For homeschool students the summer is the ideal time to enhance their science skills by entering science based competitions. It could be essay competitions, or ones which involve actual working models. You don’t have to even travel physically to a specific location if you participate in the number of virtual science fairs run by certain organizations. Go through the list of science fairs that you can find online. Pick the one that appeals to you best and enter the competition.
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Is it worth investing in a computer just for your homeschool classroom? Yes it is. It may not seem like it initially, but it is a wise investment.  You will do so much with the computer that you will recover the cost in terms of man hours within the first month. Here are some ways to ensure that you get the most out of this teaching aid.

User Ids for Each Homeschool Student

Set up a laptop with different user ids for each of your homeschool students. Ensure that you retain administrator rights on your user id.  It will allow you to restrict their access to programs that you want them to use. It will also enable you to mark the progress that they make on their different assignments. Make sure that they know that the passwords can not be changed. Also ensure that they do not log into their sibling’s user ids or you will have a problem. This will allow all data on the user id to be preserved as well.

Your Schedules, Reports and Lesson Plans

A homeschool teacher has to do a lot of paperwork. Now when you create a digital version of a document, you can use it as a form to fill in later ones. The amount of time spent duplicating these sheets for formal record keeping or simply trying to keep track of what you need to do will reduce drastically. In addition the lesson plans that you make for a specific grade can be easily stored and reused when the next homeschool student reaches the said grade. It’s easy to have a standard weekly schedule form and use it for different weeks.

Worksheets and Printables

Having your dedicated laptop and printer for the homeschool classroom makes it easier for the homeschool teacher to design and take printouts of customized worksheets. Often worksheets online may include questions of stuff that you may not have taught. You can look over stuff on different websites and then design your own so that your homeschoolers have worksheets based on exactly what has been covered in the theory class.

The aid that technology provides a homeschool teacher, is great. So many aspects of teaching will become simplified by using gadgets such as a digital camera, a projector, and a laptop connected to the internet. While a person who is not too comfortable with gadgets may say that traditional schooling with books is all that is required, there is no denying the advantages of using more technology in the homeschool classroom.

Prepare for the Future

You may not want your homeschool student to be addicted to screens, but there is no denying the fact that your child will need to learn how to handle them at some stage in the future. He needs to be able to use a computer, work a basic camera and download images, not to mention learn how to access and use different apps on the smartphone. You are not doing them any favors by keeping them away from basic technology that they will need to master to survive in the future.

Easier Collaboration on Projects

If your child wants to work with other friends on a science project, it would be far easier for them to use technology to keep in touch than meeting up everyday in person. By using email and other software that is easily accessed via the internet your homeschool students can work on the same project and make good progress even when they are apart physically. It is also easier to keep track of how the experiments are proceeding and record the results. Proving it easier to make reports on the science project as well. It can also help your homeschool student learn how to function as part of a team.

Engage Students and Free Up Teacher’s Time

The biggest advantage of using technology in the homeschool classroom is that you can set students tasks using gadgets that do not require your constant supervision. By setting them up on a computer based learning program, you can ensure that the homeschool student is being tested as he proceeds to learn more about a topic. All while you are freed up to handle other tasks in the homeschool classroom.

When you don’t attend a regular school there is a tendency for the summer vacation to be nothing great to be excited about. You know that school will continue as usual even if the rest of the regular school kids are having a couple of months off.This may be a good time to vary the routine for homeschool students.
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Since homeschool students do not have a bus to catch to school, they could start the morning later in the day. However the ideal time to start teaching in the homeschool classroom has been an often debated topic. There are those who feel that allowing the children to run through their daily chores in the morning and begin studying after an early lunch may be a better way to use the whole day productively.

While others may argue that the children’s minds are fresh early in the morning and should be used to concentrate on studies at that time. Also what works for one family may not work as well for another. Plus the age of the homeschool student makes a difference. Younger children need less sleep than a teenager would, making it easier for them to wake up in the morning and begin school work. If you are sitting on the fence of this debate and wondering where side you need to fall on, here are some considerations.

The Circadian System in Teenagers

It is now supported by scientific research that teenagers need nearly 14 hours of sleep as compared to adults who can get by just fine with 8 to 10 hours. Mary A. Carskadon, a sleep researcher at the Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University has found that most teenagers are sleep deprived due to waking up early for school, and not going to bed early to make up the difference. The lack of sleep has been linked to lower academic performances as well as an increase in petty crime rate for the sleep deprived teenagers.

What Can You Do About This?

As a homeschool teacher of teenage children, you may want to get your homeschool students tucked into bed at a regular hour, relatively early in the evening. In addition you may want to allow them to sleep in late enough to complete about 10 to 12 hours to sleep. Also get them to take that nap in the afternoon to make up their sleep deficiency. You will find that after they get their full quota of sleep, you angry teenagers are actually doing better at school work.

Often a child is encouraged to try a different learning activity if he has access to the materials that he will need. One homeschooling mother shared that having her fiction books up in a proper bookcase was all it took for her children to start reading. They didn’t want to dig into a cardboard box in which she had placed the books earlier, but seeing the books easily accessible in the shelf made them start reading more. Here are some ways in which you can encourage your homeschool students to do more around the homeschool classroom.

List of Tools to Give Access to Homeschool Students

While books are a good starting point, there are a number of other tools that can help speed up learning for your homeschool student. Providing them with all kinds of different tools can help create a learning rich environment for them in the homeschool classroom. A list of such tools could include things such as a magnifying glass, binoculars, measuring tape, rulers, play dough, a camera, blank sheets of paper, and art supplies.

Create a Learning Counter 

Having a dedicated space where they can experiment is a great idea. It can be as simple as setting aside a small table for them. Or they can use a roll up mat on the floor if they need more space to spread out. The idea is to give them a place where they can sit and do what they want when experimenting with the different tools that you have made available to them. It will help them be more creative, learn new facts on their own, and keep busy when you are unable to give them direct supervision in the homeschool classroom.

Invite them to Undertake Specific Activities

A little challenge can go a long way when encouraging them to take up a new experiment or project. You can offer them a reading nook where everyone takes turns to read out a specific story that they liked. Or have them come up with a snack for the siblings at a kitchen center. It would be interesting to get them to draw up a map of the immediate neighborhood on a large chart paper. There’s so much that can be done.

Summer is the perfect season to bring in new learning activities into the lives of your homeschooled children. You are not as focused on classroom activities, formal lessons are on a break, and its time to have some fun. Make that fun instructive and you have a set of learning activities that you can do in the summer holidays.
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Shifting from regular school to homeschool requires a fair amount of adjustment for both the new homeschool teacher, as well as the class full of homeschool students. A tool that can help with this transition is deschooling.

What is Deschooling?

It is a period of time taken out to help students understand that their lives may not be governed by school bells, class schedules and teachers anymore. Instead they are encouraged to learn in new and innovative ways. On their own and often at a pace that they wish to set. It is a time when the child learn to de-link from school as a regular institution and link up with the school ways that allow him to learn on his own with the guidance of the homeschool teacher.

How to Deschool your Homeschoolers?

The longer a child has been in a regular school, the more shifts in attitude and behavior will be required. The homeschool teacher should figure in a generous time for the deschooling of the new homeschool student. Patience is a must because often children don’t want to do things the way they had to in regular school, but may object when a new teaching method is introduced by saying that’s not how they did it in school. The children are confused and need to be guided to the new normal by the parent.

Allow them to Indulge their Curiosity and Imagination

These two qualities have little space to bloom in a regular classroom. A student is often asked to stick to the essentials. They are rarely allowed the freedom to be creative in their expression and imaginations are often kept on a short leash. They need to be shown that now they are allowed to indulge in their creativity. That speaking up with a vivid imagination is not a waste of time. The changes will be gradual as the conditioning of the child needs to be overcome.

Give them the time and space they need to make the adjustments for a more productive learning schedule to take shape in the future. The time spent deschooling can help them immensely.

A number of parents wonder about homeschooling. They want to start, but since their children are already in regular schools, they are not sure how to figure out the transition. They are often also worried about being able to handle the demands of homeschooling. Here’s a simple manner in which these families can test drive the concept of homeschooling without making any major changes.

Speak to the Students

If your children are old enough to go to school, you can discuss the concept of homeschooling with them. Get their reaction to the idea of studying at home. If they are enthusiastic about it, speak of all the ways it will affect them and the changes that they will face. Ask them to get on board with trying out homeschooling during the summer break from school. Should they agree, go ahead and set up a fixed time trial to see if the homeschooling concept works for your family.

Set up the School Room

Having a dedicated space to sit down and study will be important for your homeschool students. Since they are used to regular school, they will do better with a more structured environment and schedule. Tell them to pick seats, cupboard shelves and study areas for themselves in the homeschool classroom that you set up. This will help them ease into the homeschooling trial. It will also give them a sense of control when they begin homeschooling.

