
Cut a piece of tissue paper the same length as a plastic comb (make sure the comb’s teeth are close together). Fold the tissue paper in half, wrapping it around the teeth of the comb.  Place it lightly between your lips and hummm… you’ll feel an odd vibrational effect on your lips as your kazoo makes a sound! You can try different papers, including waxed paper, parchment, tracing paper, and more!


Cut the neck off a small balloon (balloons made for water bombs work well) and stretch it over the opening of a film canister. Pinch the drum head and pull up before you release – POP! You can change the pitch by adjusting the stretch of the drum head.
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Since we can’t see soundwaves as they move through the air, we’re going to simulate one with rope and a friend. This will let you see how a vibration can create a wave. You’ll need at least 10 feet of rope (if you have 25 or 50 feet it’s more fun), a piece of tape (colored if you have it), a slinky, and a partner. Are you ready?

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Think of your ears as ‘sound antennas’.  There’s a reason you have TWO of these – and that’s what this experiment is all about.  You can use any noise maker (an electronic timer with a high pitched beep works very well), a partner, a blindfold (not necessary but more fun if you have one handy), and earplugs (or use your fingers to close the little flap over your ear – don’t stick your fingers IN your ears!).

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In this experiment you will be adjusting the length of string of a pendulum until you get a pendulum that has a frequency of .5 Hz, 1 Hz and 2 Hz. Remember, a Hz is one vibration (or in this case swing) per second. So .5 Hz would be half a swing per second (swing one way but not back to the start). 1 Hz would be one full swing per second. Lastly, 2 Hz would be two swings per second. A swing is the same as a vibration so the pendulum must move away from where you dropped it and then swing back to where it began for it to be one full swing/vibration.

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This is a recording of a recent live teleclass I did with thousands of kids from all over the world. I’ve included it here so you can participate and learn, too!

Sound is a form of energy, and is caused by something vibrating. So what is moving to make sound energy?

Molecules. Molecules are vibrating back and forth at fairly high rates of speed, creating waves. Energy moves from place to place by waves. Sound energy moves by longitudinal waves (the waves that are like a slinky). The molecules vibrate back and forth, crashing into the molecules next to them, causing them to vibrate, and so on and so forth. All sounds come from vibrations.


  • 1 tongue-depressor size popsicle stick
  • Three 3″ x 1/4″ rubber bands
  • 2 index cards
  • 3 feet of string (or yarn)
  • scissors
  • tape or hot glue
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Art and science meet in a plant press. Whether you want to include the interesting flora you find in your scientific journal, or make a beautiful handmade greeting card, a plant press is invaluable. They are very cheap and easy to make, too!

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The way animals and plants behave is so complicated because it not only depends on climate, water availability, competition for resources, nutrients available, and disease presence but also having the patience and ability to study them close-up.

We’re going to build an eco-system where you’ll farm prey stock for the predators so you’ll be able to view their behavior. You’ll also get a chance to watch both of them feed, hatch, molt, and more! You’ll observe closely the two different organisms and learn all about the way they live, eat, and are eaten.

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As you walk around your neighborhood, you probably see many other people, as well as some birds flying around, maybe some fish swimming down a local stream, and perhaps even a lizard darting behind a bush or a frog sitting contently on top of a pond. Most likely, you know that all of these living things are animals, but they are even more closely related than that.

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Some insects are just too small! Even if we try to carefully pick them up with forceps, they either escape or are crushed. What to do?

Answer: Make an insect aspirator! An insect aspirator is a simple tool scientists use to collect bugs and insects that are too small to be picked up manually. Basically it’s a mini bug vacuum!

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How does salt affect plant growth, like when we use salt to de-ice snowy winter roads? How does adding fertilizer to the soil help or hurt the plants? What type of soil best purifies the water? All these questions and more can be answered by building a terrarium-aquarium system to discover how these systems are connected together.

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Most weather stations have anemometers to measure wind speed or wind pressure. The kind of anemometer we’re going to make is the same one invented back in 1846 that measures wind speed. Most anemometers use three cups, which is not only more accurate but also responds to wind gusts more quickly than a four-cup model.

Some anemometers also have an aerovane attached, which enables scientists to get both speed and direction information. It looks like an airplane without wings – with a propeller at the front and a vane at the back.

Other amemometers don’t have any moving parts – instead they measure the resistance of a very short, thin piece of tungsten wire. (Resistance is how much a substance resists the flow of electrical current. Copper has a low electrical resistance, whereas rubber has a very high resistance.) Resistance changes with the material’s temperature, so the tungsten wire is heated and placed in the airflow. The wind flowing over the wire cools it down and increases the resistance of the wire, and scientists can figure out the wind speed.

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Temperature is a way of talking about, measuring, and comparing the thermal energy of objects.

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Also known as an udometer or pluviometer or ombrometer, or just plan old ‘rain cup’, this device will let you know how much water came down from the skies. Folks in India used bowls to record rainfall and used to estimate how many crops they would grow and thus how much tax to collect!

These devices reports in “millimeters of rain” or “”centimeters of rain” or even inches of rain”.  Sometimes a weather station will collect the rain and send in a sample for testing levels of pollutants.

