Voyager Mission

In 1977, NASA launched two small spacecraft called Voyager 1 and Voyager 2. Weighing only 800 kgs each, they collected a wealth of scientific data and thousands of photographs of the four giant planets in our Solar System. After visiting Jupiter and Saturn, Voyager 1’s trajectory left the ecliptic plane in order to photograph Saturn’s moon Titan. This meant that Voyager 1 would not visit any other planets. However, Voyager 2 continued on to visit Uranus and Neptune. Still today, Voyager 2 is the only spacecraft to have visited these two “ice giants” and their moons.

Both Voyagers are still in operation and providing unprecedented data that engineers and scientists using today to understand space. Both are expected to last until 2020-2025, at which time their atomic battery life will no longer support their electrical systems.

Pioneer 10

Launched on March 2, 1972, Pioneer 10 was the first spacecraft to travel through the asteroid belt, and the first spacecraft to make direct observations and obtain close-up images of Jupiter. Pioneer 10 is now coasting silently through deep space (its last transmission was in 2003) toward the red star Aldebarran (the eye of Taurus the Bull), a journey of over 2 million years.  Originally intended as a 21-month program, this 30-year mission has more than paid for itself with discoveries and science.

Mariner 10 was a robotic space probe launched on 3 November 1973 to fly by the planets Mercury and Venus. It was launched approximately 2 years after Mariner 9 and was the last spacecraft in the Mariner program (Mariner 11 and 12 were re-designated Voyager 1 and Voyager 2). The mission objectives were to measure Mercury’s environment, atmosphere, surface, and body characteristics and to make similar investigations of Venus. Secondary objectives were to perform experiments in the interplanetary medium and to obtain experience with a dual-planet gravity-assist mission.

During its flyby of Venus, Mariner 10 discovered evidence of rotating clouds and a very weak magnetic field.

Mariner 10 flew past Mercury three times in total. Owing to the geometry of its orbit — its orbital period was almost exactly twice Mercury’s — the same side of Mercury was sunlit each time, so it was only able to map 40-45% of Mercury’s surface, taking over 2800 photos. It revealed a more or less moon-like surface. It thus contributed enormously to our understanding of the planet, whose surface had not been successfully resolved through telescopic observation.

This is the actual video of the very first moon landing of the Apollo 11 mission in 1969! Neil Armstrong was the first man to set foot on the moon with his now legendary words “One small step for man, a giant leap for mankind.” This is a truly amazing video. If you think about it, you have orders of magnitude more processing power in your mobile phone than they did in the whole space craft!! Incredible!

mars-retrogradeIf you watch the moon, you’d notice that it rises in the east and sets in the west. This direction is called ‘prograde motion’. The stars, sun, and moon all follow the same prograde motion, meaning that they all move across the sky in the same direction.

However, at certain times of the orbit, certain planets move in ‘retrograde motion’, the opposite way. Mars, Venus, and Mercury all have retrograde motion that have been recorded for as long as we’ve had something to write with. While most of the time, they spend their time in the ‘prograde’ direction, you’ll find that sometimes they stop, go backwards, stop, then go forward again, all over the course of several days to weeks.

Here are videos I created that show you what this would look like if you tracked their position in the sky each night for an year or two.

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The Hubble Space Telescope (HST) zooms around the Earth once every 90 minutes (about 5 miles per second), and in August 2008, Hubble completed 100,000 orbits! Although the HST was not the first space telescope, is the one of the largest and most publicized scientific instrument around. Hubble is a collaboration project between NASA and the ESA (European Space Agency), and is one of NASA’s “Great Observatories” (others include Compton Gamma Ray Observatory, Chandra X-Ray Observatory, and Spitzer Space Telescope). Anyone can apply for time on the telescope (you do not need to be affiliated with any academic institution or company), but it’s a tight squeeze to get on the schedule.

Hubble’s orbit zooms high in the upper atmosphere to steer clear of the obscuring haze of molecules in the sea of air. Hubble’s orbit slowly decays over time and begins to spiral back into Earth until the astronauts bump it back up into a higher orbit.

But how does a satellite stay in orbit? Try this experiment now:


  • marble
  • paper
  • tape
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This experiment is for advanced students. Here is another way to detect cosmic rays, only this time you’ll actually see the thin, threadlike vapor trails appear and disappear. These cobwebby trails are left by the particles within minutes of creating the detector. (Be sure to complete the Cosmic Ray Detector first!)

In space, there are powerful explosions (supernovas) and rapidly-spinning neutron stars (pulsars), both of which spew out high energy particles that zoom near the speed of light. Tons of these particles zip through our atmosphere each day. There are three types of particles: alpha, beta, and gamma.

Did you know that your household smoke alarm emits alpha particles? There’s a small bit (around 1/5000th of a gram) of Americium-241, which emits an alpha particle onto a detector. As long as the detector sees the alpha particle, the smoke alarm stays quiet. However, since alpha particles are easy to block, when smoke gets in the way and blocks the alpha particles from reaching the detector, you hear the smoke alarm scream.

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6-newtonianThere are TWO videos for this Astronomy Lesson, both of which cover different parts of astronomy. The first video is all about telescopes, and I’ll walk you step by step through what it’s really like to get a telescope, set it up and work with one of these super cool instruments. After you’re done with this video, click over to the experiments section where you’ll have a front-row seat to a planetarium-style star show.

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This video gets you started on the right foot. We’ll outline what’s coming up for this unit and how to get the most out of our lesson together. Enjoy!

6-newtonianIf your kid is crazy for Astronomy, get your hands on a $25 copy of Guy Ottewell’s Astronomical Calendar. You won’t find a better, more complete yearly almanac of astronomy anywhere. (In fact, most sources use Ottewell’s information in their publications.)

If a telescope is in your near future, here are a few of my personal recommendations. (Please note that I do not sell any of these telescopes, nor do I get paid for posting these links.  Think of this as a sneak peek into my personal collection.)