Keep Some Time for Summer Fun

The children may resent having to give up their summer break completely. So make sure that you include fun activities like you would have during a regular summer holiday as well. These could include a camping trip or a visit to the grandparents, especially if they stay out of town. Other activities could include summer sports, hobby classes, and volunteering at the zoo or a museum. These activities should be designed to have fun, not to teach the children anything.

At the end of the summer of homeschooling, get the feedback from the children before you make your final decision. The entire family will have a much clearer picture about what they prefer after the trial run.

There are more children being homeschooled today than ever before. The statistical data seems to suggest that most parents tend to prefer homeschooling their children rather than sending them to a regular school to attend regular classes. What is the reason for this drastic shift in the way education is imparted?
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Getting ready for life is the purpose of education, and if you are homeschooling your child, you need to get him or her ready to live in the real world. Here are some basic skills that your homeschool student needs to master to be successful in the journey of life.

Note Taking

One of the most crucial skills is to be able to take notes when some one else is speaking. Not only does this come in handy when the homeschool student is learning something in the classroom, but it is a skill that will continue to serve them well when they are attending lectures in college. It also comes in handy when they join the work force and needs to attend meetings where a number of points may be conveyed to work upon.

Time Management

Taking responsibility of their time is important for the homeschool student. While children who are younger may require constant parental guidance about how to best make use of their time, the older ones should be able to work out their own schedules and maintain them. Having to set realistic deadlines and meeting them is a very useful skill no matter what task your homeschool student may be performing. Time management allows them to keep track of their assignments and goals effectively.

Written Communication

Writing reports, essays, letters, and emails ensures that the written communication skills of a the homeschool student develop adequately. Being able to write down and communicate efficiently is always going to come in handy in life. Everything from a list of chores that you want someone to do, to filing in your taxes once you begin working will require the homeschool student to have good writing skills. It’s a good idea to give them enough practice in the homeschool classroom regarding this skill.

Self Advocacy 

The homeschool parent is not always going to be with the student. It behooves the child to be able to put their own point across to other people even in the absence of their parents and teachers. While familiar adults may be well versed in the needs of the child, the child should learn to explain their needs to others who may not be aware of them. In order to do this the child needs to be able to analyse what he needs in a particular situation, then communicate that need to the person present who may meet it.

There are days when you are feeling tired in mind and body, but you still have a homeschool classroom to manage. These are the days when a homeschool teacher should have a number of back up activities planned for. You can take a partial day off from teaching actively to giving the homeschool students some assignments that don’t need too much in terms of supervision from your side. Here are some ideas that could work for your homeschooling family.

The Educational Videos

Have a couple of DVDs ready for the homeschool students to watch on a topic that would be educational. You can even use the internet to rig up instant access to multiple learning channels on YouTube. To make sure that they actually see the videos and learn something, have them submit a written report on what they see.

Physical Activities

If your children are old enough, you can send them for a bike ride to the local park. Let them pack a picnic lunch and go spend some time outdoors. The older homeschool students will have to be in charge of the younger siblings. Or just let them all out in the backyard and play catch or hide and go seek. The idea is to keep them active and occupied.

The Crafty Project

If your homeschool students are the kind who enjoy making stuff, give them a craft project. Let them design and paint a frame for their photographs. Or have them make and decorate a basket in which they can store their toys. Let them make cards for upcoming festivals or birthdays. Just give them the art supplies and let them lose on their respective canvas or card pages.

The Music Song and Dance

This is a good time to make them choreograph a new set of steps on their favorite song. Or to get them to practice singing a new song by learning it’s lyrics. The activity is fun, and they won’t resist it. Especially if they get to show case their final production to the full family. You can even have family and friends over for the show and provide snacks.

Homeschooling has become a choice that more and more parents are opting for these days. The reasons for homeschooling may differ but it is undeniable that more children are being homeschooled by their parents today than ever before. A number of these homeschooling parents worry about just how well they are coping with educating their children. They may have high ideals but are they really succeeding in passing on the kind of instruction that they hoped to? This is a question that can be easily answered if the child is allowed to compete with his peers in contests.
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You have heard about sick days in the corporate world? It is when the employee needs to take an off to recover from an illness. A homeschool mother’s mental health day is a similar concept. It’s the day the homeschool mother takes off, leaving her loving kids in the hands of another trustworthy adult. How does a homeschool parent spend this mental health day? Here are some ideas.

Settle the Kids First

If you’re worrying about what the kids are up to, you are not going to get much of a break. To ensure that you don’t ruin your day off, try and keep the kids with a responsible adult who you trust. Then you can give them tasks that require little or no supervision such as design a book cover for the book they are reading. Or build a fort within the house. Or draw their favorite cartoon character on a poster with a motivational quote. It’s all about busy work.

Head Out of the Home

Most mothers find it difficult to unplug from the homeschool classroom even when another substitute homeschool teacher is involved. The best way to get a total break is to head out of the home and do something that you usually don’t have time for. Tie up with your friends to do lunch in a fine dining restaurant. Go see that movie you have been wanting to. Attend a workshop on learning something that interests you. Just get out of the home so that you are not thinking about what the kids are doing.

Just Step Back and Relax

If you are so tired that you literally have no energy, then settle the kids as above and settle yourself back into your bed and go to sleep. Yes, sleep deprivation can take a huge toll on your health. A few hours of sleep when you are not responsible for the homeschool students or the chores at home will have you waking up refreshed. You can continue your day of rest by remaining tucked into bed with a good book, not a text book or study resource, and lazing.

Festivals can be used as a great learning tool with your homeschooling class. As most festivals revolve around specific events (such as Independence Day or Thanksgiving)or individuals (such as St. Patrick’s Day or Christmas) your child can be taught about this cultural history in a fun filled manner.
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In the majority of homeschool families the trend is for the mother to be the primary homeschool teacher, as the father is usually busy with the day job that supports the family. This does not mean that the father in the homeschooling family can not contribute to the learning of the homeschool students. Here are some ideas to apply if you want to help your children as a homeschool dad.

Stick With The Strengths

The father should not act like a replacement homeschool teacher for the mother. He should hone in on the subjects that he is good at and help the homeschool students with doubts in those. If he can figure out a schedule for holding regular weekly classes in these subjects, all the better.

Plan Outside Educational Activities

This does not mean just playing out in the backyard with the homeschool students. The homeschool dad has the opportunity to actually organize outings for the kids where they will have a chance to see or learn something new. It could be a field trip to a national park, a visit to the local museum, a musical recital or even a play performance. The idea is to expose the kids to something different each time. They go off with the father for these activities.

The Project Supervisor

Project based learning is a good experiential learning experience for homeschool students. The homeschooling father can be made in charge of these projects. He can supervise the process, guide the children on how to make progress and share the benefit of his experience with them without actually stepping in as a teacher in the homeschool classroom.

The Chore Guide

There are a number of chores that the homeschool students can be shown how to help with around the house, and as they grow older, outside the house as well. The homeschool father can become the guide for these chores. He can give demonstrations about how the chore needs to be done, then mentor the homeschool students as they learn to perform the chores by themselves. All the kids should learn at least five chores around the house.

There’s a lot of writing that can be added to different subjects in the curriculum of a homeschool student. Here are some ideas to get you started on writing assignments.

Historical Reports

Have them study a specific historical event in their curriculum and then write down a report on it. They need to be able to describe the incident, the impact it had and what they feel about it in terms of their own opinion. This will allow them to learn the skills of reading and understanding what they read. Of collecting pertinent facts and putting them down in points. Also being able to think for themselves whether an event was important or not. Not to mention learning how to express their own opinion in a respectful and positive manner.

Science Project Reports

Getting your homeschool students to the scientific method is a good way to introduce them to making their own science project reports. Have them draw up hypothesis, possible ways to prove the hypothesis and records of how the experiments went. It will have them scrambling to note down their observations and speak of the different results that their experiments generate. Want to make the write some more? Add biographies of scientists who discovered the laws that they are basing their initial hypothesis on.

Math Word Problems and Notes

Have your homeschool students come up with word problems that they can write out and solve in math. The real life situations can be used to define specific concepts. Ask them to take notes while you explain mathematical concepts with real life examples. This will have them writing some more. Give them ready worksheets for math as well. They can come up with more word problems of a similar nature and work them out for extra practice.

Book Reports and Reviews

For every book that they read, ask them to write a review. Describe what it was about, discuss how they liked it or didn’t and give recommendations of what could make the book better. It’s a good exercise to get their thinking caps on. It will also help them to think out of the box and come up with new ideas.

