This experiment is for advanced students.

Don’t put this in your car….yet. Hydrogen generation, capture, and combustion are big deals right now. The next phase of transportation, and a move away from fossil fuels in not found in electric cars. Electric cars are waiting until hydrogen fuel cell vehicles become practical. It can be done and is being done.

Cars being powered by hydrogen are here, but not on the market yet. Engineers and chemists are always finding new ways to improve the chemical reaction that produces hydrogen and making the vehicles more efficiently use the fuel. Hydrogen fuel is not just easy to make, it is inexpensive, and the “exhaust” is water.

We will generate hydrogen in this lab. We will also see how combustible it is. Just let your imagination wander….just a bit and you will see noiseless cars and trucks zipping along the streets and interstates, carrying people and cargo. The Indianapolis 500 wouldn’t be quite the same, though. “And there they go, roaring, I mean quietly entering turn two…”

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Ever wonder how the water draining down your sink gets clean again? Think about it: The water you use to clean your dishes is the same water that runs through the toilet.  There is only one water pipe to the house, and that source provides water for the dishwasher, tub, sink, washing machine, toilet, fish tank, and water filter on the front of your fridge.  And there’s only one drain from your house, too!  How can you be sure what’s in the water you’re using?

This experiment will help you turn not only your coffee back into clear water, but the swamp muck from the back yard as well.  Let’s get started.
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Phenolphthalein is a weak, colorless acid that changes color when it touches acidic (turns orange) or basic (turns pink/fuchsia) substances. People used to take it as a laxative (not recommended today, as ingesting high amounts may cause cancer). Use gloves when handling this chemical, as your skin  can absorb it on contact. I’ll show you how:

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You can use this as real ink by using it BEFORE you combine them together like this: dip a toothpick into the first solution (sodium ferrocyanide solution) and with the tip write onto a sheet of paper.

While the writing is drying, dip a piece of paper towel int other solution (ferric ammonium sulfate solution) and gently blot along where you wrote on the paper… and the color appears as blue ink. You can make your secret message disappear by wiping a paper towel dipped in a sodium carbonate solution.

You can also grow purple, gold, and red crystals with these chemicals… we’ll show you how!


  • sodium ferrocyanide
  • ferric ammonium sulfate
  • 2 test tubes
  • distilled water
  • goggles and gloves
  • water
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This experiment is for advanced students.Have you ever taken a gulp of the ocean? Seawater can be extremely salty! There are large quantities of salt dissolved into the water as it rolled across the land and into the sea. Drinking ocean water will actually make you thirstier (think of eating a lot of pretzels). So what can you do if you’re deserted on an island with only your chemistry set?

Let me show you how to take the salt out of water with this easy setup.

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Mars is coated with iron oxide, which not only covers the surface but is also present in the rocks made by the volcanoes on Mars.

Today you get to perform a chemistry experiment that investigates the different kinds of rust and shows that given the right conditions, anything containing iron will eventually break down and corrode. When iron rusts, it’s actually going through a chemical reaction: Steel (iron) + Water (oxygen) + Air (oxygen) = Rust

  • Four empty water bottles
  • Four balloons
  • Water
  • Steel wool
  • Vinegar
  • Water
  • Salt
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Instead of using glue as a polymer (as in the slime recipes above), we're going to use PVA (polyvinyl alcohol). Most liquids are unconnected molecules bouncing around. Monomers (single molecules) flow very easily and don't clump together. When you link up monomers into longer segments, you form polymers (long chains of molecules).

Polymers don't flow very easily at all - they tend to get tangled up until you add the cross-linking agent, which buddies up the different segments of the molecule chains together into a climbing-rope design.

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Magnesium is one of the most common elements in the Earth’s crust. This alkaline earth metal is silvery white, and soft. As you perform this lab, think about why magnesium is used in emergency flares and fireworks. Farmers use it in fertilizers, pharmacists use it in laxatives and antacids, and engineers mix it with aluminum to create the BMW N52 6-cylinder magnesium engine block. Photographers used to use magnesium powder in the camera's flash before xenon bulbs were available.