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This is a FOUR-PART video series that takes you on a complete tour of the International Space Station, guided by a NASA astronaut and filmed in the summer of 2009. Enjoy!

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Did you know I carry a set of dice in my pocket just for this game? It's as old as the hills and just as fun to play now as it was when I was a little math whiz back in 2nd grade.  (No kidding - when we had 'math races', I was always team captain.  Not quite the same thing as captain on the soccer field, though...)

This is one of those quick-yet-satisfying dice games you can play to hone your thinking skills and keep your kids busy until the waiter arrives with your food.  All you need are five or six standard 6-sided dice and two 12-sided dice.  (Note - if you can't find the 12-sided dice, just skip it for now.  You can easily substitute your brain for the 12-sided dice.  I'll show you how.)
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8x10.aiThis lecture series is from an astronomy course at Ohio State. It’s a 20-week college-level course, so don’t feel like you’ve got to do it all in one night!  You’ll learn about the solar system, planets, and universe through a well-organized set of lectures that really brings astronomy, human history, and current technology together. This content is appropriate for advanced students and above.

Why bother offering high school students these college-level classes? Because if you’re like me, you’re always thirsty for more, and you’re not picky about where it comes from.  If you learn just one new thing from these astronomy talks, then you are one step further along your science journey and it was worth your time.

You can either download the podcasts to your MP3 player or directly access the MP3 files.  There are slides along with the lectures, but don’t feel like you have to use them – the lectures are meaty enough on their own.  Ready?

Click here to access Prof. Roger Pogge’s Astro 161 Lectures (Part 1)

Click here to access Prof. Roger Pogge’s Astro 162 Lectures (Part 2)

Let’s see how much you’ve picked up with these experiments and the reading – answer as best as you can. (No peeking at the answers until you’re done!) Just relax and see what jumps to mind when you read the question. You can also print these out and jot down your answers in your science notebook.

Some of these questions you might recognize from the last lesson on potential energy, but we put them here again so you can see how they are inter-related. Have fun!

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Let’s see how you did! If you didn’t get a few of these, don’t let it stress you out – it just means you need to play with more experiments in this area. We’re all works in progress, and we have our entire lifetime to puzzle together the mysteries of the universe!

Here’s printer-friendly versions of the exercises and answers for you to print out: Simply click here for printable questions and answers.

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Let’s see how much you’ve picked up with these experiments and the reading – answer as best as you can. (No peeking at the answers until you’re done!) Just relax and see what jumps to mind when you read the question. You can also print these out and jot down your answers in your science notebook.

Some of these questions you might recognize from the last lesson on potential energy, but we put them here again so you can see how they are inter-related. Have fun!

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Let’s see how you did! If you didn’t get a few of these, don’t let it stress you out – it just means you need to play with more experiments in this area. We’re all works in progress, and we have our entire lifetime to puzzle together the mysteries of the universe!

Here’s printer-friendly versions of the exercises and answers for you to print out: Simply click here for printable questions and answers.

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f18Sound can change according to the speed at which it travels. Another word for sound speed is pitch. When the sound speed slows, the pitch lowers. With clarinet reeds, it’s high. Guitar strings can do both, as they are adjustable. If you look carefully, you can actually see the low pitch strings vibrate back and forth, but the high pitch strings move so quickly it’s hard to see. But you can detect the effects of both with your ears.

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This is one of my absolute favorites, because it’s so unexpected and unusual… the setup looks quite harmless, but it makes a sound worse than scratching your nails on a chalkboard. If you can’t find the weird ingredient, just use water and you’ll get nearly the same result (it just takes more practice to get it right). Ready?

NOTE: DO NOT place these anywhere near your ear… keep them straight out in front of you.

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This section is actually a collection of the experiments that build on each other.  We’ll be playing with sound waves, and the older students will continue on after this experiment to build speakers.

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You can easily make a humming (or screaming!) balloon by inserting a small hexnut into a balloon and inflating. You can also try pennies, washers, and anything else you have that is small and semi-round. We have scads of these things at birthday time, hiding small change in some and nuts in the others so the kids pop them to get their treasures. Some kids will figure out a way to test which balloons are which without popping… which is what we’re going to do right now.

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telephoneThis is the experiment that all kids know about… if you haven’t done this one already, put it on your list of fun things to do. (See the tips & tricks at the bottom for further ideas!)

We’re going to break this into two steps – the first part of the experiment will show us why we need the cups and can’t just hook a string up to our ear.  Are you ready?

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After you’ve completed this experiment, you can try making your own sound-to-light transformer as shown below. Using the properties of sound waves, we’ll be able to actually see sound waves when we aim a flashlight at a drum head and pick up the waves on a nearby wall.

Here’s what you need:

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When there’s lightning, thunder is not far behind.  Even if you don’t live in a tropical thunderstorm area, you can still simulate this experiment using the variations below and get the most out of the main ideas about sound waves and light waves.

For starters, let’s assume you’re waiting for a good storm. When one’s brewing, grab a timer and a pencil with paper and wait inside the house near a window.

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In this experiment you will be adjusting the length of string of a pendulum until you get a pendulum that has a frequency of .5 Hz, 1 Hz and 2 Hz. Remember, a Hz is one vibration (or in this case swing) per second. So .5 Hz would be half a swing per second (swing one way but not back to the start). 1 Hz would be one full swing per second. Lastly, 2 Hz would be two swings per second. A swing is the same as a vibration so the pendulum must move away from where you dropped it and then swing back to where it began for it to be one full swing/vibration.

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Think of your ears as ‘sound antennas’.  There’s a reason you have TWO of these – and that’s what this experiment is all about.  You can use any noise maker (an electronic timer with a high pitched beep works very well), a partner, a blindfold (not necessary but more fun if you have one handy), and earplugs (or use your fingers to close the little flap over your ear – don’t stick your fingers IN your ears!).