A number of reasons exist for parents to send their children to a regular school. There are just as many reasons if not more for parents to make their children follow a homeschool program. Let us consider a few of these reasons.
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There is the basic skill of writing which backs all learning in the homeschool classroom. However most homeschool students are not very keen on writing down their lessons. They are happy to rattle off their knowledge orally but ask them to take a paper and write it down, and more often than not you will hear them groan and complain. So what can you do to help them enjoy writing more?

Get Creative With Writing

If the only time your child is writing is when they have to do worksheets or practice math, they are not going to enjoy it. Instead, allow them to do some creative writing. Show them an interesting picture and ask them to write down what they see in it. Ask them to build a story around the picture if they can come up with characters and a plot in discussion with you. Let them enjoy the process of thinking and writing.

Writing Doesn’t Always Have to be Pen and Paper

By changing the material that they write with or write on, you will interest them to keep writing some more. Give them oil paper and crayons and ask them to write a list of things they want for their birthday. Give them broad markers and ask them to write greetings on card paper to family members who may have birthdays coming up. Give them ideas about what they want to write. Discuss the concept of writing short stories, poems and flash fiction.

The Practical Aspects of Writing

Show them the use of writing in day to day life. Ask them to write out a list of groceries at the kitchen table as you open the cupboards to check what all needs to be replaced. Make them write out a message from a caller to the parent when they answer the telephone. Have them write out their letters to grand parents describing their day or a field trip that they took. Show them the importance of writing in daily communication. When they see it as a useful tool, they will be more eager to learn and practice writing.

It’s Okay If You Can’t Do Everything

The first time you attend a homeschool convention, you may feel that you should go to every single event in the schedule. It’s simply not possible. There will be some happening at the same time. You will have other mingling to do. So it’s perfectly fine to give yourself permission to not do everything. Don’t feel guilty when you planned to do ten things in the day and barely managed to get six done.

Bring Cash, Cards and Cheques

These conventions are a great place to invest in study material and resources for your homeschool classroom. Don’t get surprised if some of the vendors are unable to process a credit card. Many of them are homeschool parents themselves and will be happier receiving cash for your purchases. The bigger brands will have swipe machines available. So keep your payment options open.

Carry a Rolling Suitcase

There will be a number of heavy purchases made. You do not want your shoulders to be weighed down with a bag or backpack. Get a small, empty, rolling suitcase along with you to the convention hall. It can hold all your material with ease and you can have your hands free most of the time as you can simply leave it at your feet and go through the books in front of you.

Visit the “Used” Sales

There is usually a section out back where the “used” and second hand material is available. Some of it may be in remarkably good shape. Make sure that you go through the stuff here, specially if there are already specific resources that you are looking for. At times simply browsing through the stuff on sale can uncover a couple of gems that you would not of thought of.

Go in a Group With Friends

It’s always better to travel in a group. You can scout out more when there’s a good number of people together. Plus it’s a fun experience to share with your friends. If you have kids with you, the other adults can also help keep an eye on them at the times that you are busy with a workshop or some other activity.

Many homeschooling parents enjoy teaching their children at home. They can be quite organized about the time they spend in the “classroom” and equally particular about the play time that their children enjoy. It can be however quite a herculean task to come up with fun activities day after day for the children to do. After sometime all the ideas in the text books get exhausted and the children still want things to do.
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There’s more to attending a homeschool convention than simply showing up. By handling the logistics in advance you can ensure that you stay frugal even while getting the most bang for your buck.

Pre-Book and Get the Early Bird Discounts

Most homeschool convention registrations are cheaper if you get them done well in advance. Up to 6 weeks before the actual event, you should be able to get a good discount on the price. If you can team up with other homeschool families and register as a group, the price may drop further. Float the idea among your local homeschool community to see if there are any takers.

Decide If You Want to Bring The Kids Along

Sometimes it can work out well bringing the kids along as they can be attending interesting workshops and doing some travelling. The experience can help them grow as individuals. However, at times it may be simply more convenient to travel to the convention on your own. This could be a working vacation for the homeschool parent. You get a break from the homeschool classroom, but learn so much that you can take back to it.

Plan Accommodation and Travel In Advance

Since staying is usually the biggest expenditure if the convention is out of town, look out for family or friends in the city who don’t mind you crashing with them for a few days. The next option is to look for homestays with apps like Airbnb, or Oyo rooms. Hotels are the mist expensive and should be a last resort. Traveling to the destination also needs to be fixed whether it’s a bus or road trip in your own car.

Go Through the Event Schedule for Speakers and Workshops

To get the most out of the homeschool convention, go through the event schedule and plan out your days in advance. Some of the workshops may require additional registration. Once at the venue you have little time to think and can become lost trying to figure out what to do next. By ensuring that you have already circled the events you need to attend, you will have a much more positive experience.

Homeschool conventions are run in practically every state of the US. You can get online and find out the schedule for the year with ease.  There are many benefits to attending a homeschool convention. There are a large number of homeschool vendors available in once place. They offer fabulous discounts on most of their products. Speakers will share tips on different aspects of homeschooling. You get to socialize with other homeschooling families and your children can treat it as an educational field trip.

Do Some Research Before You Reach

There will be tons of vendors at the convention. Most of them also will be homeschooling parents themselves. Have a list of people that you want to meet. It will help you avoid the overwhelm at the venue. Just like a shopping list helps keep the weekly grocery shopping on track, your list will keep you focused on meeting with the vendors who you feel can help you with specific issues. Explain your requirements to them and see what they suggest.

Don’t Buy Stuff on Day 1

Most homeschool conventions last two to three days. Make sure that you attend all days and do not buy anything on the first day. Just use the first day to familiarize yourself with all that the convention has to offer. Then make another list of stuff that you feel is cool, useful and what you want. The second day you will have weeded out the impulse purchases and go with what is actually essential. Also remember to have a fixed budget in your head before you  start shopping. Maxing out your card at the convention is not acceptable.

Listen to the Speakers

At each convention you have a host of different topics being covered by the speakers. Most of the talks are free to attend along with the admission to the convention. Make sure you take advantage of these speakers experiences. Most of them have finished homeschooling their own kids and are now out to help others who are doing the same. You will pick up a number of tips by simply listening to them.

Science is all around us. In the flutter of the butterfly or the roar of the car engine we can find science related principles to study. There is always the possibility of converting anything that you see into a science observation. Take it one step further and you can make it an interactive science activity. Be it biology, chemistry or physics, we are surrounded by possible homeschooling science activities.
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Being stuck in a job you dislike can be instrumental in having a miserable life. On the other hand if you choose a job that you love to do, you will be happy every single morning for the rest of your working life. Since the homeschool student is not exposed to many professionals, it may be a good idea for the homeschool parent to ensure that they learn a bit about different jobs by actually getting to do them for a while. Here’s how they can make it happen for homeschool students who are in high school.


Self employed professionals in your area may be willing to take on your homeschool student as an apprentice. The opportunities could be in appliance repairs, piano tuning, or even plumbing. The idea is to expose your homeschool student to a skill set that they can pick up which has a professional application. It will allow the real life experience to seep in before the child picks a career of their own. In addition the type of skills they learn will be helpful to them around the house as they grow up and live alone.


Bigger companies are often looking for interns who can work at the smaller jobs around the office. The internships could be free or paid, full time or part time. Depending on the type of company and work that your homeschool student is interested in, it may be a good idea to trace the companies in your town who are looking for interns. A number of colleges also prefer the students who have done an internship, so besides learning new skills, the student will be able to add positively to their resume.


A number of organizations such as hospitals, zoos, nursing homes, rescue operations, and animal shelters don’t have the money to pay full time employees. Most of them are happy to work with volunteers who they can train to do the hob. This is a good way for the homeschool student to get some experience, pick up new skills and make a positive contribution to society. They can volunteer at different places till they find something they truly care about.

As a homeschooling parent you will need to keep records to help you with the daunting task of teaching all the subjects to your child at home. Things would perhaps go easier if you were able to separate these records into different heads giving you an easier overview of what you have already done, what you wish to do and what all your child has accomplished. The easiest way to keep records is to break it down in terms of time.
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As a child grows older the expectations from the homeschool parent change. When they transition from middle school to high school, it’s a good time to explain the changing rules in the homeschool classroom to them. Here are some aspects that you may want to speak with the homeschool student about.

Guided to Independent Studies

As the homeschool student moves from middle school to high school it’s a good idea for the homeschool teacher to move from hand holding to a supervisory sort of guidance. It’s time for the homeschool student to study on their own more than wait to be taught everything by the homeschool parent. Encourage the child to learn on their own. To explore new topics, and to find the resources that can help them learn more about them.

Choosing the Curriculum and Schedule

As a young child the homeschool student was made to follow the curriculum and schedule that the homeschool parent felt was best. Now as they head into high school encourage them to make their own schedules. Guide them to balance the subjects each day, but allow them to create their own lesson plans and what they would like to learn during the week. It will teach them how to take responsibility for their own learning, while freeing up the homeschool parent’s time.