While collecting rain may seem simple and straightforward, it does have its challenges! Imagine trying to collect rainfall in high wind areas, like during a hurricane. There are other problems, like trying to detect tiny amounts of rainfall, which either stick to the side of the container or evaporate before they can be read on the instrument. And what happens if it rains and then the temperature drops below freezing, before you’ve had a chance to read your gauge? Rain gauges can also get clogged by snow, leaves, and bugs, not to mention used as a water source for birds.

So what’s a scientist to do?

Press onward, like all great scientists! And invent a type of rain gauge that will work for your area. We’re going to make a standard cylinder-type rain gauge, but I am sure you can figure out how to modify it into a weighing precipitation type (where you weigh the amount in the bottle instead of reading a scale on the side), or a tipping bucket type (where a funnel channels the rain to a see-saw that tips when it gets full with a set amount of water) , or even a buried-pit bucket (to keep the animals out).
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French physicist Blaise Pascal. He developed work on natural and applied sciences as well being a skilled mathematician and religious philosopher.
French physicist Blaise Pascal. He developed work on natural and applied sciences as well being a skilled mathematician and religious philosopher.

A barometer uses either a gas (like air) or a liquid (like water or mercury) to measure pressure of the atmosphere. Scientists use barometers a lot when they predict the weather, because it’s usually a very accurate way to predict quick changes in the weather.

Barometers have been around for centuries – the first one was in the 1640s!

At any given momen, you can tell how high you are above sea level by measure the pressure of the air. If you measure the pressure at sea level using a barometer, and then go up a thousand feet in an airplane, it will always indicate exactly 3.6 kPa lower than it did at sea level.

Scientists measure pressure in “kPa” which stands for “kilo-Pascals”. The standard pressure is 101.3 kPa at sea level, and 97.7 kPa 1,000 feet above sea level. In fact, every thousand feet you go up, pressure decreases by 4%. In airplanes, pilots use this fact to tell how high they are. For 2,000 feet, the standard pressure will be 94.2 kPa. However, if you’re in a low front, the sea level pressure reading might be 99.8 kPa, but 1000 feet up it will always read 3.6 kPa lower, or 96.2 kPa.

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Hygrometers measure how much water is in the air, called humidity. If it's raining, it's 100% humidity. Deserts and arid climates have low humidity and dry skin. Humidity is very hard to measure accurately, but scientists have figured out ways to measure how much moisture is absorbed by measuring the change in temperature (as with a sling psychrometer), pressure, or change in electrical resistance (most common).

The dewpoint is the temperature when moist air hits the water vapor saturation point. If the temperature goes below this point, the water in the air will condense and you have fog. Pilots look for temperature and dewpoint in their weather reports to tell them if the airport is clear, or if it''s going to be 'socked in'. If the temperature stays above the dewpoint, then the airport will be clear enough to land by sight. However, if the temperature falls below the dewpoint, then they need to land by instruments, and this takes preparation ahead of time.

A sling psychrometer uses two thermometers (image above), side by side. By keeping one thermometer wet and the other dry, you can figure out the humidity using a humidity chart.  Such as the one on t page two of this page. The psychrometer works because it measures wet-bulb and dry-bulb temperatures by slinging the thermometers around your head. While this sounds like an odd thing to do, there's a little sock on the bottom end of one of the thermometers which gets dipped in water. When air flows over the wet sock, it measures the evaporation temperature, which is lower than the ambient temperature, measured by the dry thermometer.

Scientists use the difference between these two to figure out the relative humidity. For example, when there's no difference between the two, it's raining (which is 100% humidity). But when there's a 9oC temperature difference between wet and dry bulb, the relative humidity is 44%. If there's 18oC difference, then it's only 5% humidity.

You can even make your own by taping two identical thermometers to cardboard, leaving the ends exposed to the air. Wrap a wet piece of cloth or tissue around the end of one and use a fan to blow across both to see the temperature difference!

One of the most precise are chilled mirror dewpoint hygrometers, which uses a chilled mirror to detect condensation on the mirror's surface. The mirror's temperature is controlled to match the evaporation and condensation points of the water, and scientists use this temperature to figure out the humidity.

We're going to make a very simple hygrometer so you get the hand of how humidity can change daily. Be sure to check this instrument right before it rains. This is a good instrument to read once a day and log it in your weather data book.

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First invented in the 1600s, thermometers measure temperature using a sensor (the bulb tip) and a scale. Temperature is a way of talking about, measuring, and comparing the thermal energy of objects. We use three different kinds of scales to measure temperature. Fahrenheit, Celsius, and Kelvin. (The fourth, Rankine, which is the absolute scale for Fahrenheit, is the one you’ll learn about in college.)

Mr. Fahrenheit, way back when (18th century) created a scale using a mercury thermometer to measure temperature. He marked 0° as the temperature ice melts in a tub of salt. (Ice melts at lower temperatures when it sits in salt. This is why we salt our driveways to get rid of ice). To standardize the higher point of his scale, he used the body temperature of his wife, 96°.

As you can tell, this wasn’t the most precise or useful measuring device. I can just imagine Mr. Fahrenheit, “Hmmm, something cold…something cold. I got it! Ice in salt. Good, okay there’s zero, excellent. Now, for something hot. Ummm, my wife! She always feels warm. Perfect, 96°. ” I hope he never tried to make a thermometer when she had a fever.

Just kidding, I’m sure he was very precise and careful, but it does seem kind of weird. Over time, the scale was made more precise and today body temperature is usually around 98.6°F.

