and you have helped fill in the gap. I wasn’t able to take in any of the teleconferences, but one. I enjoyed it, but I just couldn’t catch each one (it’s great they are recorded). I’ve recommended your program to a slew of other homeschool moms. It’s the best and easiest and most enjoyable program I’ve come across and I’ve looked at several… Aurora is a blast, she relates to the kids so well and has fun whatever she’s doing, and it’s obvious. EXCELLENT program!!!!!” ~Wendy Lamb
“I wanted to tell you that this week we did a week of Science Camp, right here in our kitchen and yard using your e-Science Camp. We invited our sons two best friends, and then another Mom heard about and invited herself to join us! So six kids, your videos, shopping lists and experiments made for the best week they kids have had all summer.
The girls attend public school, all four boys homeschool. The public school mom asked when we can do more!!! And my boys wants to continue doing science all summer…Thank you thank you thank you! ~Christina
“I signed up for the summer e-science camp, and my 9 year old son LOVED the camp!! He designed a boat out of an egg carton and two motors with little hand-held fan blade. He went out to the pool to try it out and came in screaming, ”It works!!! It works!!! Come look Mom!!” All of his projects worked to his surprise. He has been inspired to branch out and really think!! Thank you for this wonderful program!!! The glow in Zack”s eyes is priceless!! THANK YOU for this awesome program!!” ~Tina Smith
“Aurora, that was an amazing Astronomy presentation you put together for the eCamp. I love astronomy and have listened to lots of kid geared presentations with my children…. boring! Yours kept me huddled close to the phone with my son. So much information offered in a conversational way like we’re sitting around the dinner table discussing something we’re passionate about.” ~Brenda Praggastis
“Aurora and Supercharged Science… I just have to tell you: Forget the kids! I’m excited by science now–teaching and learning. I’m over the top pleased by this program! I’m a single mom, trying to homeschool two kids, one with special needs (Aspergers) WHILE running a childcare during the day. Researching and setting up science experiments for my own daughters while chasing after toddlers (let alone actually being there to teach/supervise the experiments without being called away to something smelly or broken) was nearly impossible and quite frustrating to us all. I’d gotten to the point of giving up and so had my daughter. We’ve only gotten through one of the summer camps but in that time you have rescued my sanity and my daughter’s waning interest in what was her favorite subject (pre-childcare). I was almost in tears when we saw the videos and started the experiments because I realized that she has something to follow if I get called away. You make it so clear and you cover the “oops!” factor for suggestions when something goes astray of expected results. And one great big thanks for the written shopping lists with links to find the things that are out of the norm. Thank you again for filling a need in my daughter’s life.” Heather
“Aurora, I can not thank you enough for this program. My son has auditory and visual processing difficulties and is in 7th grade. he is almost to grade level reading but it is very challenging to learn by textbook (not to mention how really boring learning from textbooks can be) we were going to use another program for this yr but after being in your summer camp and now seeing how this program is set up I can have him read the main point download-get into the experiments and read the text with him if he is further interested!!! thank you too for the exercise that we can do as a discussion!!! I can not thank you enough. Your text reads more like a living book as the author is so excited about the subject-are you the author? This all is very easy to access! You solved my dilemma for science this year but finances might not allow a whole year. It is a great value to me and all my sons. My eight yr old is still making baking soda rockets on our deck!!” ~Teresa Knorr
“Aurora… Today my daughter (8) did the racer robot from the last week of camp (we are a little behind). The squeals and giggles could be heard throughout the house. The Waterbot from last week is still in the guest bathtub waiting for Grandpa, who was an electrician, to visit later this month. After building the Racerbot, we headed to Target to get the traveling soap container so that we could make the remote control tomorrow.
“In the evenings, I”ve been getting a binder prepped for your fall class. I”ve been looking through the first unit, and as I read these projects when they come out of the printer I keep saying ”Wow! This is so cool!”. I had to write to say THANK YOU! You are amazing! My daughter is so fortunate to have a woman like you teach her science. You are the role model I was hoping to find to show her that girls can do anything–and you do it with flair! THANK YOU!!” ~M.C., Georgia
“Thanks so much for your advice regarding my daughter’s fruit battery science fair project. She won second place today in the 7th and 8th grade division! As you can imagine, she is very pleased. It is an especially meaningful “victory” for us because Lynne has a learning disability which makes it difficult for her to organize information. Your kit made it so much easier for us to work on this project than if we had tried to piece it together on our own. Thanks for your excellent product and your personal feedback. I will ask my husband to send you a photo tonight. Wish I had known about your classes and website earlier! I am forwarding the email to friends.” ~Caroline Fetter
Editor’s Note: eScience members have full access the Fruit Battery project.
“My kids loved the live teleclass today! 🙂 I love the way you organize learning science it makes my life so much easier as a non-science oriented homeschool mom. Thank you so much for all your work. My son is very excited to try the potato cannon experiment. Thanks so much for your quick responses and for fixing the video issues we had. We love your stuff!!!!” ~J. Sanchez
“You have been such a fun inspiration for our son Sam, and totally got him fired up to build, connect, explode, invent, test, create, discover, question… and in a nutshell, get wildly excited about how our physical world behaves through experimentation. Thank you! Thank you!” ~Jan Soto, San Luis Obispo
“Aurora, Just wanted to say thanks for making science my son’s favorite part of the day. As homeschooler’s my son is not afforded the opportunity to compete in the science fair. Our homeschool group put together a fair of our own. There wasn’t any competition per se, but each child completed a project to present to the other children and their parents.