Identifying and Improving Weaknesses

For the most part it’s easy to tell what subjects a child is weak in for the homeschool parent, however it is important that the homeschool student also learns to identify this. It’s usually the subjects that they don’t feel comfortable with or the ones that they avoid because they don’t understand. It’s important that they understand that this is a weakness, and then figure out ways in which to improve.

Planning for the Future

It’s important that your homeschool student know where he or she is headed. High school is the time to plan what they want to do with their lives. Think of jobs they may want to do, and the qualifications that they will need to do those jobs. It’s a good idea for the children to write down a plan for their own future and then make up the steps that will lead to it’s success.

No matter how fit a homeschool parent is, at one stage they will not be able to keep up with the physical energy of their homeschool students. So how do you find outlets for all that energy without having to push your own self physically to do activities with them. Here’s a list of suggestions.

Family Gym Membership

Getting a family gym membership is a good idea when you want to combine a light workout for the homeschool parent with a more intensive one for the homeschool students. Most gyms offer classes on aerobics, zumba or kick boxing, which could work as an additional exercise session for the homeschool students, while the parent catches their breath.

Yoga Classes

For those blessed with active children, a yoga class can prove to be a boon. Yoga helps balance the mind and body energies. Not only will the children find the yoga asanas challenging, they will automatically develop a serious control over their mind. Yoga is a low intensity workout which can still be quite tiring physically speaking. A good option for your homeschool students.


Those interested in a more traditional set of exercises, may like to place their homeschool students in a formal athletics training class. Running could be a simple exercise that doesn’t need a formal class. Other sports that the child may be interested in could also be given a shot. Try the local YMCA or community sports center to get free coaching if the budget is rather tight and doesn’t allow for extra classes.

Rock Climbing

This is a relatively new fad, but can be a good full body exercise. There are rock climbing centers where the homeschool students can learn the basics of safety and technique involved in rock climbing. The homeschool parent does not need to be physically active in this class as the instructors are trained to overlook the safety of the students participating.

Martial Arts Classes

Karate, tae kwon do, judo, or any other martial arts classes are a good way to keep active kids engaged. They are physically demanding and ensure that the homeschool students get a good workout. You can find the local instructors who offer these classes online or through word of mouth from other parents whose children are attending such classes.

It can be difficult for a parent to get the degree of formality required to make the transition from parent to teacher in a homeschool. This is especially true when you are starting out homeschooling your young pre schoolers. In this case it comes in handy to establish a formal identity for the homeschool. Here is what you can do to make the transition from parent to teacher easier for your child to understand.
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In this experiment, you’re looking for two different things:  first you’ll be dropping objects and making craters in a bowl of flour to see how energy is transformed from potential to kinetic, but you’ll also note that no matter how carefully you do the experiment, you’ll never get the same exact impact location twice.

To get started, you’ll need to gather your materials for this experiment. Here’s what you need:

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Note: Do the pendulum experiment first, and when you’re done with the heavy nut from that activity, just use it in this experiment.

You can easily create one of these mystery toys out of an old baking powder can, a heavy rock, two paper clips, and a rubber band (at least 3″ x 1/4″).  It will keep small kids and cats busy for hours.

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Are you curious about pulleys? This set of experiments will give you a good taste of what pulleys are, how to thread them up, and how you can use them to lift heavy things.

We’ll also learn how to take data with our setup and set the stage for doing the ultra-cool Pulley Lift experiments.

Are you ready?
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We're going to be using pulleys to pull two (or more) kids with one hand. You will be using something called ‘Mechanical Advantage’, which is like using your brains instead of brute strength. When you thread the rope around the broom handles, you use 'mechanical advantage' to leverage your strength and pull more than you normally could handle. How can you possibly pull with more strength than you have? Easy - you trade ‘force’ for ‘distance’ - you can pull ten people with one hand, but you have to pull ten feet of rope for every one foot they travel. Here's what you do: Please login or register to read the rest of this content.

Simple machines make our lives easier. They make it easier to lift, move and build things. Chances are that you use simple machines more than you think. If you have ever screwed in a light bulb, put the lid on a jam jar, put keys on a keychain, pierced food with a fork, walked up a ramp, or propped open a door, you've made good use of simple machines. A block and tackle setup is also a simple machine. Block and tackle refers to pulleys and rope (in that order). One kid can drag ten adults across the room with this simple setup – we've done this class lots of times with kids and parents, and it really works! Be careful with this experiment - you'll want to keep your fingers away from the rope and don't pull too hard (kids really get carried away with this one!) If you haven't already, make sure you try out the broomstick version of this activity first. Please login or register to read the rest of this content.

Silly as our application for this experiment may sound, we use this system to keep pens handy near the shopping list on the fridge.  It’s saved us from many pen-searches over the years! We install these at various places around the house (by the telephone, fridge, front door, anywhere that you usually need a pen at the last minute), and have even seen them at the counters of local video-rental stores. Please login or register to read the rest of this content.

trebuchet23This experiment is for Advanced Students. For ages, people have been hurling rocks, sticks, and other objects through the air. The trebuchet came around during the Middle Ages as a way to break through the massive defenses of castles and cities. It’s basically a gigantic sling that uses a lever arm to quickly speed up the rocks before letting go. A trebuchet is typically more accurate than a catapult, and won’t knock your kid’s teeth out while they try to load it.

Trebuchets are really levers in action. You’ll find a fulcrum carefully positioned so that a small motion near the weight transforms into a huge swinging motion near the sling. Some mis-named trebuchets are really ‘torsion engines’, and you can tell the difference because the torsion engine uses the energy stored in twisted rope or twine (or animal sinew) to launch objects, whereas true trebuchets use heavy counterweights.

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We’re going to practice measuring and calculating real life stuff (because science isn’t just in a textbook, is it?) When I taught engineering classes, most students had never analyzed real bridges or tools before – they only worked from the textbook. So let’s jump out of the words and into action, shall we? This experiment is for Advanced Students.

Before we start, make sure you’ve worked your way through this experiment first!

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This experiment is for Advanced Students. We’re going to really get a good feel for energy and power as it shows up in real life. For this experiment, you need:

  • Something that weighs about 100 grams or 4 ounces, or just grab an apple.
  • A meter or yard stick

This might seem sort of silly but it’s a good way to get the feeling for what a Joule is and what work is.
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We’re going to use everyday objects to build a simple machine and learn how to take data. Sadly, most college students have trouble with these simple steps, so we’re getting you a head start here. The most complex science experiments all have these same steps that we’re about to do… just on a grander (and more expensive) scale. We’re going to break each piece down so you can really wrap your head around each step. Are you ready to put your new ideas to the test?

This experiment is for Advanced Students.

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When people mention the word “hydraulics”, they could be talking about pumps, turbines, hydropower, erosion, or river channel flow.  The term “hydraulics” means using fluid power, and deals with machinesand devices that use liquids to move, lift, drive, and shove things around. Liquids behave in certain ways: they are incompressible, meaning that you can’t pack the liquid into a tighter space than it already is occupying. If you've ever filled a tube partway with water and moved it around, you've probably noticed that the water level will remain the same on either side of the tube. However, if you add pressure to one end of the tube (by blowing into the tube), the water level will rise on the opposite side. If you decrease the pressure (by blowing across the top of one side), the water level will drop on the other side. In physics, this is defined through Pascal's law, which tells us how the pressure applied to one surface can be transmitted to the other surface. As liquids can't be squished, whatever happens on one surface affects what occurs on the other.  Examples of this effect include siphons, water towers, and dams. Scuba divers know that as they dive 30 feet underwater, the pressure doubles. This effect is also show in hydraulics - and more importantly, in the project we're about to do! But first, let's understand what's happening with liquids and pressure: Here’s an example: If you fill a glass full to the brim with water, you reach a point where for every drop you add on top, one drop will fall out.  You simply can’t squish any more water molecules into the glass without losing at least the same amount. Excavators, jacks, and the brake lines in your car use hydraulics to lift huge amounts of weight, and the liquid used to transfer the force is usually oil at 10,000 psi. Air, however, is compressible.  When car tires are inflated, the hose shoves more and more air inside the tire, increasing the pressure (amount of air molecules in the tire).  The more air you stuff into the tire, the higher the pressure rises.  When machines use air to lift, move, spin, or drill, it’s called “pneumatics”. Air tools use compressed air or pure gases for pneumatic power, usually pressurized to 80-100 psi. Different systems require either hydraulics or pneumatics.  The advantage to using hydraulics lies in the fact that liquids are not compressible. Hydraulic systems minimize the “springy-ness” in a system because the liquid doesn’t absorb the energy being transferred, and the working fluids can handle much heavier loads than compressible gases.  However, oil is flammable, very messy, and requires electricity to power the machines, making pneumatics the best choice for smaller applications, including air tools (to absorb excessive forces without injuring the user). We're going to build our own hydraulic-pneumatic machine.  Here's what you need to do: Please login or register to read the rest of this content.