Later, (still 18th century) Mr. Celsius came along and created his scale. He decided that he was going to use water as his standard. He chose the temperature that water freezes at as his 0° mark. He chose the temperature that water boils at as his 100° mark. From there, he put in 100 evenly spaced lines and a thermometer was born.

Last but not least Mr. Kelvin came along and wanted to create another scale. He said, I want my zero to be ZERO! So he chose absolute zero to be the zero on his scale.

Absolute zero is the theoretical temperature where molecules and atoms stop moving. They do not vibrate, jiggle or anything at absolute zero. In Celsius, absolute zero is -273 ° C. In Fahrenheit, absolute zero is -459°F (or 0°R). It doesn’t get colder than that!

As you can see, creating the temperature scales was really rather arbitrary:

“I think 0° is when water freezes with salt.”
“I think it’s just when water freezes.”
“Oh, yea, well I think it’s when atoms stop!”

Many of our measuring systems started rather arbitrarily and then, due to standardization over time, became the systems we use today. So that’s how temperature is measured, but what is temperature measuring?

Temperature is measuring thermal energy which is how fast the molecules in something are vibrating and moving. The higher the temperature something has, the faster the molecules are moving. Water at 34°F has molecules moving much more slowly than water at 150°F. Temperature is really a molecular speedometer.

Let’s make a quick thermometer so you can see how a thermometer actually works:

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The shell of chicken eggs are made mostly of calcium carbonate (CaCO3), which which reacts with distilled white vinegar (try placing a raw egg in a glass of vinegar overnight). The shell has over 15,000 tiny little mores that allows air and moisture to pass through, and a protective outer coating to keep out harmful things like dust and bacteria.

We're going to peek inside of an egg and discover the transparent protein membrane (made of the same protein your hair is made up of: keratin) and also peek in the air space that forms when the egg cools and contracts (gets smaller). Can you find the albumen (the egg white)? It's made up of mostly water with about 40 different proteins.

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Download Egg Dissection Lab here for older grades (5-12th) and here for younger grades (K-4).

Click here to go to part 16:Clam Dissection

Your voice is a vibration, and you can feel it when you place a hand on your throat when you speak. As long as there are molecules around, sound will be traveling though them by smacking into each other.

That’s why if you put an alarm clock inside a glass jar and remove the air, there’s no sound from the clock. There’s nothing to transfer the vibrational energy to – nothing to smack into to transfer the sound. It’s like trying to grab hold of fog – there’s nothing to hold on to.

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hornet1Sound is everywhere. It can travel through solids, liquids, and gases, but it does so at different speeds. It can rustle through trees at 770 MPH (miles per hour), echo through the ocean at 3,270 MPH, and resonate through solid rock at 8,600 MPH.

Sound is made by things vibrating back and forth, whether it’s a guitar string, drum head, or clarinet. The back and forth motion of an object (like the drum head) creates a sound wave in the air that looks a lot like a ripple in a pond after you throw a rock in. It radiates outward, vibrating it’s neighboring air molecules until they are moving around, too. This chain reaction keeps happening until it reaches your ears, where your “sound detectors” pick up the vibration and works with your brain to turn it into sound.

You can illustrate this principle using a guitar string – when you pluck the string, your ears pick up a sound. If you have extra rubber bands, wrap them around an open shoebox to make a shoebox guitar. You can also cut a hole in the lid (image left) and use wooden pencils to lift the rubber band off the surface of the shoebox.

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What’s an inclined plane? Jar lids, spiral staircases, light bulbs, and key rings. These are all examples of inclined planes that wind around themselves.  Some inclined planes are used to lower and raise things (like a jack or ramp), but they can also used to hold objects together (like jar lids or light bulb threads).

Here’s a quick experiment you can do to show yourself how something straight, like a ramp, is really the same as a spiral staircase.

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We’re going to build monster roller coasters in your house using just a couple of simple materials. You might have heard how energy cannot be created or destroyed, but it can be transferred or transformed (if you haven’t that’s okay – you’ll pick it up while doing this activity).

Roller coasters are a prime example of energy transfer: You start at the top of a big hill at low speeds (high gravitational potential energy), then race down a slope at break-neck speed (potential transforming into kinetic) until you bottom out and enter a loop (highest kinetic energy, lowest potential energy). At the top of the loop, your speed slows (increasing your potential energy), but then you speed up again and you zoom near the bottom exit of the loop (increasing your kinetic energy), and you’re off again!

Here’s what you need:

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When you drop a ball, it falls 16 feet the first second you release it. If you throw the ball horizontally, it will also fall 16 feet in the first second, even though it is moving horizontally… it moves both away from you and down toward the ground. Think about a bullet shot horizontally. It travels a lot faster than you can throw (about 2,000 feet each second). But it will still fall 16 feet during that first second. Gravity pulls on all objects (like the ball and the bullet) the same way, no matter how fast they go.

What if you shoot the bullet faster and faster? Gravity will still pull it down 16 feet during the first second, but remember that the surface of the Earth is round. Can you imagine how fast we’d need to shoot the bullet so that when the bullet falls 16 feet in one second, the Earth curves away from the bullet at the same rate of 16 feet each second?

Answer: that bullet needs to travel nearly 5 miles per second. (This is also how satellites stay in orbit – going just fast enough to keep from falling inward and not too fast that they fly out of orbit.)