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chladniThis experiment is just for advanced students. Ernst Florens Friedrich Chladni (1756-1827) is considered to be the ‘father of acoustics’. He was fascinated by vibrating things like plates and gases, and his experiments resulted in two new musical instruments to be developed.

When Chladni first did these vibrating plate experiments (as shown in the video below), he used glass plates instead of metal. He was also one of the first to figure out how to calculate the speed of sound through a gas.

And it will completely blow your mind. Chladni patterns are formed with a metal plate covered in regular table salt is vibrated through different frequencies.

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Since we can’t see soundwaves as they move through the air, we’re going to simulate one with rope and a friend. This will let you see how a vibration can create a wave. You’ll need at least 10 feet of rope (if you have 25 or 50 feet it’s more fun), a piece of tape (colored if you have it), a slinky, and a partner. Are you ready?

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Before CDs, there were these big black discs called records. Spinning between 33 and 45 times per minute on a turntable, people used to listened to music just like this for nearly a century. Edison, who had trouble hearing, used to bite down hard on the side of his wooden record player (called a phonograph) and “hear” the music as it vibrated his jaw.

Many people today still think that records still sound better than CDs (I think they do), especially if the record is well cared for and their players are tuned just right. Here’s a video on how a record works:

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Alexander Graham Bell developed the telegraph, microphone, and telephone back in the late 1800s. We'll be talking about electromagnetism in a later unit, but we're going to cover a few basics here so you can understand how loudspeakers transform an electrical signal into sound.

This experiment is for advanced students.We'll be making different kinds of speakers using household materials (like plastic cups, foam plates, and business cards!), but before we begin, we need to make sure you really understand a few basic principles. Here's what you need to know to get started:

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This lesson, I’d like to take the concepts of frequency and vibration just a bit further and talk about natural frequency and resonance. Are you ready?

Here’s the video for the Tacoma Narrows Bridge (this is the actual video shown to the public at the time):

Energy moves in waves. Before we get in over our heads talking about sound waves, though, we need to spend some time on this vibration thing. This lesson we will be taking a careful look at vibration and frequency.

Radio antenna dishes of the Very Large Array radio telescope in New Mexico.
Radio antenna dishes of the Very Large Array radio telescope in New Mexico.

This experiment is for advanced students. Radio astronomy is the study of radio waves originating outside the Earth. The radio range of frequencies or wavelengths is loosely defined by three factors: atmospheric transparency, current technology, and fundamental limitations imposed by quantum noise. Together they yield a boundary between radio and far-infrared astronomy at frequency 1 THz (1 THz =1012 Hz) or wavelength =0.3 mm.

If you’re an advanced high school-age student with a yearning to learn more about radio astronomy, you’re in the right place. First, you’ll get a college-level course about the fundamentals of radio astronomy with a full textbook, and you’ll also find problem sets with solutions and also a final exam.The lab included will have you building your very own radio telescope for under $100. Feel free to build the telescope as you work through the text or straight off the bat. If you’re allergic to math, just skip over those sections to get at the really interesting stuff. Click here to download the full text or use the links below.

How many of these items do you already have? We've tried to keep it simple for you by making the majority of the items things most people have within reach (both physically and budget-wise), and even have broken down the materimoals by experiment category so you can decide if those are ones you want to do. You do not need to do ALL the experiments - just pick the ones you want to do!

Don’t be afraid of this list! The materials are broken down by availability and expense. The items in the first list are low-cost materials you already have or can easily add to your next grocery store list. The second list includes mid-priced equipment for more in-depth projects, and the last list of items is appropriate for upper grades. We’ll be re-using the specialty items from this list (like lenses, lights, lasers, and electrical components) for future projects.

Shopping List for Unit 9: Light Waves Click here for Shopping List for Unit 9.

NOTE: Radio Shack part numbers have been replaced. Click here for full chart.

Light Waves

  • Water glass
  • Clean pickle jar
  • Cooking oil, such as canola (approx. 4 cups – use a cheap brand)
  • Two pennies, dollar bill
  • Flashlight
  • 1 teaspoon of milk (soy, cow…) OR white flour
  • 2 hand held magnifying lenses
  • Old CD you can scratch (used in two experiments)
  • Paper towel tube
  • Feather (any size)
  • Index cards
  • Crayons
  • Bar of Ivory soap (get a pack of 3)
  • Sharp pencil
  • String (about 3’)
  • Scissors, tape
  • Television with a remote control
  • Ziploc bag full of water
  • Black plastic trash bag
  • Piece of plastic (like a plastic spoon or cup)
  • Metal pot or pan (not Teflon coated)
  • Clean piece of white paper
  • UV beads
  • Sunblock
  • Sunglasses
  • Two pairs of sunglasses (the polarizing kind rated for UV protection work well)

Light Waves Part 2

  • Small box with lid (like a shoe box)
  • Tracing paper (1 sheet)
  • Microwave
  • BIG bar of Hershey’s chocolate (any type)
  • Water in a shallow glass baking dish
  • Mirror (like a hand mirror from the bathroom)
  • Optional: UV Fluorescent Black Light
  • 2 yardsticks (AKA meterstick)
  • 10-20 popsicle sticks
  • Index cards or pieces of cardboard
  • Set of lenses with extra double-convex  lenses (this is the kind in a hand-held magnifying glass). Pick one of these to get as an extra, or get all 4: 50mm, 150mm, 300mm, 500mm) ...OR… instead of buying lenses, simply use eyeglasses and magnifiers that you already have around the house.
  • Optional: if you want to make the Newtonian telescope, then pick up a concave mirror AND a small mirror (like a mosiac mirror from the craft store, or mirror from a compact).
  • Diffraction grating (you can use an old CD in a pinch)
  • Sheet of mylar (5” x 8” or larger) and cardboard OR use three rectangular mirrors approx. 8” x 1”
  • Scissors, tape
  • Optional: wooden clothespins (about 4)
  • Optional: red, green, and blue colored light sticks (Make sure the light inside the red stick really glows RED, not the usual green liquid enclosed in a red-colored tube.)
  • For the last few items on this list, you can select from either group:

Group A: Three flashlights, three colors of nail polish (red, green, and blue), clear tape (or plastic wrap) OR…

Group B: Three ‘party bulb’ lights (green, blue, and red colored incandescent light bulbs) in clip-on lamps


  • Red laser pointer (NOT GREEN!)
  • Small mirrors (mosaic mirrors are cheapest)
  • 3 large paper clips
  • 3 brass fasteners
  • 5 index cards
  • 2 pins
  • 2 razor blades
  • 4 clothespins
  • Scissors, tape
  • White wall (or white paper stuck to the wall)
  • PLUS materials from Light Waves 1 & 2

For Advanced Students:


Laser Light Show

  • Red laser pointer
  • 2 3VDC motors
  • 2 gears** or corks (you’ll need a solid way to attach the mirror to the motor shaft tip)
  • 2 1” round mirrors (use mosaic mirrors)
  • 2 DPDT switches with center off
  • 20 alligator clip leads
  • 2 AA battery packs with 4 AA batteries
  • 2 1K or 5K-ohm potentiometers
  • Zip-tie (from the hardware store)
  • ½ " or ¾ " metal conduit hangers (size to fit your motors from the hardware store)
  • 3 sets of ¼ " x 2" bolts, nuts, and washers
  • 1 tupperware container (at least 7” x 5”) with lid
  • Basic tools (scissors, hot glue gun, drill, wire strippers, pliers, screwdriver)

**If you have trouble finding these parts (with the ** next to them), just send us an email.



Laser Communicator

This project requires soldering. We’ll teach you how to solder, but you need a soldering iron. If you don’t have a soldering iron, save this project for another time.




Let’s see how much you’ve picked up with these experiments and the reading – answer as best as you can. (No peeking at the answers until you’re done!) Just relax and see what jumps to mind when you read the question. You can also print these out and jot down your answers in your science notebook.

Some of these questions you might recognize from the last lesson on potential energy, but we put them here again so you can see how they are inter-related. Have fun!

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Let’s see how you did! If you didn’t get a few of these, don’t let it stress you out – it just means you need to play with more experiments in this area. We’re all works in progress, and we have our entire lifetime to puzzle together the mysteries of the universe!

Here’s printer-friendly versions of the exercises and answers for you to print out: Simply click here for K-8 and here for K-12.

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Let’s see how much you’ve picked up with these experiments and the reading – answer as best as you can. (No peeking at the answers until you’re done!) Just relax and see what jumps to mind when you read the question. You can also print these out and jot down your answers in your science notebook.
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Let’s see how you did! If you didn’t get a few of these, don’t let it stress you out – it just means you need to play with more experiments in this area. We’re all works in progress, and we have our entire lifetime to puzzle together the mysteries of the universe!

Here’s printer-friendly versions of the exercises and answers for you to print out: Simply click here for K-8 and here for K-12.

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When you drop a ball, it falls 16 feet the first second you release it. If you throw the ball horizontally, it will also fall 16 feet in the first second, even though it is moving horizontally… it moves both away from you and down toward the ground. Think about a bullet shot horizontally. It travels a lot faster than you can throw (about 2,000 feet each second). But it will still fall 16 feet during that first second. Gravity pulls on all objects (like the ball and the bullet) the same way, no matter how fast they go.

What if you shoot the bullet faster and faster? Gravity will still pull it down 16 feet during the first second, but remember that the surface of the Earth is round. Can you imagine how fast we’d need to shoot the bullet so that when the bullet falls 16 feet in one second, the Earth curves away from the bullet at the same rate of 16 feet each second?

Answer: that bullet needs to travel nearly 5 miles per second. (This is also how satellites stay in orbit – going just fast enough to keep from falling inward and not too fast that they fly out of orbit.)

Catapults are a nifty way to fire things both vertically and horizontally, so you can get a better feel for how objects fly through the air. Notice when you launch how the balls always fall at the same rate – about 16 feet in the first second.  What about the energy involved?

When you fire a ball through the air, it moves both vertically and horizontally (up and out). When you toss it upwards, you store the (moving) kinetic energy as potential energy, which transfers back to kinetic when it comes whizzing back down. If you throw it only outwards, the energy is completely lost due to friction.

The higher you pitch a ball upwards, the more energy you store in it. Instead of breaking our arms trying to toss balls into the air, let's make a simple machine that will do it for us. This catapult uses elastic kinetic energy stored in the rubber band to launch the ball skyward.

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This experiment is for Advanced Students.There are several different ways of throwing objects. This is the only potato cannon we’ve found that does NOT use explosives, so you can be assured your kid will still have their face attached at the end of the day. (We’ll do more when we get to chemistry, so don’t worry!)

These nifty devices give off a satisfying *POP!!* when they fire and your backyard will look like an invasion of aliens from the French Fry planet when you’re done. Have your kids use a set of goggles and do all your experimenting outside.

Here’s what you need:

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This is a simple, fun, and sneaky way of throwing tiny objects. It’s from one of our spy-kit projects. Just remember, keep it under-cover. Here’s what you need:

  • a cheap mechanical pencil
  • two rubber bands
  • a razor with adult help
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Bobsleds use the low-friction surface of ice to coast downhill at ridiculous speeds. You start at the top of a high hill (with loads of potential energy) then slide down a icy hill til you transform all that potential energy into kinetic energy.  It’s one of the most efficient ways of energy transformation on planet Earth. Ready to give it a try?