This isn't strictly a 'levers' experiment, but it's still a cool demonstration about simple machines, specifically how pulleys are connected with belts. Take a rubber band and a roller skate (not in-line skates, but the old-fashioned kind with a wheel at each corner.) Lock the wheels on one side together by wrapping the rubber band around one wheel then the other.  Turn one wheel and watch the other spin. Now crisscross the rubber band belt by removing one side of the rubber band from a wheel, giving it a half twist, and replacing it back on the wheel.  Now when you turn one wheel, the other should spin the opposite direction. Here's a quick video on what to expect: Please login or register to read the rest of this content.

Parts of the Lever

Levers, being simple machines, have only three simple parts. The load, the effort, and the fulcrum. Let’s start with the load. The load is basically what it is you’re trying to lift. The books in the last experiment where the load. Now for the effort. That’s you. In the last experiment, you were putting the force on the lever to lift the load. You were the effort. The effort is any kind of force used to lift the load. Last for the fulcrum. It is the pivot that the lever turns on. The fulcrum, as we’ll play with a bit more later, is the key to the effectiveness of the lever. There are three types of levers. Their names are first-class, second-class and third-class. I love it when it’s that simple. Kind of like Dr. Seuss’s Thing One and Thing Two. The only difference between the three different levers is where the effort, load and fulcrum are. Please login or register to read the rest of this content.

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What’s an inclined plane? Jar lids, spiral staircases, light bulbs, and key rings. These are all examples of inclined planes that wind around themselves.  Some inclined planes are used to lower and raise things (like a jack or ramp), but they can also used to hold objects together (like jar lids or light bulb threads).

Here’s a quick experiment you can do to show yourself how something straight, like a ramp, is really the same as a spiral staircase.

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This is a satisfyingly simple activity with surprising results. Take a tennis ball and place it on top of a basketball… then release both at the same time.

Instant ball launcher!

You’ll find the top ball rockets off skyward while the lower ball hit the floor flat (without bouncing much, if at all). Now why is that? It’s easier to explain than you think…

Remember momentum? Momentum can be defined as inertia in motion. Something must be moving to have momentum. Momentum is how hard it is to get something to stop or to change directions. A moving train has a whole lot of momentum. A moving ping pong ball does not. You can easily stop a ping pong ball, even at high speeds. It is difficult, however, to stop a train even at low speeds.

Mathematically, momentum is mass times velocity, or Momentum=mv.

One of the basic laws of the universe is the conservation of momentum.  When objects smack into each other, the momentum that both objects have after the collision, is equal to the amount of momentum the objects had before the crash. Once the two balls hit the ground, all the larger ball’s momentum transferred to the smaller ball (plus the smaller ball had its own momentum, too!) and thus the smaller ball goes zooming to the sky.


  • two balls, one significantly larger than the other
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This experiment is for advanced students.It’s time for the last lesson of mechanics. After all this time, you now have a good working knowledge of the rules that govern almost all movement on this planet and beyond!! This lesson we get to learn about things crashing into one another!! Isn’t physics fun?! We are going to learn about impulse and momentum.
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Rockets shoot skyward with massive amounts of thrust, produced by chemical reaction or air pressure. Scientists create the thrust force by shoving a lot of gas (either air itself, or the gas left over from the combustion of a propellant) out small exit nozzles. This experiment and activity is for Grades 9-12.

According to the universal laws of motion, for every action, there is equal and opposite reaction. If flames shoot out of the rocket downwards, the rocket itself will soar upwards. It’s the same thing if you blow up a balloon and let it go—the air inside the balloon goes to the left, and the balloon zips off to the right (at least, initially, until the balloon neck turns into a thrust-vectored nozzle, but don’t be concerned about that just now).

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This is a quick and easy demonstration of how to teach Newton’s laws with minimal fuss and materials. All you need is a wagon, a rock, and some friends. We’re going to do a few totally different experiments using the same materials, though, so keep up with the changes as you read through the experiment.

Remember that Newton covers a few different ideas. First, there’s the idea that objects in motion will stay going they way they’re headed, unless something gets in the way. Then there’s the resistance to motion (objects at rest tend to stay put), as well as force being proportional to how fast you can get something to move (acceleration). And lastly, there’s the idea that forces happen in pairs – if you shoot something one direction, you’re going to feel a kick in the opposite direction. Ready to see these ideas in action? Let’s go…

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busLet's take a good look at Newton's Laws in motion while making something that flies off in both directions. This experiment will pop a cork out of a bottle and make the cork fly go 20 to 30 feet, while the vehicle moves in the other direction! This is an outdoor experiment. Be careful with this, as the cork comes out with a good amount of force. (Don’t point it at anyone or anything, even yourself!) Here's what you need to find: Please login or register to read the rest of this content.

This is a recording of a recent live teleclass I did with thousands of kids from all over the world. I’ve included it here so you can participate and learn, too!

We’re going to cover energy and motion by building roller coasters and catapults! Kids build a working catapult while they learn about the physics of projectile motion and storing elastic potential energy. Let’s discover the mysterious forces at work behind the thrill ride of the world’s most monstrous roller coasters, as we twist, turn, loop and corkscrew our way through g-forces, velocity, acceleration, and believe it or not, move through orbital mechanics, like satellites. We’ll also learn how to throw objects across the room in the name of science… called projectile motion. Are you ready for a fast and furious physics class?

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Every wonder why you have to wear a seat belt or wear a helmet? Let's find out (safely) by experimenting with a ball. You will need to find:
  • a car
  • a licensed driver
  • a ball
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hovercraftHovercraft transport people and their stuff across ice, grass, swamp, water, and land. Also known as the Air Cushioned Vehicle (ACV), these machines use air to greatly reduce the sliding friction between the bottom of the vehicle (the skirt) and the ground. This is a great example of how lubrication works – most people think of oil as the only way to reduce sliding friction, but gases work well if done right.

In this case, the readily-available air is shoved downward by the hover motor and the skirt traps the air and keeps it inside, thus lifting the vehicle slightly. The thruster motor’s job is to propel the craft forward. Most hovercraft use either two motors (one on each side) for steering, or just one with a rudder that can deflect the flow (as your project does).

The first hovercraft were thought about in the 1800s, but it wasn’t until the 1950s that real ones were first tested. Today, the military use them for patrolling hard-to-drive areas, scientists use them for swamp research studies, and businesses use them to transport toys and food across rough and icy areas. Scientists are already planning future ACVs to use magnetic levitation in addition to the air power… but it’s still on the drawing board.

Are you ready to make your own? We have TWO different models to choose from. Click this link for the Easy Balloon-Powered Model, or keep reading below for the advanced version.
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Stand on a cookie sheet or cutting board which is placed on the floor (find a smooth floor with no carpet). Ask someone to gently push you across the floor. Notice how much friction they feel as they try to push you.

Want to make this job a bit easier?

Here’s what you need:

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expfrictionFind a smooth, cylindrical support column, such as those used to support open-air roofs for breezeways and outdoor hallways (check your local public school or local church). Wind a length of rope one time around the column, and pull on one end while three friends pull on the other in a tug-of-war fashion. Experiment with the number of friends and the number of winds around the column. Can you hold your end with just two fingers against an entire team of football players? You bet! Please login or register to read the rest of this content.

Friction is everywhere! Imagine what the world would be like without friction! Everything you do, from catching baseballs to eating hamburgers, to putting on shoes, friction is a part of it. If you take a quick look at friction, it is quite a simple concept of two things rubbing together.

However, when you take a closer look at it, it’s really quite complex. What kind of surfaces are rubbing together? How much of the surfaces are touching? And what’s the deal with this stick and slip thing anyway? Friction is a concept that’s many scientists are spending a lot of time on. Understanding friction is very important in making engines and machines run more efficiently and safely.

Here’s what you need:

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There’s a couple of misconceptions that I’d like to make sure get cleared up here a bit. I don’t want to go into too much detail but I want to make sure to mention these as they may be important as you go deeper into your physics education. First, friction is not a fundamental force. Friction is actually caused by the elemental force of electro-magnetism between two objects. Secondly, friction isn’t “caused” by the roughness or smoothness of an object. Friction is caused by two objects, believe it or not, chemically bonding to one another. Scientists call it “stick and slip”. Think about it this way. When you pull the wood in this experiment, notice that the force needed to get the board moving was more then the force was to keep it moving. The surface you were pulling the board on never got any rougher or smoother, it stayed pretty much the same. So why was it harder to get the board moving? When the board is just sitting there, the chemical bonds between the board and the surface can be quite strong. When the board is moving however, the bonds are much weaker. Here's what you need: Please login or register to read the rest of this content.