Catapults are a nifty way to fire things both vertically and horizontally, so you can get a better feel for how objects fly through the air. Notice when you launch how the balls always fall at the same rate – about 16 feet in the first second.  What about the energy involved?

When you fire a ball through the air, it moves both vertically and horizontally (up and out). When you toss it upwards, you store the (moving) kinetic energy as potential energy, which transfers back to kinetic when it comes whizzing back down. If you throw it only outwards, the energy is completely lost due to friction.

The higher you pitch a ball upwards, the more energy you store in it. Instead of breaking our arms trying to toss balls into the air, let’s make a simple machine that will do it for us. This catapult uses elastic kinetic energy stored in the rubber band to launch the ball skyward.

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Mathematically speaking, this particular flying object shouldn't be able to fly.  What do you think about that?

Why can this thing fly? It doesn’t even LOOK like a plane! When I teach at the university, this is the plane that mathematically isn’t supposed to be able to fly! There are endless variations to this project—you can change the number of loops and the size of loops, you can tape two of these together, or you can make a whole pyramid of them. Just be sure to have fun!

It's actually a bit complicated to explain how this thing flies when "mathematically" it isn't supposed to, but here goes: there are FOUR forces at work with your flying machine. Gravity is always pulling it down, but air pressure keeps it up (called lift). The way real airplane wings generate lift is by having a curved surface on the top which decreases the air pressure, and since higher pressure pushes, the wing generates lift by moving through the air. (If this idea doesn't make sense, be sure to watch this video first!)

Ok, but what about a flat wing?

If you drop a regular sheet of paper, it flutters to the ground. If you wad it up first, you’ll find it falls much faster. The air under the falling paper needs to get out of the way as gravity pulls the paper, which is a lot easier when the paper is wadded into a ball.

For a flat wing (like on a paper airplane) to glide through the air, it needs to be balanced between gravity and the air resistance holding it up. In order for a glider to fly, the center of pressure needs to be behind the center of gravity (learn more about center of pressure and center of gravity in the third video below). By adding paper clips to your paper airplane, you move the center of gravity and center of pressure around to find the perfect balance.

When designing airplanes, engineers pay attention to details, such as the position of two important points: the center of gravity and the center of pressure (also called the center of lift). On an airplane, if the center of gravity and center of pressure points are reversed, the aircraft’s flight is unstable and it will somersault into chaos. The same is true for rockets and missiles!

Let’s find the center of gravity on your airplane. Grab your flying machine and sharpened pencil. You can find the ‘center of gravity’ by balancing your airplane on the tip of a pencil. Label this point “CG” for Center of Gravity.


  • sheet of paper
  • hair dryer
  • pencil with a sharp tip

We're going to make a paper airplane first, and then do a couple of wind tunnel tests on it.

For the project, all you need is a sheet of paper and five minutes... this is one my favorite fliers that we make with our students!

Find the Center of Pressure (CP) by doing the opposite: Using a blow-dryer set to low-heat so you don’t scorch your airplane, blast a jet of air up toward the ceiling. Put your airplane in the air jet and, using a pencil tip on the top side of your plane, find the point at which the airplane balances while in the airstream. Label this point “CP” for Center of Pressure. (Which one is closest to the nose?)

Besides paying attention to the CG and CP points, aeronautical engineers need to figure out the static and dynamic stability of an airplane, which is a complicated way of determining whether it will fly straight or oscillate out of control during flight. Think of a real airplane and pretend you’ve got one balanced on your finger. Where does it balance? Airplanes typically balance around the wings (the CG point). Ever wonder why the engines are at the front of small airplanes? The engine is the heaviest part of the plane, and engineers use this weight for balance, because the tail (elevator) is actually an upside-down wing that pushes the tail section down during flight.

When we use math to add up the forces (the pull of gravity would be the weight, for example), it works out that there isn’t enough lift generated by thrust to overcome the weight and drag. When I say, “mathematically speaking...” I mean that the numbers don’t work out quite right. When this happens in science for real scientists, it usually means that they don’t fully understand something yet. There are a number of ‘unsolved’ mysteries still in science.. maybe you’ll be able to help us figure them out?

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Hovercraft transport people and their stuff across ice, grass, swamp, water, and land. Also known as the Air Cushioned Vehicle (ACV), these machines use air to greatly reduce the sliding friction between the bottom of the vehicle (the skirt) and the ground. This is a great example of how lubrication works – most people think of oil as the only way to reduce sliding friction, but gases work well if done right.

In this case, the readily-available air is shoved downward by the pressure inside of balloon. This air flows down through the nozzle and out the bottom, under the CD, lifting it slightly as it goes and creating a thin layer for the CD to float on.

Although this particular hovercraft only has a ‘hovering’ option, I’m sure you can quickly figure out how to add a ‘thruster’ to make it zoom down the table! (Hint – you will need to add a second balloon!)

Here’s what you need:

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Indoor Rain Clouds

Making indoor rain clouds demonstrates the idea of temperature, the measure of how hot or cold something is. Here's how to do it:

Take two clear glasses that fit snugly together when stacked. (Cylindrical glasses with straight sides work well.)

Fill one glass half-full with ice water and the other half-full with very hot water (definitely an adult job – and take care not to shatter the glass with the hot water!). Be sure to leave enough air space for the clouds to form in the hot glass.