This is one of those quick-yet-highly-satisfying activities which utilizes ordinary materials and turns it into something highly unusual… for example, taking aluminum foil and marbles and making it into a racecar.

While you can make a tube out of gift wrap tubes, it’s much more fun to use clear plastic tubes (such as the ones that protect the long overhead fluorescent lights). Find the longest ones you can at your local hardware store. In a pinch, you can slit the gift wrap tubes in half lengthwise and tape either the lengths together for a longer run or side-by-side for multiple tracks for races. (Poke a skewer through the rolls horizontally to make a quick-release gate.)

Here’s what you need:

  • aluminum foil
  • marbles (at least four the same size)
  • long tube (gift wrapping tube or the clear protective tube that covers fluorescent lighting is great)
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We're going to build monster roller coasters in your house using just a couple of simple materials. You might have heard how energy cannot be created or destroyed, but it can be transferred or transformed (if you haven't that's okay - you'll pick it up while doing this activity).

Roller coasters are a prime example of energy transfer: You start at the top of a big hill at low speeds (high gravitational potential energy), then race down a slope at break-neck speed (potential transforming into kinetic) until you bottom out and enter a loop (highest kinetic energy, lowest potential energy). At the top of the loop, your speed slows (increasing your potential energy), but then you speed up again and you zoom near the bottom exit of the loop (increasing your kinetic energy), and you're off again!

Here's what you need:

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Note: Do the pendulum experiment first, and when you’re done with the heavy nut from that activity, just use it in this experiment.

You can easily create one of these mystery toys out of an old baking powder can, a heavy rock, two paper clips, and a rubber band (at least 3″ x 1/4″).  It will keep small kids and cats busy for hours.

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This lesson we’re going to talk about kinetic energy, transfer of energy, conservation of energy and energy efficiency. This video gets you started on the right foot. We’ll outline what’s coming up for this week and how to get the most out of our lesson together. Enjoy!

This lesson we’re going to talk about the two main categories of energy: potential and kinetic. We will talk about transfer of energy and we will also discuss conservation of energy and energy efficiency. This video gets you started on the right foot. We’ll outline what’s coming up for this week and how to get the most out of our lesson together. Enjoy!

In this experiment, you’re looking for two different things:  first you’ll be dropping objects and making craters in a bowl of flour to see how energy is transformed from potential to kinetic, but you’ll also note that no matter how carefully you do the experiment, you’ll never get the same exact impact location twice.

To get started, you’ll need to gather your materials for this experiment. Here’s what you need:

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When you toss down a ball, gravity pulls on the ball as it falls (creating kinetic energy) until it smacks the pavement, converting it back to potential energy as it bounces up again. This cycles between kinetic and potential energy as long as the ball continues to bounce.

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There are many different kinds of potential energy.  We’ve already worked with gravitational potential energy, so let’s take a look at elastic potential energy.

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This is a nit-picky experiment that focuses on the energy transfer of rolling cars.  You’ll be placing objects and moving them about to gather information about the potential and kinetic energy.

We’ll also be taking data and recording the results as well as doing a few math calculations, so if math isn’t your thing, feel free to skip it.

Here’s what you need:

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This is a very simple yet powerful demonstration that shows how potential energy and kinetic energy transfer from one to the other and back again, over and over.  Once you wrap your head around this concept, you'll be well on your way to designing world-class roller coasters.

For these experiments, find your materials:

  • some string
  • a bit of tape
  • a washer or a weight of some kind
  • set of magnets (at least 6, but more is better)

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Have you ever torn apart something and then couldn’t figure out how to get it back together again so that it worked? Worse, you knew that if you had only taken a few moments to think about the problem or jot something down, you know it would have taken you far less time to figure it out?

If you’ve used the Scientific Method, you know how cumbersome it can be at times, and to be completely honest, it really isn’t the right tool for every problem in science. While I’ve mentioned the UTP before, I haven’t actually given you the exact steps to follow… until now.

Here’s a great way to explain how this works: first, you need the right starting position. Imagine if I pulled a single card out of a deck of playing cards and asked you to guess what it is. At first, you might start by randomly guessing any card that comes to your ind, but after while, you forget which you have already guessed and which you can’t tried yet. Sound frustrating? It is. Sound inefficient? It is. This is what it’s like to do a science experiment without tracking your progress. It’s insane, and yet people do it all the time. No wonder they find science frustrating!

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Let’s see how much you’ve picked up with these experiments and the reading – answer as best as you can. (No peeking at the answers until you’re done!) Just relax and see what jumps to mind when you read the question. You can also print these out and jot down your answers in your science notebook.
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Need answers?

Let’s see how much you’ve picked up with these experiments and the reading – answer as best as you can. (No peeking at the answers until you’re done!) Just relax and see what jumps to mind when you read the question. You can also print these out and jot down your answers in your science notebook.
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Need answers?

Let’s see how you did! If you didn’t get a few of these, don’t let it stress you out – it just means you need to play with more experiments in this area. We’re all works in progress, and we have our entire lifetime to puzzle together the mysteries of the universe!

Here’s printer-friendly versions of the exercises and answers for you to print out: Simply click here for K-8 and here for K-12.

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Let’s see how you did! If you didn’t get a few of these, don’t let it stress you out – it just means you need to play with more experiments in this area. We’re all works in progress, and we have our entire lifetime to puzzle together the mysteries of the universe!

Here’s printer-friendly versions of the exercises and answers for you to print out: Simply click here for K-8 and here for K-12.

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These homemade pulleys work great as long as they glide freely over the coat hanger wire (meaning that if you give them a spin, they keep spinning for a few more seconds).  You can adjust the amount of friction in the pulley by adjusting the where the metal wire bends after it emerges from the pulley.

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Silly as our application for this experiment may sound, we use this system to keep pens handy near the shopping list on the fridge.  It’s saved us from many pen-searches over the years!