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Now let’s talk about the other ever present force on this Earth, and that’s friction. Friction is the force between one object rubbing against another object. Friction is what makes things slow down.

Without friction things would just keep moving unless they hit something else. Without friction, you would not be able to walk. Your feet would have nothing to push against and they would just slide backward all the time like you’re doing the moon walk.

Friction is a very complicated interaction between pressure and the type of materials that are touching one another. Let’s do a couple of experiments to get the hang of what friction is.
Here’s what you need:

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Hovercraft transport people and their stuff across ice, grass, swamp, water, and land. Also known as the Air Cushioned Vehicle (ACV), these machines use air to greatly reduce the sliding friction between the bottom of the vehicle (the skirt) and the ground. This is a great example of how lubrication works – most people think of oil as the only way to reduce sliding friction, but gases work well if done right. In this case, the readily-available air is shoved downward by the pressure inside of balloon. This air flows down through the nozzle and out the bottom, under the CD, lifting it slightly as it goes and creating a thin layer for the CD to float on. Although this particular hovercraft only has a 'hovering' option, I'm sure you can quickly figure out how to add a 'thruster' to make it zoom down the table! (Hint - you will need to add a second balloon!) Here's what you need: Please login or register to read the rest of this content.

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You have just taken in a nice bunch of information about the wild world of gravity. This next section is for advanced students, who want to go even deeper. There’s a lot of great stuff here but there’s a lot of math as well. If you’re not a math person, feel free to pass this up. You’ll still have a nice understanding of the concept. However, I’d recommend giving it a try. There are some fun things to do and if you’re not careful, you might just end up enjoying it!

Here’s what you need:

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This is a recording of a recent live teleclass I did with thousands of kids from all over the world. I’ve included it here so you can participate and learn, too!

Blast your imagination with this super-popular class on rocketry! Kids learn about fin design, hybrid and solid-state rocketry, and how rockets make it into space without falling out of orbit. This class is taught by a real live rocket scientist (me!). We’ll launch rockets during the class, too!

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This is a recording of a recent live teleclass I did with thousands of kids from all over the world. I’ve included it here so you can participate and learn, too!

Soar, zoom, fly, twirl, and gyrate with these amazing hands-on classes which investigate the world of flight. Students created flying contraptions from paper airplanes and hangliders to kites! Topics we will cover include: air pressure, flight dynamics, and Bernoulli’s principle.


  • 5 sheets of 8.5×11” paper
  • 2 index cards
  • 2 straws
  • 2 small paper clips
  • Scissors, tape
  • Optional: ping pong ball and a small funnel
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This roof can support over 400 times its own weight, and you don’t need tape! One of the great things about net forces is that although the objects can be under tremendous force, nothing moves! For every push, there’s an equal and opposite pull (or set of pulls) that cancel each other out.

This barrel roof is an excellent example of how to the forces all cancel out and the roof stands strong (hopefully!) If you have trouble with this experiment, just use cardstock or other heavy weight paper instead of regular copy paper.

Here’s what you need:
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What keeps building from toppling over in the wind? Why are some earthquake-proof and others not? We’re going to look at how engineers design buildings and bridges while making our own.

Here’s what you need:
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This experiment is for advanced students.

Who gets to burn something today? YOU get to burn something today!

You will be working with Zinc (Zn). Other labs in this kit allow us to burn metal, but there is a bit of a twist this time. We will be burning a powder.

Why a powder instead of a solid ribbon or foil as in the other labs?  Have you heard of surface area being a factor in a chemical reaction? The more surface area there is to burn, the more dramatic the chemical change. So, with this fact in mind, a powder should burn faster or be more likely to burn than a large solid.

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What state of matter is fire? Is it a liquid? I get that question a LOT, so let me clarify. The ancient scientists (Greek, Chinese… you name it) thought fire was a fundamental element. Earth, Air Water, and Fire (sometimes Space was added, and the Chinese actually omitted Air and substituted Wood and Metal instead) were thought to be the basic building blocks of everything, and named it an element. And it’s not a bad start, especially if you don’t have a microscope or access to the internet.

Today’s definition of an element comes from peeking inside the nucleus of an atom and counting up the protons. In a flame, there are lots of different molecules from NO, NO2, NO3, CO, CO2, O2, C… to name a few. So fire can’t be an element, because it’s made up of other elements. So, what is it?

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No kidding! You’ll be able to show your friends this super-cool magic show chemistry trick with very little fuss (once you get the hang of it). This experiment is for advanced students. Before we start, here are a few notes about the setup to keep you safe and your nasal passages intact:

The chemicals required for this experiment are toxic! This is not an experiment to do with little kids or pets around, and you want to do the entire experiment outside or next to an open window for good ventilation, as the fumes from the sodium hydroxide/zinc solution should not be inhaled.

This experiment is not dangerous when you follow the steps I’ve outlined carefully. I’ll take you step by step and show you how to handle the chemicals, mix them properly, and dispose of the waste when you’re done.

Goggles and gloves are a MUST for this experiment, as the sodium hydroxide (in both liquid and solid form) is caustic and corrosive and will burn your skin on contact.

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This experiment is for advanced students. Potassium permanganate (KMnO4) in water turns an intense, deep, purple. It is important in the film industry for aging props and clothing to make them look much older than they are. Also, artists use it in bone carving. People who carve antlers and bone use KMnO4 to darken the surface of the bone to make it look aged. They make the carving, soak it in potassium permanganate, then carve more, and repeat. The end result is a carving that has a light golden brown color. More dipping will darken the carving even more. Potassium permanganate is going to undergo a chemical change with this activity. In this experiment, we will be able to witness several indicators of chemical change. Color changes, bubbles from gas generation, temperature change, and color disappearance are all indicators of chemical changes. Please login or register to read the rest of this content.

This experiment is for advanced students.

Ever use soap? Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) is the main component in lye soap. NaOH is mixed with some type of fat (vegetable, pig, cow, etc). Scent can be added for the ‘pretty’ factor and pumice or sand can be added for the manly “You’re coming off my hands and I’ll take no guff” factor. Lots of people still make their own soap and they enjoy doing it.

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In this lab, we’re going to investigate the wonders of electrochemistry. Electrochemistry became a new branch of chemistry in 1832, founded by Michael Faraday. Michael Faraday is considered the “father of electrochemistry”. The knowledge gained from his work has filtered down to this lab. YOU will be like Michael Faraday. I imagined he would have been overjoyed to do this lab and see the results. You are soooo lucky to be able to take an active part in this experiment. Here’s what you’re going to do…

You will be “creating” metallic copper from a solution of copper sulfate and water, and depositing it on a negative electrode. Copper is one of our more interesting elements. Copper is a metal, and element 29 on your periodic table. It conducts heat and electricity very well.

Many things around you are made of copper. Copper wire is used in electrical wiring. It has been used for centuries in the form of pipes to distribute water and other fluids in homes and in industry. The Statue of Liberty is a wonderful example of how beautiful 180,000 pounds of copper can be. Yes, it is made of copper, and no, it doesn’t look like a penny…..on the surface. The green color is copper oxide, which forms on the surface of copper exposed to air and water. The oxide is formed on the surface and does not attack the bulk of the copper. You could say that copper oxide protects the copper.

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If we don’t have salt, we die. It’s that simple. The chemical formula for salt is NaCl. Broken down, we have Na (sodium) and Cl (chlorine). Either one of these can be fatal in sufficient quantities. When chemically combined, these two deadly elements become table salt. What once could kill now keeps us alive. Isn’t chemistry awesome?

Chlorine, element 17, is called a halogen as are all the elements in the 17th row. All halogens have similar chemical properties. They are highly reactive nonmetals, and react easily with most metals. Sodium is a metal, and is bonded with sodium in the table salt used in this lab. Besides being found in salt, chlorine has many uses in our world such as killing bacteria in our water, making plastic, cleaning products, and the list goes on. A very useful chemical, and is among the top ten chemicals produced in the United States. Ever since its discovery in 1774, chlorine has been very useful. It is found in nature in sodium chloride, but in very small concentrations. Seawater, the most abundant source of chlorine, has a concentration of only 19g of chlorine per liter.

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Magnesium is one of the most common elements in the Earth’s crust. This alkaline earth metal is silvery white, and soft. As you perform this lab, think about why magnesium is used in emergency flares and fireworks. Farmers use it in fertilizers, pharmacists use it in laxatives and antacids, and engineers mix it with aluminum to create the BMW N52 6-cylinder magnesium engine block. Photographers used to use magnesium powder in the camera’s flash before xenon bulbs were available.

Most folks, however, equate magnesium with a burning white flame. Magnesium fires burn too hot to be extinguished using water, so most firefighters use sand or graphite.

We’re going to learn how to (safely) ignite a piece of magnesium in the first experiment, and next how to get energy from it by using it in a battery in the second experiment. Are you ready?