Place the cold glass directly on top of the hot glass and wait several minutes. If the seal holds between the glasses, a rain cloud will form just below the bottom of the cold glass, and it actually rains inside the glass! (You can use a damp towel around the rim to help make a better seal if needed.)

  • glass of ice water
  • glass of hot water (see video)
  • towel
  • adult help
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Temperature is a way of talking about, measuring, and comparing the thermal energy of objects.

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Going Further

We are all made of trillions of cells, and each cell as a job to do, like detecting light, sensing touch, carry oxygen, digest food… there are over 200 different jobs just in your own body alone for cells to do! DNA are the instructions that tell cells what their job is.

Find the full DNA experiment here.

Click here to go to part 15:Dissecting a Chicken Egg

If you were an astrobiologist, you would be working with space scientists and marine biologists also, because you would need to understand how life works here on earth in extreme environments in order to help you understand what you find out there in space.


Click here to go to Part 12: Cells

Osmosis is how water moves through a membrane. A carrot is made up of cells surrounded by cell membranes. The cell membrane’s job is to keep the cell parts protected. Water can pass through the membrane, but most things can’t.

Find the full Carrot Osmosis experiment here.

Click here to go to Part 14: DNA

Animals, plants and other living things look different, and contain many different kinds of cells, but when you get down to it, all of us are just a bunch of cells – and that makes cells pretty much the most important thing when it comes to life!

Molecules are the building blocks of matter. You’ve probably heard that before, right? But that does it mean? What does a molecule look like? How big are they? Let’s find out.

While you technically can measure the size of a molecule, despite the fact it’s usually too small to do even with a regular microscope, what you can’t do is see an image of the molecule itself. The reason has to do with the limits of nature and wavelengths of light, not because our technology isn’t there yet, or we’re not smart enough to figure it out. Scientists have to get creative about the ways they do about measuring something that isn’t possible to see with the eyes.

Here’s what you do:

Step 1: Place water in the pie pan and sprinkle in the chalk dust. You want a light, even coating on the surface.

Step 2: Place dish soap inside the medicine dropper and hold it up.

Step 3: Squeeze the medicine dropper carefully and slowly so that a single drop forms at the tip. Don’t let it fall!

Step 4: Hold the ruler up and measure the drop. Record this in your data sheet.

Step 5: Hold the tip of the dropper over the pie pan near the surface and let it drop onto the water near the center of the pie pan.

Step 6: Watch it carefully as it spreads out to be one molecule thick!

Step 7: Quickly measure and record the diameter of the layer of the detergent on your data sheet.

Step 8: Use equations for sphere and cylinder volume to determine the height (which we assume to be one molecule thick) of the soap when it’s spread out. That’s the approximate width of the molecule!

What you've done in this experiment is taken a small sphere of soap, and made it flatten itself out to a disk that is one molecule thick. The chalk dust is only there so that you can actually see this happening. When you let the drop hit the surface of the water, due to the structure of the molecules, they repel each other as much as possible. Because of this, we can easily measure the thickness of the soap disk on the surface. The total volume of the drop does not change during the experiment (the act of releasing the drop doesn't change how much soap is in the drop). So the volume of the spherical soap is the same as the volume.

Find the full Measuring the Size of a Molecule experiment here.

Click here to go to Part 13: Osmosis

A virus is like when you catch a cold or the chicken pox – the virus uses the cells in your body to make copies of itself so it can spread throughout your body. Bacteria on the other hand, are living microorganisms, most of which don’t harm people at all (there are exceptions, like when they cause strep throat and tuberculosis).

Find the full Laser Microscope experiment here.

Click here to go to Part 9: Bioluminescence

Find the full Laser Microscope experiment here.

There’s a special way scientists classify and name all living things – it’s called “taxonomy”. All living things are divided into the following groups, called kingdoms. All kingdoms are made up of smaller groups which are made of even smaller groups, and so on. A series of groups within one system is called a hierarchy. It’s how you find your serving spoon in a drawer with a million other silverware pieces – it makes it easy and fast to find out about what you want.


Click here to go to Part 8: Viruses & Bacteria

Here’s a neat experiment you can do to measure the rate of photosynthesis of a plant, and it’s super-simple and you probably have most of what you need to do it right now at home!

You basically take small bits of a leaf like spinach, stick it in a cup of water that has extra carbon dioxide in it, and shine a light on it. The plant will take the carbon dioxide from the water and the light from the lamp and make oxygen bubbles that stick to it and lift it to the surface of the water, like a kid holding a bunch of helium balloons. And you time how long this all takes and you have the rate of photosynthesis for your leaf.

Click here to go to Part 7: Taxonomy

Acids are sour tasting (like a lemon), bases are bitter (like unsweetened cocoa powder). Substances in the middle are more neutral, like water. Scientists use the pH (power of hydrogen, or potential hydrogen) scale to measure how acidic or basic something is. Hydrochloric acid registers at a 1, sodium hydroxide (drain cleaner) is a 14. Water is about a 7. pH levels tell you how acidic or alkaline (basic) something is, like dirt. If your soil is too acidic, your plants won't attract enough hydrogen, and too alkaline attracts too many hydrogen ions. The right balance is usually somewhere in the middle (called 'pH neutral'). Some plants change color depending on the level of acidity in the soil - hydrangeas turn pink in acidic soil and blue in alkaline soil.