“My 7 year old, Noah decided to present the “Matrix of acid and bases“. It was a huge success. One of the adults present was a scientist for Sandia Labs. She asked Noah several questions regarding his project and he had the answers. He really understood the material. He talked about exothermic and endothermic changes he’d recorded on his data sheets, indications based on color changes and the fact that the cabbage indicator seemed unable to perform in hydrogen peroxide (see question on the matrix page). She was quite impressed and told him that she hoped he continued, to which he replied “That’s the plan, I intend to be a scientist on a space mission someday”. Thanks again for making my life so much easier when it comes to science and giving my son the education that just wouldn’t be possible if I was left to my own devices!!” ~Shari Linsley
“When I asked my kids what the highlights of our year had been, they unanimously said it was Aurora’s Supercharged Science (stuff). They had the most wonderful (time) making gadgets, mixing goo, playing with lasers and walking on water! Aurora inspired them to try, tinker and think!” ~ Viviane Martinez, Santa Barbara, California
“I love the way you organize learning science it makes my life so much easier as a non-science oriented homeschool mom. Thank you so much for all your work. Thanks so much for your quick responses We love your stuff!!!!” ~Jan Sanchez
“Hey, Aurora! We’re still having fun with our science kits. Your high school chemistry is SWEET and I’m so glad I bought it. My 12 yr old son finished his underwater ROV which we took with us on vacation in FL. He had lots of fun chasing fish with it. Thanks for checking up on us!” ~Amy Fetterhoff, Homer AK
“Thank you for writing me back, I love your science and I love that I feel smart when I do it. Thank you” ~Justin, student
“I just started your Chemistry unit and have been shocked at how enthusiastic my 12 yr. old son is. (I have had to confiscate his slime so he can work on other subjects!) So now I will always be sure we do some experiments before reading the text info. I’m also going to see if I can somehow incorporate the “hands on first ”introduction to other subjects (math, writing, history-I’ve had better luck with that, but it probably wouldn’t work for grammar.) I have a 10th grade daughter who doesn’t like any subject, and isn’t interested in the science program (we have always done the “text first, and experiments if there’s time left” approach with her) I’m hoping some of the more dramatic experiments may get her interested.” ~S. Gaines
Aurora’s note: “When doing the eScience program, I recommend doing some of the experiments FIRST, then when your kids run to you excited about their project but full of questions (like “Why did THAT work?”), that’s when you hand over the textbook or academic reading. It’s sounds backwards, but if you wait until they are ready for it, it’ll be a lot easier to teach and have longer-lasting results.”
“We just got done making some super cool yellow glowing bouncy stuff! Thanks for the chemistry class! Thanks again!” ~Brenda P., mother of George and Christina from Washington
“What do I think?…. Hmmm. IT’S TOTALLY AN ANSWER TO MY PRAYERS! I am not much of a science-type of homeschool mom. 🙂
I really love math, and I do well teaching reading, writing and history, but I have utterly failed when it comes to teaching science. We have been, up to this point, totally lacking in this area within our homeschooling endeavor.
I love and appreciate that you use every day and inexpensive items to show children principles in science. It really has helped me feel more comfortable with teaching science to my children.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!” ~Amanda Burrow (and children: ages 9,8)
“Science is one of the subjects that we homeschool moms can love to hate. It’s not the reading a textbook that’s the problem, it’s usually the hands-on part that can be overwhelming. Also, when you get into topics like physics and chemistry, well, let’s just say it can be a bit intimidating to try to explain something you don’t totally understand yourself.
“Super Charged Science takes away all the excuses and makes science come alive for students of all ages. Written and designed by Aurora Lipper, a former engineering professor and NASA scientist, this amazing program takes what can be difficult material and breaks it down into fun, bite-sized pieces. Best of all, everything is accessed online, and all your children can learn together. The eScience online program is for grades K – 12, though after reading through the units, those who will benefit most will be kids in grades 2 – 12. Of course, younger children will love watching and learning with their siblings, but much of the material will be a bit over their head and reading level.
“Aurora has really put a lot of thought into how science is best taught to children, and how she can best help busy parents to get the most from this curriculum. There are currently 11 units primarily covering physical science and chemistry, with more in development. Each unit will take between 1 and 3 weeks depending on your own scheduling and the number of activities you and your child decide to do. When you are logged in to the site, you can click on the syllabus and see all the unit topics on one page. Then, you just follow the steps: read/ print the lesson plan (includes lesson objectives and overview for the parent), print the list of materials, watch the intro video, choose the experiments you’d like to do, students then read the text (either online or printed), and then the written material/quizzes. My favorite part is the great experiment and activity choices. First, everything is explained very well, but best of all, you and your children can watch Aurora explain and do the experiment on video. So, even if you don’t have everything you need, or perhaps decide the activity is too difficult for your child, they can still benefit from watching it.
“Aurora’s passion for science and for teaching is contagious! Even the most reluctant learner is sure to get excited about science. Since the curriculum applies to students all the way through high school, some of the experiments and concepts are definitely more challenging.
“Of course, as the teacher, you will be choosing what parts to use.
“Also, they have provided a challenging text to download for older students to read as part of each unit. Users of the eScience program from Super Charged Science pay a monthly access fee of either $37 (K -8) or $57 (K – 12). The depth and breadth of this program, along with the over 600 experiments and video instruction definitely justify the price, especially if you have more than one student using the curriculum. The site is packed with lots of extras including math help, a prerecorded teleclass for each lesson, and science fair project ideas. With the way it is organized, older children should be able to study with Aurora on their own, with minimal help from mom.
“But be warned, moms will probably want in on the learning as well – the videos are THAT interesting. And, because Aurora believes that science is best learned by doing, your child will spend lots of time with hands-on learning, that you’ll probably want to be a part of as well. Of course, you don’t have to take my word for it. They offer plenty of free material on their website, along with a risk-free trial of the eScience program.”
Cindy Prechtel