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This experiment is for advanced students.

In industry, hydrogen peroxide is used in paper making to bleach the pulp before they form it into paper. Biologists, when preparing bones for display, use peroxide to whiten the bones.

At home, 3% peroxide combined with ammonium hydroxide is used to give dark-haired people their desired blonde moment. Peroxide is also used on wounds to clean them and remove dead tissue. Peroxide slows the flow from small blood vessels and oozing in wounds as well.

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WARNING!! THIS EXPERIMENT IS PARTICULARLY DANGEROUS!! (No kidding.) This experiment is for advanced students.

We’ve created a video that shows you how to safely do this experiment, although if you’re nervous about doing this one, just watch the video and skip the actual experiment.

The gas you generate with this experiment is lethal in large doses, so you MUST do this experiment outdoors. We’ll be making a tiny amount to show how the chemical reactions of chlorine and hydrogen work.

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WARNING!! THIS EXPERIMENT IS PARTICULARLY DANGEROUS!! (No kidding.) This experiment is for advanced students.

We’ve created a video that shows you how to safely do this experiment, although if you’re nervous about doing this one, just watch the video and skip the actual experiment.

Bromine is a particularly nasty chemical, so be sure to very carefully follow the steps we’ve outlined in the video. You MUST do this experiment outdoors. We’ll be making a tiny amount to show how the chemical reactions involving bromine work.

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This experiment is for advanced students.

Zinc and Hydrogen are important elements for all of us. Zinc (Zn) metal is element #30 on the periodic table. Lack of zinc in our diets will delay growth of our bodies and can kill.

Hydrogen gas (H) is element #1 on the periodic table. Hydrogen was discovered in the 1500s. In a pure state, hydrogen combustion (in small quantities) is interesting. In large amounts, mixed with oxygen, the explosion can be devastating.

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This experiment shows how a battery works using electrochemistry. The copper electrons are chemically reacting with the lemon juice, which is a weak acid, to form copper ions (cathode, or positive electrode) and bubbles of hydrogen.

These copper ions interact with the zinc electrode (negative electrode, or anode) to form zinc ions. The difference in electrical charge (potential) on these two plates causes a voltage.


  • one zinc and copper strip
  • two alligator wires
  • digital multimeter
  • one fresh large lemon or other fruit
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When an atom (like hydrogen) or molecule (like water) loses an electron (negative charge), it becomes an ion and takes on a positive charge. When an atom (or molecule) gains an electron, it becomes a negative ion. An electrolyte is any substance (like salt) that becomes a conductor of electricity when dissolved in a solvent (like water).

This type of conductor is called an ‘ionic conductor’ because once the salt is in the water, it helps along the flow of electrons from one clip lead terminal to the other so that there is a continuous flow of electricity.

This experiment is an extension of the Conductivity Tester experiment, only in this case we’re using water as a holder for different substances, like sugar and salt. You can use orange juice, lemon juice, vinegar, baking powder, baking soda, spices, cornstarch, flour, oil, soap, shampoo, and anything else you have around. Don’t forget to test out plain water for your ‘control’ in the experiment!

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This experiment is just for advanced students. If you guessed that this has to do with electricity and chemistry, you’re right! But you might wonder how they work together. Back in 1800, William Nicholson and Johann Ritter were the first ones to split water into hydrogen and oxygen using electrolysis. (Soon afterward, Ritter went on to figure out electroplating.) They added energy in the form of an electric current into a cup of water and captured the bubbles forming into two separate cups, one for hydrogen and other for oxygen.

This experiment is not an easy one, so feel free to skip it if you need to. You don’t need to do this to get the concepts of this lesson but it’s such a neat and classical experiment (my students love it) so you can give it a try if you want to. The reason I like this is because what you are really doing in this experiment is ripping molecules apart and then later crashing them back together.

Have fun and please follow the directions carefully. This could be dangerous if you’re not careful. The image shown here is using graphite from two pencils sharpened on both ends, but the instructions below use wire.  Feel free to try both to see which types of electrodes provide the best results.

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Electricity. Chemistry. Nothing in common, have nothing to do with each other. Wrong! Electrochemistry has been a fact since 1774. Once electricity was applied to particular solutions, changes occurred that scientists of the time did not expect.

In this lab, we will discover some of the same things that Farraday found over 300 years ago. We will be there as things tear apart, particles rush about, and the power of attraction is very strong. We’re not talking about dancing, we’re talking about something much more important and interesting….we’re talking about ELECTROCHEMISTRY!

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Always have a FIRE EXTINGUISHER and ADULT HELP handy when performing fire experiments. NO EXCEPTIONS.

This video will show you how to transform the color of your flames. For a campfire, simply sprinkle the solids into your flames (make sure they are ground into a fine powder first) and you'll see a color change. DO NOT do this experiment inside your house - the fumes given off by the chemicals are not something you want in your home! One of the tricks to fire safety is to limit your fuel. The three elements you need for a flame are: oxygen, spark, and fuel.  To extinguish your flames, you'll have to either wait for the fuel to run out or smother the flames to cut off the oxygen. When you limit your fuel, you add an extra level of safety to your activities and a higher rate of success to your eyebrows. Here's what we're going to do: first, make your spectrometer: you can make the simple spectrometer or the more-advanced calibrated spectrometer. Next, get your chemicals together and build your campfire. Finally, use your spectrometer to view your flames. Please login or register to read the rest of this content.

Ammonia has been used by doctors, farmers, chemists, alchemists, weightlifters, and our families since Roman times. Doctors revive unconscious patients, farmers use it in fertilizer, alchemists tried to use it to make gold, weightlifters sniff it into their lungs to invigorate their respiratory system and clear their heads prior to lifting tremendous loads. At home, ammonia is used to clean up the ketchup you spilled on the floor and never cleaned up.

The ammonia molecule (NH3) is a colorless gas with a strong odor – it’s the smell of freshly cleaned floors and windows. Mom is not cleaning with straight ammonia (it’s gas at room temperature because it boils at -28oF, so the stuff she cleans with is actually ammonium hydroxide, a solution of ammonia and water). Ammonia is found when plants and animals decompose, and it’s also in rainwater, volcanoes, your kidneys (to neutralize excess acid), in the ocean, some fertilizers, in Jupiter’s lower cloud decks, and trace amounts are found in our own atmosphere (it’s lighter than air).

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This is a recording of a recent live teleclass I did with thousands of kids from all over the world. I’ve included it here so you can participate and learn, too!

We’re going to be mixing up dinosaur toothpaste, doing experiments with catalysts, discovering the 5 states of matter, and building your own chemistry lab station as we cover chemical kinetics, phase shifts, the states of matter, atoms, molecules, elements, chemical reactions, and much more. We’re also going to turn liquid polymers into glowing putty so you can amaze your friends when it totally glows in the dark. AND make liquids freeze by heating them up (no kidding) using a scientific principle called supercooling,


  • Chemistry Worksheet
  • Aluminum pie plate
  • Bowl
  • Clear glue or white glue
  • Disposable cups
  • Goggles & gloves
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • OPTIONAL: Instant reusable hand warmer (containing sodium acetate )
  • Liquid soap
  • Popsicle sticks
  • Scissors or pliers
  • Sodium tetraborate (also called “Borax”)
  • Water bottle
  • Yeast
  • Yellow highlighter
  • Optional: If you want to see your experiments glow in the dark, you’ll need a fluorescent UV black light (about $10 from the pet store – look in cleaning supplies under “Urine-Off” for a fluorescent UV light). UV flashlights and UV LEDs will not work.
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This is a recording of a recent live teleclass I did with thousands of kids from all over the world. I’ve included it here so you can participate and learn, too!

We’re ready to deal with the topic you’ve all been waiting for! Join me as we find out what happens to stars that wander too close, how black holes collide, how we can detect super-massive black holes in the centers of galaxies, and wrestle with question: what’s down there, inside a black hole?


  • marble
  • metal ball (like a ball bearing) or a magnetic marble
  • strong magnet
  • small bouncy ball
  • tennis ball and/or basketball
  • two balloons
  • bowl
  • 10 pennies
  • saran wrap (or cup open a plastic shopping bag so it lays flat)
  • aluminum foil (you’ll need to wrap inflated balloons with the foil, so make sure you have plenty of foil)
  • scissors
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This is a recording of a recent live teleclass I did with thousands of kids from all over the world. I’ve included it here so you can participate and learn, too

Our solar system includes rocky terrestrial planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars), gas giants (Jupiter and Saturn), ice giants (Uranus and Neptune), and assorted chunks of ice and dust that make up various comets and asteroids.