Most folks, however, equate magnesium with a burning white flame. Magnesium fires burn too hot to be extinguished using water, so most firefighters use sand or graphite.

We're going to learn how to (safely) ignite a piece of magnesium in the first experiment, and next how to get energy from it by using it in a battery in the second experiment. Are you ready?

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Is it hot where you live in the summer? What if I gave you a recipe for making ice cream that doesn’t require an expensive ice cream maker, hours of churning, and can be made to any flavor you can dream up? (Even dairy-free if needed?)

If you’ve got a backyard full of busy kids that seem to constantly be in motion, then this is the project for you.  The best part is, you don’t have to do any of the churning work… the kids will handle it all for you!

This experiment is simple to set up (it only requires a trip to the grocery store), quick to implement, and all you need to do guard the back door armed with a hose to douse the kids before they tramp back into the house afterward.

One of the secrets to making great ice cream quickly is Please login or register to read the rest of this content.

If you don’t have equipment lying around for this experiment, wait until you complete Unit 10 (Electricity) and then come back to complete this experiment. It’s definitely worth it!

Electroplating was first figured out by Michael Faraday. The copper dissolves and shoots over to the key and gets stuck as a thin layer onto the metal key. During this process, hydrogen bubbles up and is released as a gas. People use this technique to add material to undersized parts, for place a protective layer of material on objects, to add aesthetic qualities to an object.


  • one shiny metal key
  • 2 alligator clips
  • 9V battery clip
  • copper sulfate (MSDS)
  • one copper strip or shiny copper penny
  • one empty pickle jar
  • 9V battery
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This is looks like a chemical reaction but it's not - it's really just a physical change. It's a really neat trick you can do for your friends or in a magic show. Here's how it works:


  • acetone
  • pie pan (or other shallow baking dish)
  • Styrofoam cup


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This experiment is for advanced students.

Lewis and Clark did this same experiment when they reached the Oregon coast in 1805. Men from the expedition traveled fifteen miles south of the fort they had built at the mouth of the Columbia River to where Seaside, Oregon now thrives.

In 1805, however, it was just men from the fort and Indians. They built an oven of rocks. For six weeks, they processed 1,400 gallons of seawater, boiling the water off to gain 28 gallons of salt.

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Have you ever tried washing dishes without soap? It doesn’t work well, especially if there’s a lot of grease, fat, or oil on the dish!

The oils and fats are slippery and repel water, which makes them a great choice for lubration of bearing and wheels, but lousy for cleaning up after dinner.

So what’s inside soap that makes it clean off the dish? The soap molecule looks a lot like a snake, with a head and a tail. The long tail loves oil (hydrophobic) and the head loves water (hydrophilic). The hydrophilic end dissolves in water and the hydrophobic end wraps itself around fat and oil in the dirty water, cleaning it off your dishes.

Let’s do an experiment that will really make you appreciate soap and fat:

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This experiment is for advanced students.

Glo-sticks! Parents hang them from their trick or treaters, backpackers read with them light late at night in a tent. Glo-sticks work on the principle of chemiluminescence.  Chemiluminescence is defined as emitting light without heat as the result of a chemical reaction.

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Cobalt chloride (CoCl2) has a dramatic color change when combined with water, making it a great water indicator. A concentrated solution of cobalt chloride is red at room temperature, blue when heated, and pale-to-clear when frozen. The cobalt chloride we’re using is actually cobalt chloride hexahydrate, which means that each CoCl2 molecule also has six water molecules (6H2O) stuck to it.

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Magician Tom Noddy

If you’re fascinated by the simple complexity of the standard soap bubble, then this is the lab for you. You can easily transform these ideas into a block-party Bubble Festival, or just have extra fun in the nightly bathtub. Either way, your kids will not only learn about the science of water, molecules, and surface tension, they’ll also leave this lab cleaner than they started (which is highly unusually for science experiments!)