Some things you can test (in addition to the ones in the video) include: Sprite, distilled white vinegar, baking soda, Vanish, laundry detergent, clear ammonia, powdered Draino, and Milk of Magnesia. DO NOT mix any of these together! Simply add a bit to each cup and test it with your pH strips. Here's a quick video demonstration:


Click here to go to Part 6: Bonus Content: Measuring Photosynthesis

There are many different kinds of acids: citric acid (in a lemon), tartaric acid (in white wine), malic acid (in apples), acetic acid (in vinegar), and phosphoric acid (in cola drinks). The battery acid in your car is a particularly nasty acid called sulfuric acid that will eat through your skin and bones. Hydrochloric acid is found in your stomach to help digest food, and nitric acid is used to make dyes in fabrics as well as fertilizer compounds.

If you’ve ever watched a bird take off, you know it flaps its wings first, then somehow lifts itself off the ground. Some birds need to get a running start, and overs can just hover straight up. What about an airplane – how does an airplane take off? Does it need to flap its wings? Let's find out!

Click here to go to Part 5: Botany 1

You can learn more about airfoils here, and if you want to learn how to fly a real airplane, go here.

(Where's Part 1? You just watched it above in the "What is Biology" section!) Scientists don’t just classify things based on how they look. For example, alligators and crocodiles both look similar, and how they look actually depends on which part of the world they came from.

Click here to go to Part 3: Entomology

Dissection in biology provides a hands-on education above and beyond reading a textbook. By seeing, touching and exploring different organs, muscles and tissues inside an animal and seeing how they work together allows you to really understand your own body and appreciate the amazing world around us. And it's not hard  - you can dissect a clam right at home using this inexpensive clam specimen with a dissection guide and simple dissection tools! Many doctors, surgeons and veterinarians report that their first fascination with the body started with a biology dissection class.


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Click here to go to part 17:Earthworm Dissection


Entomologists study insects, including what they look like and how they react and behave, and also the environment they like to live in.


Scientists don’t just classify things based on how they look. For example, alligators and crocodiles both look similar, and how they look actually depends on which part of the world they came from.


Osmosis is how cells allow water to pass through in and out of the cell through a special membrane using a bit of chemistry. Here is how they do it…

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Click here for the next lesson on Colligative Properties Part 1.

This is an introduction to the microscope, and we’re going to not only how to use a microscope but also cover the basics of optics, slide preparation, and why we can see things that are invisible to the naked eye. Microscopes are basically two lenses put together to make things appear larger.

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Supercooling a liquid is a really neat way of keeping the liquid a liquid below the freezing temperature. Normally, when you decrease the temperature of water below 32oF, it turns into ice. But if you do it gently and slowly enough, it will stay a liquid, albeit a really cold one!

In nature, you’ll find supercooled water drops in freezing rain and also inside cumulus clouds. Pilots that fly through these clouds need to pay careful attention, as ice can instantly form on the instrument ports causing the instruments to fail. More dangerous is when it forms on the wings, changing the shape of the wing and causing the wing to stop producing lift. Most planes have de-icing capabilities, but the pilot still needs to turn it on.

We’re going to supercool water, and then disturb it to watch the crystals grow right before our eyes! While we’re only going to supercool it a couple of degrees, scientists can actually supercool water to below -43oF!

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This is a recording of a recent live teleclass I did with thousands of kids from all over the world. I’ve included it here so you can participate and learn, too! Learn about the world of rocks, crystals, gems, fossils, and minerals by moving beyond just looking at pretty stones and really being able to identify, test, and classify samples and specimens you come across using techniques that real field experts use. While most people might think of a rock as being fun to climb or toss into a pond, you will now be able to see the special meaning behind the naturally occurring material that is made out of minerals by understanding how the minerals are joined together, what their crystalline structure is like, and much more.


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First Law of Thermodynamics: Energy is conserved. Energy is the ability to do work. Work is moving something against a force over a distance. Force is a push or a pull, like pulling a wagon or pushing a car. Energy cannot be created or destroyed, but can be transformed.

Materials: ball, string

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A battery is a device that produces electrical energy from a chemical reaction. Another name for a battery is voltaic cell. Voltaic means to make electricity.

Most batteries contain two or more different chemical substances. The different chemical substances are usually separated from each other by a barrier. One side of the barrier is the positive terminal of the battery and the other side of the barrier is the negative terminal. When the positive and negative terminals of a battery are connected to a circuit, a chemical reaction takes place between the two different chemical substances that produces a flow of electrons (electricity).

When a battery is producing electricity, one of the chemical substances in the battery loses electrons. These electrons are then gained by the other chemical substance.

A battery is designed so that the electrons lost by one chemical substance are made to flow through a circuit, such as a flashlight lamp, before being gained by the other chemical substance. A battery will produce a flow of electrons until all of the chemical substances involved in the chemical reaction are completely used.

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Click here to go to next lesson on Electrochemistry Analysis

In this lab, we’re going to investigate the wonders of electrochemistry. Electrochemistry became a new branch of chemistry in 1832, founded by Michael Faraday. Michael Faraday is considered the "father of electrochemistry". The knowledge gained from his work has filtered down to this lab. YOU will be like Michael Faraday. I imagined he would have been overjoyed to do this lab and see the results. You are soooo lucky to be able to take an active part in this experiment. Here's what you're going to do...