Did you know you can take an intergalactic star tour without leaving your seat? To get you started on your astronomy adventure, I have a front-row seat for you in a planetarium-style star show. I usually give this presentation at sunset during my live workshops, so I inserted slides along with my talk so you could see the pictures better. This video below is long, so I highly recommend doing this with friends and a big bowl of popcorn. Ready?
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This is a recording of a recent live class I did with an entire high school astronomy class. I’ve included it here so you can participate and learn, too!

Light is energy that can travel through space. How much energy light has determines what kind of wave it is. It can be visible light, x-ray, radio, microwave, gamma or ultraviolet. The electromagnetic spectrum shows the different energies of light and how the energy relates to different frequencies, and that’s exactly what we’re going to cover in class. We’re going to talk about light, what it is, how it moves, and it’s generated, and learn how astronomers study the differences in light to tell a star’s atmosphere from  millions of miles away.

I usually give this presentation at sunset during my live workshops, so I inserted slides along with my talk so you could see the pictures better. This video below is long, so I highly recommend doing this with friends and a big bowl of popcorn. Ready?

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This is a beefier-version of the Electric Eye that will be be able to turn on a buzzer instead of a LED by increasing the voltage in the circuit. This type of circuit is a light-actuated circuit. When a beam of light hits the sensor (the “eye”), a buzzer sounds. Use this to indicate when a door closes or drawer closes… your suspect will never know what got triggered.
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Today you get to concentrate light, specifically the heat, from the Sun into a very small area. Normally, the sunlight would have filled up the entire area of the lens, but you’re shrinking this down to the size of the dot.

Magnifying lenses, telescopes, and microscopes use this idea to make objects appear different sizes by bending the light. When light passes through a different medium (from air to glass, water, a lens…) it changes speed and usually the angle at which it’s traveling. A prism splits incoming light into a rainbow because the light bends as it moves through the prism. A pair of eyeglasses will bend the light to magnify the image.


  • Sunlight
  •  Glass jar
  • Nail that fits in the jar
  •   12” thread
  •   Hair from your head
  • 12” string
  • 12” fishing line
  • 12” yarn
  •  Paperclip
  • Magnifying glass
  •  Fire extinguisher
  •  Adult help
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This is a recording of a recent live class I did with an entire high school astronomy class. I’ve included it here so you can participate and learn, too!

Light is energy that can travel through space. How much energy light has determines what kind of wave it is. It can be visible light, x-ray, radio, microwave, gamma or ultraviolet. The electromagnetic spectrum shows the different energies of light and how the energy relates to different frequencies, and that’s exactly what we’re going to cover in class. We’re going to talk about light, what it is, how it moves, and it’s generated, and learn how astronomers study the differences in light to tell a star’s atmosphere from  millions of miles away.

I usually give this presentation at sunset during my live workshops, so I inserted slides along with my talk so you could see the pictures better. This video below is long, so I highly recommend doing this with friends and a big bowl of popcorn. Ready?

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This is a recording of a recent live teleclass I did with thousands of kids from all over the world. I’ve included it here so you can participate and learn, too!

This class is all about Light Waves, Lasers and Holograms! This is a newly updated version of the older Light Waves and Lasers teleclass here.

We’re going to learn about the wild world of light that has baffled scientists for over a century. You’ll be twisting and bending light as we learn about refraction, reflection, absorption, and transmission using lenses, lasers, mirrors, and optical filters with everyday stuff like gummy bears, paperclips, pencils and water!

We’re going to learn how to build a projection hologram out of piece of old plastic, make a laser microscope so you can see tiny little microscopic creatures, bend laser light to follow any path you want without using mirrors, and finally understand how glow in the dark toys really work on the subatomic level. Are you ready?


  • Pencil
  • Paper
  • Clothespin
  • Paperclip
  • Rubber band
  • Gummy bears
  • Red laser
  • Flashlight
  • Old CD
  • Scissors
  • Pliers
  • Glass of water
  • Clear Plastic Film
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This is a recording of a recent live teleclass I did with thousands of kids from all over the world. I’ve included it here so you can participate and learn, too!

You’ll discover how to boil water at room temperature, heat up ice to freeze it, make a fire water balloon, and build a real working steam boat as you learn about heat energy. You’ll also learn about thermal energy, heat capacity, and the laws of thermodynamics.


  • cup of ice water
  • cup of room temperature water
  • cup of hot water (not scalding or boiling!)
  • tea light candle and lighter (with adult help)
  • balloon (not inflated)
  • syringe (without the needle)
  • block of foam
  • copper tubing (¼” diameter and 12” long)
  • bathtub or sink
  • scissors or razor
  • fat marker (to be used to wrap things around, not for writing)
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Physics of Motion Intro Class

This is a recording of a recent live teleclass I did with thousands of kids from all over the world. I've included it here so you can participate and learn, too! We're going to cover energy and motion by building roller coasters and catapults! Kids build a working catapult while they learn about the physics of projectile motion and storing elastic potential energy. Let's discover the mysterious forces at work behind the thrill ride of the world’s most monstrous roller coasters, as we twist, turn, loop and corkscrew our way through g-forces, velocity, acceleration, and believe it or not, move through orbital mechanics, like satellites. We’ll also learn how to throw objects across the room in the name of science… called projectile motion. Are you ready for a fast and furious physics class?
  • click for worksheet
  • marbles
  • masking tape
  • 9 popsicle sticks
  • 4 rubber bands
  • one plastic spoon
  • ping pong ball
  • hot glue gun with glue sticks
  • 3/4" pipe foam insulation (NOT neoprene and NOT the kind with built-in adhesive tape)

Key Concepts

Centripetal means ‘center-seeking’. It’s the force that points toward the center of the circle you’re moving on. When you swing the bucket around your head, the bottom of the bucket is making the water turn in a circle and not fly away. Your arm is pulling on the handle of the bucket, keeping it turning in a circle and not fly away. That’s centripetal force. Centrifugal force is equal and opposite to centripetal force. Centrifugal means ‘center-fleeing’, so it’s a force that’s in the opposite direction. The car pushing on you is the centripetal force.The push of your weight on the door is the REACTIVE centrifugal force, meaning that it’s only there when something’s happening. It’s not a real force that goes around pushing and pulling on its own.

What's Going On?

Engines used to use an automatic feedback system called a centrifugal governor to regulate the speed. For example, if you’re mowing the lawn and you hit a dry patch with no grass, the blades don’t suddenly spin wildly faster… they get adjusted automatically by a feedback system so maintains the same speed for the blades, so matter how thick or thin the grass that your cutting is. You’ll find these also in airplanes to automatically adjust the pitch (or angle) of the propeller as it moves through the air. The pilot sets the intended speed, and the airplane has a governor that helps adjust the angle the blades make with the air to maintain this speed automatically, because the air density changes with altitude. It’s really important to know how much centrifugal force people experience, whether its in cars or roller coasters! In fact roller coaster loops used to be circular, but now they use clothoid loops instead to keep passengers happy during their ride so they don’t need nearly the acceleration that they’d need for a circular loop (which means less g-force so passengers don’t black out).

Building the Experiment:

Here are more roller coaster maneuvers you can try out: Loops: Swing the track around in a complete circle and attach the outside of the track to chairs, table legs, and hard floors with tape to secure in place. Loops take a bit of speed to make it through, so have your partner hold it while you test it out before taping. Start with smaller loops and increase in size to match your entrance velocity into the loop. Loops can be used to slow a marble down if speed is a problem. Camel-Backs: Make a hill out of track in an upside-down U-shape. Good for show, especially if you get the hill height just right so the marble comes off the track slightly, then back on without missing a beat. Whirly-Birds: Take a loop and make it horizontal. Great around poles and posts, but just keep the bank angle steep enough and the marble speed fast enough so it doesn't fly off track. Corkscrew: Start with a basic loop, then spread apart the entrance and exit points. The further apart they get, the more fun it becomes. Corkscrews usually require more speed than loops of the same size. Jump Track: A major show-off feature that requires very rigid entrance and exit points on the track. Use a lot of tape and incline the entrance (end of the track) slightly while declining the exit (beginning of new track piece).


Marbles will fly everywhere, so make sure you have a lot of extras! If your marble is not following your track, look very carefully for the point of departure – where it flies off. For instance, when the marble flies off the track, you can step back and say: “Hmmm… did the marble go to fast or too slow?” “Where did it fly off?” “Wow – I'll bet you didn't expect that to happen. Now what are you going to try?” Become their biggest fan by cheering them on, encouraging them to make mistakes, and try something new (even if they aren't sure if it will work out).

Questions to Ask

  1. Does the track change position with the weight of the marble, making it fly off course? (You can make the track more rigid by taping it to a surface.)
  2. Is the marble jumping over the track wall? (You can increase your bank angle - the amount of twist the track makes along its length.)
  3. How can you make your marble zip through two loops at once?
  4. How could you increase your marble speed?
  5. Where would you put a tunnel? (Leave one piece of track uncut to use as a tunnel.)