Soap also makes water stretchy. If you’ve ever tried making bubbles with your mouth just using spit, you know that you can’t get the larger, fist-sized spit bubbles to form completely and detach to float away in the air. Spit is 94% water, and water by itself has too much surface tension, too many forces holding the molecules together. When you add soap to it, they relax a bit and stretch out. Soap makes water stretch and form into a bubble.
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This is a recording of a recent live teleclass I did with thousands of kids from all over the world. I’ve included it here so you can participate and learn, too!

We’re going to be mixing up dinosaur toothpaste, doing experiments with catalysts, discovering the 5 states of matter, and building your own chemistry lab station as we cover chemical kinetics, phase shifts, the states of matter, atoms, molecules, elements, chemical reactions, and much more. We’re also going to turn liquid polymers into glowing putty so you can amaze your friends when it totally glows in the dark. AND make liquids freeze by heating them up (no kidding) using a scientific principle called supercooling,


  • Chemistry Worksheet
  • Aluminum pie plate
  • Bowl
  • Clear glue or white glue
  • Disposable cups
  • Goggles & gloves
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • OPTIONAL: Instant reusable hand warmer (containing sodium acetate )
  • Liquid soap
  • Popsicle sticks
  • Scissors or pliers
  • Sodium tetraborate (also called “Borax”)
  • Water bottle
  • Yeast
  • Yellow highlighter
  • Optional: If you want to see your experiments glow in the dark, you’ll need a fluorescent UV black light (about $10 from the pet store – look in cleaning supplies under “Urine-Off” for a fluorescent UV light). UV flashlights and UV LEDs will not work.
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A magnetic field is the area around a magnet or an electrical current that attracts or repels objects that are placed in the field. The closer the object is to the magnet, the more powerfully it’s going to experience the magnetic effect. Nearly all minerals that are magnetic have iron as a component.

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Your goal is to identify samples according to their reactivity with acid. Minerals that react are called chemical rocks, and minerals that don’t are called clastic rocks. Some chemical rocks contain carbonate minerals, like limestone, dolomite, and marble which react with the acid.
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By the end of this lab, you will be able to line up rocks according to how hard they are by using a specific scale. The scale goes from 1 to 10, with 10 being the hardest minerals.
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You will be able to identify minerals by their colors and streaks, and be able to tell a sample of real gold from the fake look-alike called pyrite.

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Geodes are formed from gas bubbles in flowing lava. Up close, a geode is a crystallized mineral deposit that is usually very dull and ordinary-looking on the outside.  When you crack open a geode, however, it’s like being inside a crystal cave.  We’ll use an eggshell to simulate a gas bubble in flowing lava.

We’re going to dissolve alum in water and place the solution into an eggshell. In real life, minerals are dissolved in groundwater and placed in a gas bubble pocket.  In both cases, you will be left with a geode.

Note: These crystals are not for eating, just for looking.

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We’re going to take two everyday materials, salt and vinegar, and use them to grow crystals by creating a solution and allowing the liquids to evaporate.  These crystals can be dyed with food coloring, so you can grow yourself a rainbow of small crystals overnight.

The first thing you need to do is gather your materials.  You will need:

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Can we really make crystals out of soap?  You bet!  These crystals grow really fast, provided your solution is properly saturated.  In only 12 hours, you should have sizable crystals sprouting up.

You can do this experiment with either skewers, string, or pipe cleaners.  The advantage of using pipe cleaners is that you can twist the pipe cleaners together into interesting shapes, such as a snowflake or other design.  Make sure the shape fits inside your jar.

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penny-structureThe atoms in a solid, as we mentioned before, are usually held close to one another and tightly together. Imagine a bunch of folks all stuck to one another with glue. Each person can wiggle and jiggle but they can’t really move anywhere.

Atoms in a solid are the same way. Each atom can wiggle and jiggle but they are stuck together. In science, we say that the molecules have strong bonds between them. Bonds are a way of describing how atoms and molecules are stuck together.

There’s nothing physical that actually holds them together (like a tiny rope or something). Like the Earth and Moon are stuck together by gravity forces, atoms and molecules are held together by nuclear and electromagnetic forces. Since the atoms and molecules come so close together they will often form crystals.