We install these at various places around the house (by the telephone, fridge, front door, anywhere that you usually need a pen at the last minute), and have even seen them at the counters of local video-rental stores.

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Simple machines make our lives easier. They make it easier to lift, move and build things. Chances are that you use simple machines more than you think. If you have ever screwed in a light bulb, put the lid on a jam jar, put keys on a keychain, pierced food with a fork, walked up a ramp, or propped open a door, you've made good use of simple machines. A block and tackle setup is also a simple machine.

Block and tackle refers to pulleys and rope (in that order). One kid can drag ten adults across the room with this simple setup – we've done this class lots of times with kids and parents, and it really works! Be careful with this experiment - you'll want to keep your fingers away from the rope and don't pull too hard (kids really get carried away with this one!)

If you haven't already, make sure you try out the broomstick version of this activity first.

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We're going to be using pulleys to pull two (or more) kids with one hand. You will be using something called ‘Mechanical Advantage’, which is like using your brains instead of brute strength. When you thread the rope around the broom handles, you use 'mechanical advantage' to leverage your strength and pull more than you normally could handle.

How can you possibly pull with more strength than you have? Easy - you trade ‘force’ for ‘distance’ - you can pull ten people with one hand, but you have to pull ten feet of rope for every one foot they travel.

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Are you curious about pulleys? This set of experiments will give you a good taste of what pulleys are, how to thread them up, and how you can use them to lift heavy things.

We'll also learn how to take data with our setup and set the stage for doing the ultra-cool Pulley Lift experiments.

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What’s an inclined plane? Jar lids, spiral staircases, light bulbs, and key rings. These are all examples of inclined planes that wind around themselves.  Some inclined planes are used to lower and raise things (like a jack or ramp), but they can also used to hold objects together (like jar lids or light bulb threads).

Here’s a quick experiment you can do to show yourself how something straight, like a ramp, is really the same as a spiral staircase.

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Parts of the Lever

Levers, being simple machines, have only three simple parts. The load, the effort, and the fulcrum. Let’s start with the load. The load is basically what it is you’re trying to lift. The books in the last experiment where the load. Now for the effort. That’s you. In the last experiment, you were putting the force on the lever to lift the load. You were the effort. The effort is any kind of force used to lift the load. Last for the fulcrum. It is the pivot that the lever turns on. The fulcrum, as we’ll play with a bit more later, is the key to the effectiveness of the lever.

There are three types of levers. Their names are first-class, second-class and third-class. I love it when it’s that simple. Kind of like Dr. Seuss’s Thing One and Thing Two. The only difference between the three different levers is where the effort, load and fulcrum are.

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This isn't strictly a 'levers' experiment, but it's still a cool demonstration about simple machines, specifically how pulleys are connected with belts.

Take a rubber band and a roller skate (not in-line skates, but the old-fashioned kind with a wheel at each corner.) Lock the wheels on one side together by wrapping the rubber band around one wheel then the other.  Turn one wheel and watch the other spin.

Now crisscross the rubber band belt by removing one side of the rubber band from a wheel, giving it a half twist, and replacing it back on the wheel.  Now when you turn one wheel, the other should spin the opposite direction. Here's a quick video on what to expect:

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When people mention the word “hydraulics”, they could be talking about pumps, turbines, hydropower, erosion, or river channel flow.  The term “hydraulics” means using fluid power, and deals with machines and devices that use liquids to move, lift, drive, and shove things around.

Liquids behave in certain ways: they are incompressible, meaning that you can’t pack the liquid into a tighter space than it already is occupying.

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We’re going to use everyday objects to build a simple machine and learn how to take data. Sadly, most college students have trouble with these simple steps, so we’re getting you a head start here. The most complex science experiments all have these same steps that we’re about to do… just on a grander (and more expensive) scale. We’re going to break each piece down so you can really wrap your head around each step. Are you ready to put your new ideas to the test?

This experiment is for Advanced Students.

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This experiment is for Advanced Students. We’re going to really get a good feel for energy and power as it shows up in real life. For this experiment, you need:

  • Something that weighs about 100 grams or 4 ounces, or just grab an apple.
  • A meter or yard stick

This might seem sort of silly but it’s a good way to get the feeling for what a Joule is and what work is.
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We’re going to practice measuring and calculating real life stuff (because science isn’t just in a textbook, is it?) When I taught engineering classes, most students had never analyzed real bridges or tools before – they only worked from the textbook. So let’s jump out of the words and into action, shall we? This experiment is for Advanced Students.

Before we start, make sure you’ve worked your way through this experiment first!

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A super-fast, super-cool car that uses the pent-up energy inside a mouse trap spring to propel a homemade car forward. While normally this is reserved for high school physics classes, it really is a fun and inexpensive experiment to do with kids of all ages.

This is a great demonstration of how energy changes form. At first, the energy was  stored in the spring of the mousetrap as elastic potential energy, but after the trap is triggered, the energy is transformed into kinetic energy as rotation of the wheels.

Remember with the First Law of Thermodynamics: energy can’t be created or destroyed, but it CAN change forms. And in this case, it goes from elastic potential energy to kinetic energy.

There’s enough variation in design to really see the difference in the performance of your vehicle. If you change the size of the wheels for example, you’ll really see a difference in how far it travels. If you change the size of the wheel axle, your speed is going to change. If you alter the size of the lever arm, both your speed and distance will change. It's fun to play with the different variables to find the best vehicle you can build with your materials!

Here's what you need to do this project:

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trebuchet23This experiment is for Advanced Students. For ages, people have been hurling rocks, sticks, and other objects through the air. The trebuchet came around during the Middle Ages as a way to break through the massive defenses of castles and cities. It’s basically a gigantic sling that uses a lever arm to quickly speed up the rocks before letting go. A trebuchet is typically more accurate than a catapult, and won’t knock your kid’s teeth out while they try to load it.