You will be “creating” metallic copper from a solution of copper sulfate and water, and depositing it on a negative electrode. Copper is one of our more interesting elements. Copper is a metal, and element 29 on your periodic table. It conducts heat and electricity very well.

Many things around you are made of copper. Copper wire is used in electrical wiring. It has been used for centuries in the form of pipes to distribute water and other fluids in homes and in industry. The Statue of Liberty is a wonderful example of how beautiful 180,000 pounds of copper can be. Yes, it is made of copper, and no, it doesn’t look like a penny…..on the surface. The green color is copper oxide, which forms on the surface of copper exposed to air and water. The oxide is formed on the surface and does not attack the bulk of the copper. You could say that copper oxide protects the copper.

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Click here for Potassium Permanganate

Magnesium is one of the most common elements in the Earth’s crust. This alkaline earth metal is silvery white, and soft. As you perform this lab, think about why magnesium is used in emergency flares and fireworks. Farmers use it in fertilizers, pharmacists use it in laxatives and antacids, and engineers mix it with aluminum to create the BMW N52 6-cylinder magnesium engine block. Photographers used to use magnesium powder in the camera’s flash before xenon bulbs were available.

Most folks, however, equate magnesium with a burning white flame. Magnesium fires burn too hot to be extinguished using water, so most firefighters use sand or graphite.

We’re going to learn how to (safely) ignite a piece of magnesium in the first experiment, and next how to get energy from it by using it in a battery in the second experiment. Are you ready?

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This experiment shows how a battery works using electrochemistry. The copper electrons are chemically reacting with the lemon juice, which is a weak acid, to form copper ions (cathode, or positive electrode) and bubbles of hydrogen.

These copper ions interact with the zinc electrode (negative electrode, or anode) to form zinc ions. The difference in electrical charge (potential) on these two plates causes a voltage.


  • one zinc and copper strip
  • two alligator wires
  • digital multimeter
  • one fresh large lemon or other fruit
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Mars is coated with iron oxide, which not only covers the surface but is also present in the rocks made by the volcanoes on Mars.

Today you get to perform a chemistry experiment that investigates the different kinds of rust and shows that given the right conditions, anything containing iron will eventually break down and corrode. When iron rusts, it’s actually going through a chemical reaction: Steel (iron) + Water (oxygen) + Air (oxygen) = Rust

  • Four empty water bottles
  • Four balloons
  • Water
  • Steel wool
  • Vinegar
  • Water
  • Salt
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Click here to go to next lesson on Fruit Battery

Never polish your tarnished silver-plated silverware again! Instead, set up a ‘silverware carwash’ where you earn a nickel for every piece you clean. (Just don’t let grandma in on your little secret!)

We’ll be using chemistry and electricity together (electrochemistry) to make a battery that reverses the chemical reaction that puts tarnish on grandma’s good silver.  It’s safe, simple, and just needs a grown-up to help with the stove.

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Click here to go to next lesson on Batteries storing energy

If you don’t have equipment lying around for this experiment, wait until you complete Unit 10 (Electricity) and then come back to complete this experiment. It’s definitely worth it!

Electroplating was first figured out by Michael Faraday. The copper dissolves and shoots over to the key and gets stuck as a thin layer onto the metal key. During this process, hydrogen bubbles up and is released as a gas. People use this technique to add material to undersized parts, for place a protective layer of material on objects, to add aesthetic qualities to an object.


  • one shiny metal key
  • 2 alligator clips
  • 9V battery clip
  • copper sulfate (MSDS)
  • one copper strip or shiny copper penny
  • one empty pickle jar
  • 9V battery
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Click here to go to next lesson on Electrochemical cells and voltage

This experiment is just for advanced students. If you guessed that this has to do with electricity and chemistry, you’re right! But you might wonder how they work together. Back in 1800, William Nicholson and Johann Ritter were the first ones to split water into hydrogen and oxygen using electrolysis. (Soon afterward, Ritter went on to figure out electroplating.) They added energy in the form of an electric current into a cup of water and captured the bubbles forming into two separate cups, one for hydrogen and other for oxygen.

This experiment is not an easy one, so feel free to skip it if you need to. You don’t need to do this to get the concepts of this lesson but it’s such a neat and classical experiment (my students love it) so you can give it a try if you want to. The reason I like this is because what you are really doing in this experiment is ripping molecules apart and then later crashing them back together.

Have fun and please follow the directions carefully. This could be dangerous if you’re not careful. The image shown here is using graphite from two pencils sharpened on both ends, but the instructions below use wire.  Feel free to try both to see which types of electrodes provide the best results.

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Electricity. Chemistry. Nothing in common, have nothing to do with each other. Wrong! Electrochemistry has been a fact since 1774. Once electricity was applied to particular solutions, changes occurred that scientists of the time did not expect.

In this lab, we will discover some of the same things that Farraday found over 300 years ago. We will be there as things tear apart, particles rush about, and the power of attraction is very strong. We’re not talking about dancing, we’re talking about something much more important and interesting….we’re talking about ELECTROCHEMISTRY!