Try this experiment and then we will talk more about this:
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Crystals are formed when atoms line up in patterns and solidify.  There are crystals everywhere — in the form of salt, sugar, sand, diamonds, quartz, and many more!

To make crystals, you need to make a very special kind of solution called a supersaturated solid solution.  Here’s what that means: if you add salt by the spoonful to a cup of water, you’ll reach a point where the salt doesn’t disappear (dissolve) anymore and forms a lump at the bottom of the glass.

The point at which it begins to form a lump is just past the point of saturation. If you heat up the saltwater, the lump disappears.  You can now add more and more salt, until it can’t take any more (you’ll see another lump starting to form at the bottom).  This is now a supersaturated solid solution.  Mix in a bit of water to make the lump disappear.  Your solution is ready for making crystals.  But how?

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When you hear the word “bacteria” what do you think of? If you’re like most people, you probably think of things that can make you sick. Although some bacteria do make us sick, this is not true for all of them. In fact, as we’ll see a little later, some bacteria are very helpful.

Did you know that bacteria can have a virus? It’s true! But first, you might be wondering: what’s the difference between viruses and bacteria?

Bacteria grows and reproduces on its own, while viruses cannot exist or reproduce without being in a living cell of a plant, animal, or even bacteria. Size-wise, bacteria are enormous.

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Bacteria have a bad reputation. Walk down the cleaning aisle of any store and you’ll see rows and rows of products promising to kill them. There are definitely some bacteria that cause problems for people, and we’ll talk about them soon, but we are going to start off positive, and talk about the many ways bacteria can be helpful.

First, decomposers help control waste. Without these bacteria, the amount of waste in soil would quickly make the soil a place where nothing could grow. Bacteria are even used in sewage treatment plants to treat our waste. Decomposers also help provide organisms with nitrogen, as was discussed earlier.

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Ah-chooo! Influenza (the “flu”) is when you get chills, fever, sore throat, muscle pains, headaches, coughing, and feel like all you want to do is lie in bed. The flu is often confused with the common cold, but it’s a totally different (and more severe) virus.

The flu is passed from person to person (or animals or birds) by coughing or sneezing. With plants, it’s transmitted through the sap via insects. In the case of birds and animals, the flu is usually transmitted by touching their droppings, which is why hand-washing is so important! In addition to soap, the flu virus can be inactivated by sunlight, disinfectants and detergents.

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One place where bacteria can be found is on your teeth. This is why it’s so important to brush well. Don’t believe me? Then this experiment is for you. You’ll need to gather your materials and make sure you have a toothbrush and microscope nearby.

This is important because prokaryotes are incredibly common and have a huge impact on our lives.  You may already know some of the ways bacteria can be harmful to you, and this is certainly important information.  Scientists have used knowledge of prokaryotes to create medications, vaccines, and healthy living habits that have led to a healthier life for billions of people.

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Some organisms, like bacteria, consist of only one cell. Other organisms, like humans, consist of trillions of specialized cells working together. Even if organisms look very different from each other, if you look close enough you’ll see that their cells have much in common.

Most cells are so tiny that you can’t see them without the help of a microscope. The microscopes that students typically use at school are light microscopes.

Robert Hooke created a primitive light microscope in 1665 and observed cells for the very first time. Although the light microscope opened our eyes to the existence of cells, they are not useful for looking at the tiniest components of cells. Many structures in the cell are too small to see with a light microscope.
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If you have ever seen mold growing on an old loaf of bread or eaten a mushroom, you have encountered a fungus. Fungi (that’s the plural of fungus) are a group of organisms, or living things, that are all around us. Mold on bread and mushrooms on pizza are both examples of fungi.

Fungi have an important job. They help break down other material, so that living things are able to grow in soil. This helps make nutritious foods for other organisms. Fungi are needed for life!

Do you think mushrooms are plants? Scientists used to think that all fungi were plants. Now they know that there are some very important different between these two groups of organisms. One of the most important differences is that plants are autotrophic. This means that they can make their own food, just by using the sunlight. Fungi can’t do this. They have to “eat” other living things in order to get the energy they need. This is called being heterotrophic.