Trebuchets are really levers in action. You’ll find a fulcrum carefully positioned so that a small motion near the weight transforms into a huge swinging motion near the sling. Some mis-named trebuchets are really ‘torsion engines’, and you can tell the difference because the torsion engine uses the energy stored in twisted rope or twine (or animal sinew) to launch objects, whereas true trebuchets use heavy counterweights.

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By the use of a pulley (otherwise known as a block and tackle), car mechanics lift 600 lb car engines with one hand! Cranes that lift steel girders and thousand pound air conditioning units are basically pulleys! This video gets you started on the right foot. We’ll outline what’s coming up for this week and how to get the most out of our lesson together. Enjoy!

So what is this lever thing anyway? Well, at it’s most basic level, it’s a stick and a rock…pretty simple machine huh? The lever is made up of two parts, the lever (the stick part) and the fulcrum (the rock part). Believe it or not, using this very simple machine you can lift hundreds of pounds with your bare hands and very little effort. Let’s try it.

This video gets you started on the right foot. We’ll outline what’s coming up for this week and how to get the most out of our lesson together. Enjoy!

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This experiment is just for advanced students. If you guessed that this has to do with electricity and chemistry, you’re right! But you might wonder how they work together. Back in 1800, William Nicholson and Johann Ritter were the first ones to split water into hydrogen and oxygen using electrolysis. (Soon afterward, Ritter went on to figure out electroplating.) They added energy in the form of an electric current into a cup of water and captured the bubbles forming into two separate cups, one for hydrogen and other for oxygen.

This experiment is not an easy one, so feel free to skip it if you need to. You don’t need to do this to get the concepts of this lesson but it’s such a neat and classical experiment (my students love it) so you can give it a try if you want to. The reason I like this is because what you are really doing in this experiment is ripping molecules apart and then later crashing them back together.

Have fun and please follow the directions carefully. This could be dangerous if you’re not careful. The image shown here is using graphite from two pencils sharpened on both ends, but the instructions below use wire.  Feel free to try both to see which types of electrodes provide the best results.

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If you've ever teetered on the edge of a diving board, you know that the board flexes under your weight.  The heavier you are, the more it bends.  The top of the board gets slightly stretched further than the normal length (tension) while the underside gets slightly shorter (compressed). We're going to duplicate this without needing to visit the pool.

We're going to expand on the topic covered in the Tension and Compression section of this article. All you need for this experiment is:
  • a pencil or a craft stick that you don’t mind breaking
  • a pair of hands
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A non-Newtonian fluid is a substance that changes viscosity, such as ketchup.  Ever notice how ketchup sticks to the bottom of the bottle one minute and comes sliding out the next?

Think of viscosity as the resistance stuff has to being smeared around.   Water is “thin” (low viscosity); honey is “thick” (high viscosity).  You are about to make a substance that is both (low and high viscosity), depending on what ratio you mix up. Feel free to mix up a larger batch then indicated in the video – we’ve heard from families that have mixed up an entire kiddie pool of this stuff!

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Now, that you’ve spent some quality time with atoms and that wacky electron fellow you have a bit of an understanding of what is inside everything. The next thing you need to know is…what’s everything?

We’re going to study atoms, their parts, as well as how they work together. Are you ready? You can get started by watching this video:

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soapWhen you warm up leftovers, have you ever wondered why the microwave heats the food and not the plate? (Well, some plates, anyway.) It has to do with the way microwaves work.

Microwaves generate high energy electromagnetic waves that when aimed at water molecules, makes these molecules get super-excited and start bouncing around a lot.

We see this happen when we heat water in a pot on the stove. When you add energy to the pot (by turning on the stove), the water molecules start vibrating and moving around faster and faster the more heat you add. Eventually, when the pot of water boils, the top layer of molecules are so excited they vibrate free and float up as steam.

When you add more energy to the water molecule, either by using your stove top or your nearest microwave,  you cause those water molecules to vibrate faster. We detect these faster vibrations by measuring an increase in the temperature of the water molecules (or in the food containing water). Which is why it’s dangerous to heat anything not containing water in your microwave, as there’s nowhere for that energy to go, since the electromagnetic radiation is tuned to excite water molecules.

To explain this to younger kids (who might confuse radio waves with sounds waves) you might try this:

There’s light everywhere, some of which you can see (like rainbows) and others that you can’t see (like the infrared beam coming from your TV remote, or the UV rays from the sun that give you a sunburn). The microwave shoots invisible light beams at your food that are tuned to heat up the water molecule.

The microwave radiation emitted by the microwave oven can also excite other polarized molecules in addition to the water molecule, which is why some plates also get hot. The soap in this experiment below will show you how a bar of Ivory soap contains air, and that air contains water vapor which will get heated by the microwave radiation and expand. Are you ready?

Here’s what you need:

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Crystals are formed when atoms line up in patterns and solidify.  There are crystals everywhere — in the form of salt, sugar, sand, diamonds, quartz, and many more!

To make crystals, you need to make a very special kind of solution called a supersaturated solid solution.  Here’s what that means: if you add salt by the spoonful to a cup of water, you’ll reach a point where the salt doesn’t disappear (dissolve) anymore and forms a lump at the bottom of the glass.

The point at which it begins to form a lump is just past the point of saturation. If you heat up the saltwater, the lump disappears.  You can now add more and more salt, until it can’t take any more (you’ll see another lump starting to form at the bottom).  This is now a supersaturated solid solution.  Mix in a bit of water to make the lump disappear.  Your solution is ready for making crystals.  But how?

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penny-structureThe atoms in a solid, as we mentioned before, are usually held close to one another and tightly together. Imagine a bunch of folks all stuck to one another with glue. Each person can wiggle and jiggle but they can’t really move anywhere.

Atoms in a solid are the same way. Each atom can wiggle and jiggle but they are stuck together. In science, we say that the molecules have strong bonds between them. Bonds are a way of describing how atoms and molecules are stuck together.