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Click here to go to next lesson on Electrolysis

If you guessed that electrochemistry has to do with electricity and chemistry, you’re right! But you might wonder how they work together. Back in 1800, William Nicholson and Johann Ritter were the first ones to split water into hydrogen and oxygen using electrolysis. (Soon afterwards, Ritter went on to figure out electroplating.) They added energy in the form of an electric current into a cup of water and captured the bubbles forming into two separate cups, one for hydrogen and other for oxygen.
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Click here to go to next lesson on More on Electrochemistry

This is a cool video from a Teacher’s Educational Channel in Europe I thought you might enjoy about the science of fireworks:

You can view the full video here.

Click here to go to your next lesson in Electrochemistry.

Charcoal crystals uses evaporation to grow the crystals, which will continue to grow for weeks afterward.  You’ll need a piece of very porous material, such as a charcoal briquette, sponge, or similar object to absorb the solution and grow your crystals as the liquid evaporates.  These crystals are NOT for eating, so be sure to keep your growing garden away from young children and pets! This project is exclusively for advanced students, as it more involves toxic chemicals than just salt and sugar.

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Potassium perchlorate is usually safer than chlorate salt, but it sometimes is hard to get it. In the past, the only supplier in the US makes ammonium perchlorate, the oxidizer that was used with the space shuttle booster rockets, and each shuttle launch required 1.5 million pounds of it, which was twice the annual consumption rate, so when there were a lot of shuttle launches, the fireworks market took a hit and it was near impossible to get any potassium perchlorate.
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Second Law of Thermodynamics: Heat flows from hot to cold. Heat is the movement of thermal energy from one object to another. Heat can only flow from an object of a higher temperature to an object of a lower temperature. Heat can be transferred from one object to another through conduction, convection and radiation.

Temperature is basically a speedometer for molecules. The faster they are wiggling and jiggling, the higher the temperature and the higher the thermal energy that object has. Your skin, mouth and tongue are antennas which can sense thermal energy. When an object absorbs heat it does not necessarily change temperature.

Materials: hot cup of cocoa

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First Law of Thermodynamics: Energy is conserved. Energy is the ability to do work. Work is moving something against a force over a distance. Force is a push or a pull, like pulling a wagon or pushing a car. Energy cannot be created or destroyed, but can be transformed.

Materials: ball, string

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Click here to go to next lesson on Thermodynamics: Second law

What do you do if you don’t know the concentration of a solution? We use a method called titration to determine how many moles are present in the solution of an acid or a base by neutralizing it. A titration curve is when you graph out the pH as you drop it in the solution.

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Click here to go to next lesson on pH and solubility

This experiment is for advanced students. All chemical reactions are equilibrium reactions. This experiment is really cool because you’re going to watch how a chemical reaction resists a pH change.

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Click here to go to next lesson on Titrations and pH curves

Cobalt chloride (CoCl2) has a dramatic color change when combined with water, making it a great water indicator. A concentrated solution of cobalt chloride is red at room temperature, blue when heated, and pale-to-clear when frozen. The cobalt chloride we’re using is actually cobalt chloride hexahydrate, which means that each CoCl2 molecule also has six water molecules (6H2O) stuck to it.

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Click here to go to next lesson on Potassium Hexacynoferrate

If you love the idea of mixing up chemicals and dream of having your own mad science lab one day, this one is for you. You are going to mix up each solid with each liquid in a chemical matrix.

In a university class, one of the first things you learn in chemistry is the difference between physical and chemical changes. An example of a physical change happens when you change the shape of an object, like wadding up a piece of paper. If you light the paper wad on fire, you now have a chemical change. You are rearranging the atoms that used to be the molecules that made up the paper into other molecules, such as carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, ash, and so forth.

How can you tell if you have a chemical change? If something changes color, gives off light (such as the light sticks used around Halloween), or absorbs heat (gets cold) or produces heat (gets warm), it’s a chemical change.

What about physical changes? Some examples of physical changes include tearing cloth, rolling dough, stretching rubber bands, eating a banana, or blowing bubbles.

About this experiment: Your solutions will turn red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, hot, cold, bubbling, foaming, rock hard, oozy, and slimy, and they’ll crystallize and gel — depending on what you put in and how much!

This is the one set of chemicals that you can mix together without worrying about any lethal gases.  I do recommend doing this OUTSIDE, as the alcohol and peroxide vapors can irritate you. Always have goggles on and gloves on your hands, and a hose handy in case of spills. Although these chemicals are not harmful to your skin, they can cause your skin to dry out and itch. Wear gloves (latex or similar) and eye protection (safety goggles), and if you’re not sure about an experiment or chemical, just don’t do it. (Skip the peroxide and cold pack if you have small kids.)

• sodium tetraborate (borax, laundry aisle)
• sodium bicarbonate (baking soda, baking aisle)
• sodium carbonate (washing soda, laundry aisle)
• calcium chloride (AKA “DriEz” or “Ice Melt”)
• citric acid (spice section, used for preserving and pickling)
• ammonium nitrate (single-use disposable cold pack)
• isopropyl rubbing alcohol
• hydrogen peroxide
• acetic acid (distilled white vinegar)
• water
• liquid dish soap (add to water)
• muffin tin or disposable cups
• popsicle sticks for stirring and mixing
• tablecloths (one for the table, another for the floor)
• head of red cabbage (indicator)

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Click here to go to next lesson on Cobalt Colors