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Art and science meet in a plant press. Whether you want to include the interesting flora you find in your scientific journal, or make a beautiful handmade greeting card, a plant press is invaluable. They are very cheap and easy to make, too!

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Here we’re going to discuss the differences between three types of worms; flatworms, roundworms, and segmented worms. The word “worm” is not, in fact, a scientific name. It’s an informal way of classifying animals with long bodies and no appendages (no including snakes). They are bilaterally symmetrical (the right and left sides mirror each other). Worms live in salt and fresh water, on land, and inside other organisms as parasites.

The differences between the three types of worms we will discuss depend on the possession of a body cavity and segments. Flatworms have neither a body cavity nor segments. Roundworms only have a body cavity, and segmented worms have both a body cavity and segments.

Flatworms (Phylum Platyhelminthes) have incomplete digestive systems. That means that their digestive system has only one opening. The gas exchange occurs on the surface of their bodies. There are no blood vessels or nervous systems in flatworms. Some are non-parasitic, like the Sea flat worm, and some are parasitic, like the tapeworm.

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How does salt affect plant growth, like when we use salt to de-ice snowy winter roads? How does adding fertilizer to the soil help or hurt the plants? What type of soil best purifies the water? All these questions and more can be answered by building a terrarium-aquarium system to discover how these systems are connected together.

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It drives me crazy it when my store-bought tomatoes go straight from unripe to mush. After talking with local farmers in my area, I discovered a few things that might help you enjoy this fruit without sacrificing taste and time.

Grocery store owners know that their products are very perishable. If the tomatoes arrive ripe, they might start to rot before they can get on the shelf for the customer. Ripe tomatoes are near impossible to transport, which means that farmers often pick unripe (green and therefore very firm) tomatoes to put on the truck. Grocery stores prefer hard, unripe tomatoes so their customers can get them home safely.

The problem is, how do you enjoy a tomato if it’s not ready?

Scientists and food experts ripen tomatoes quickly with ethylene while they are in storage. As the gas surrounds the green tomato, it chemical reacts to speed up the ripening process, causing the tomato to soften and change color to red or orange.

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Birds, people, plants, and microscopic organisms need to know where they are as well as where they want to be. Birds migrate each year and know which way is south, and plants detect the sun so they can angle their leaves properly. People consult a map or GPS to figure out where they are.

Magnetotactic bacteria orients itself along magnetic field lines, whether from a nearby magnet or the Earth’s magnetic field. It’s like having a built-in internal compass.

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Fungi and protists, including mold, moss, yeast, and mushrooms, are found all around us. One common group of fungi is mold. Mold, like all fungi, are heterotrophs, which means they rely on other living things for their energy. This is different than an autotroph like a plant, which gets its energy from the sun.

Mold commonly grows on bread, getting food from this source. What do you think makes mold grow? Being in a dark place? Being exposed to moisture? Something else? The scientific method is a series of steps some scientists use to answer question and solve problems. To conduct an experiment based on the scientific method, you must have a control sample, which has nothing done to it, and several experimental samples, which have changes made to them. You can then observe results in the experimental sample to see how your changes to them affect results.

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Living things are all around us.  Sometimes the living things we notice the most are animals, whether its birds chirping in the trees, our pet dogs, or even our fellow human beings.  However, most living things are not animals - they include bacteria, archae, fungi, protists, and plants.  These organisms are extremely important to learn about.  They make life possible for animals, including human beings, by keeping soil ready for growth, and providing oxygen for our survival.  No life would be possible without these remarkable organisms. The prokaryotes, bacteria and archaea represent an amazingly diverse group of organisms only visible when one looks under a microscope. These single-celled organisms obtain energy and reproduce in a variety of ways. Though some bacteria are harmful, causing disease, many are very helpful, providing the nitrogen we need to live and aiding in digestion. Archaea have been found in some of the most extreme environments on the planets, including environments that are remarkably hot or salty. Please login or register to read the rest of this content.