There’s nothing physical that actually holds them together (like a tiny rope or something). Like the Earth and Moon are stuck together by gravity forces, atoms and molecules are held together by nuclear and electromagnetic forces. Since the atoms and molecules come so close together they will often form crystals.

Try this experiment and then we will talk more about this:
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Can we really make crystals out of soap?  You bet!  These crystals grow really fast, provided your solution is properly saturated.  In only 12 hours, you should have sizable crystals sprouting up.

You can do this experiment with either skewers, string, or pipe cleaners.  The advantage of using pipe cleaners is that you can twist the pipe cleaners together into interesting shapes, such as a snowflake or other design.  (Make sure the shape fits inside your jar.)

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CAUTION!! Be careful with this!! This experiment uses a knife AND a microwave, so you’re playing with things that slice and gets things hot. If you’re not careful you could cut yourself or burn yourself. Please use care!

We’re going to create the fourth state of matter in your microwave using food.  Note – this is NOT the kind of plasma doctors talk about that’s associated with blood.  These are two entirely different things that just happen to have the same name.  It’s like the word ‘trunk’, which could be either the storage compartment of a car or an elephant’s nose.  Make sense?

Plasma is what happens when you add enough energy (often in the form of raising the temperature) to a gas so that the electrons break free and start zinging around on their own.  Since electrons have a negative charge, having a bunch of free-riding electrons causes the gas to become electrically charged.  This gives some cool properties to the gas.  Anytime you have charged particles (like naked electrons) off on their own, they are referred to by scientists as ions.  Hopefully this makes the dry textbook definition make more sense now (“Plasma is an ionized gas.”)

So here’s what you need:

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emperorpenguinsDensity is basically how tightly packed atoms are. Mathematically, density is mass/volume. In other words, it is how heavy something is, divided by how much space it takes up. If you think about atoms as marbles (which we know they’re not from the last lessons but it’s a useful model), then something is more dense if its marbles are jammed close together.

For example, take a golf ball and a ping pong ball. Both are about the same size or, in other words, take up the same volume. However, one is much heavier, has more mass, than the other. The golf ball has its atoms much more closely packed together than the ping pong ball and as such the golf ball is denser.

This experiment builds on the Play With Your Food experiment, so we’ll be learning more about density.  Are you ready?

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Density is basically how tightly packed atoms are. (Mathematically, density is mass divided by volume.) For example, take a golf ball and a ping pong ball. Both are about the same size or, in other words, take up the same volume.

However, one is much heavier, has more mass, than the other. The golf ball has its atoms much more closely packed together than the ping pong ball and as such the golf ball is denser.

These are quick and easy demonstrations for density that use simple household materials:
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This is a simple experiment that really shows the relationship of mass, volume, and density.  You don't need anything fancy, just a piece of bread.  If you do have a scale that can measure small masses (like a kitchen scale), bring it out, but it is not essential.

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A gram of water (about a thimble of water) contains 1023 atoms. (That’s a ‘1’ with 23 zeros after it.) That means there are 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 atoms in a thimble of water! That’s more atoms than there are drops of water in all the lakes and rivers in the world.

Nearly all the mass of an atom is in its nucleus which occupies less than a trillionth of the volume of the atom. They are very dense. If you could pack nuclei like marbles, into something the size of a large pea, they would weigh about a billion tons! That’s 2,000,000,000,000 pounds! More than the weight of 20,000 battle ships! That’s a heavy pea!

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We’re going to take two everyday materials, salt and vinegar, and use them to grow crystals by creating a solution and allowing the liquids to evaporate.  These crystals can be dyed with food coloring, so you can grow yourself a rainbow of small crystals overnight.

The first thing you need to do is gather your materials.  You will need:

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Geodes are formed from gas bubbles in flowing lava. Up close, a geode is a crystallized mineral deposit that is usually very dull and ordinary-looking on the outside.  When you crack open a geode, however, it’s like being inside a crystal cave.  We’ll use an eggshell to simulate a gas bubble in flowing lava.

We’re going to dissolve alum in water and place the solution into an eggshell. In real life, minerals are dissolved in groundwater and placed in a gas bubble pocket.  In both cases, you will be left with a geode.

Note: These crystals are not for eating, just for looking.

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This experiment is for advanced students. Water Glass is another name for Sodium Silicate (Na2SiO3), which is one of the chemicals used to grow underwater rock crystal gardens. Metal refers to the metal salt seed crystal you will use to start your crystals growing.  You can use any of the following metals listed.  Note however, that certain metals will give you different colors of crystals.

Your crystals begin growing the instant you toss in the seed crystals.  These crystals are especially delicate and fragile – just sloshing the liquid around is enough to break the crystal spikes, so place your solution in a safe location before adding your seed crystals.

After your garden has finished growing to the height and width you want, simply pour out the sodium silicate solution and replace with fresh water (or no water at all).  Due do the nature of these chemicals, keep out of reach of small children, and build your garden with adult supervision.

Here’s what you need to get:

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We're going to watch how density works by making a simple lava lamp that doesn't need electricity! If you like to watch blob-type shapes shift and ooze around, then this is something you're going to want to experiment with.  but don't feel that you have to use the materials mentioned below - feel free to experiment with other liquids you have around the house, and be sure to let me know what you've found in the comment section below.

All you need is about 10 minutes and a few quick items you already have around the house.  Are you ready?

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Charcoal crystals uses evaporation to grow the crystals, which will continue to grow for weeks afterward.  You’ll need a piece of very porous material, such as a charcoal briquette, sponge, or similar object to absorb the solution and grow your crystals as the liquid evaporates.  These crystals are NOT for eating, so be sure to keep your growing garden away from young children and pets! This project is exclusively for advanced students, as it more involves toxic chemicals than just salt and sugar.

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