If your kitchen is like most kitchens, you probably have cabinets for cups and pots and pans, along with drawers for silverware and cooking utensils.  You might also have a drawer you call the “junk drawer.”  The things in this drawer aren’t actually “junk.”  If they were, you’d throw them away.  Instead, things usually get put here because they just don’t fit anywhere else.

You might be surprised to learn that the system for classifying organisms has its own “junk drawer.”  It’s called the protist kingdom.  Its members, like the contents of your kitchen junk drawer, are important, but don’t fit nicely in one of the other kingdoms.

Broadly, protists can be classified as animal-like, plant-like, or fungus-like.  It is important to remember that being “animal-like” does not make a protist an animal.  Such and organism, like plant-like or fungus-like protists, are members of an entirely different group of living things.

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This type of slime Physarum Polycephalum is called the “many-headed slime”. This slime likes shady, cool, moist areas like you’d find in decaying logs and branches. Slime (or slime mold) is a word used to define protists that use spores to reproduce. (Note: Slime used to be classified as fungi.)

Real slime lives on microorganisms that inhabit dirt, grass, dead leaves, rotting logs, tropical fruits, air conditioners, gutters, classrooms and laboratories. Slime can grow to an area of several square meters.

Slime shows curious behaviors. It can follow a maze, reconnect itself when chopped in half, and predict whether an environment is good to live in or not. Scientists have battled with the ideas that at first glance, slime appears to be simply a “bag of amoebae”, but upon further study, seem to behave as if they have simple brains, like insects.

Slime can be either a plasmodial slime, a bag of cytoplasm containing thousands of individual nuclei, or a cellular slime which usually stays as individual unicellular protists until a chemical signal is released, causing the cells to gather and acts as one organism.
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All living things need a way to get energy. Bacteria get their food and energy in many ways. Some bacteria can make food on their own, while others need other organisms.

Some bacteria help other living things as they get energy, others hurt them while they get energy, and still others have no affect on living things at all.
Some living things, or organisms, are able to make their own food in a process called photosynthesis.

In this process, the organism turns energy from the sun into energy that can be used for energy. Organisms that get their energy from photosynthesis are called autotrophs. Some bacteria get their energy this way.

Some bacteria, called chemotrophs, get their energy by breaking down chemical compounds in the environment, including ammonia. Breaking down ammonia is important because ammonia contains the element nitrogen.

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If you have a backyard garden, be sure to give it plenty of sunshine, water, and garbage.

Wait… garbage?  Yes, you read that right.

Garbage like rotting food and coffee grounds, made into compost, can be highly beneficial to garden plants.  Why? It all has to do with nitrogen.

Plants need nitrogen in order to survive.  There is plenty of nitrogen in the atmosphere; the problem is that plants can’t use it in the form found in the atmosphere.  For this, bacteria are needed.  Bacteria “fix” nitrogen, meaning that they change it into a usable form.

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Keep your compost heap moist, but not soggy and turn it with a pitchfork or spade to add air into the mix.  Once your compost bin is going strong, you can add it to your garden for improved plant growth!

Plants need light, water, and soil to grow. If you provide those things, you can make your own greenhouse where you can easily observe plants growing. Here’s a simple experiment on how to use the stuff from your recycling bin to make your own garden greenhouse.

We’ll first look at how to make a standard, ordinary greenhouse. Once your plants start to grow, use the second part of this experiment to track your plant growth. Once you’ve got the hang of how to make a bottle garden, then you can try growing a carnivorous greenhouse.
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What grows in the corner of your windowsill? In the cracks in the sidewalk? Under the front steps? In the gutter at the bottom of the driveway? Specifically, how  doe these animals build their homes and how much space do they need? What do they eat? Where do fish get their food? How do ants find their next meal?

These are hard questions to answer if you don’t have a chance to observe these animals up-close. By building an eco-system, you’ll get to observe and investigate the habits and behaviors of your favorite animals. This column will have an aquarium section, a decomposition chamber with fruit flies or worms, and a predator chamber, with water that flows through all sections. This is a great way to see how the water cycle, insects, plants, soil, and marine animals all work together and interact.

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The way animals and plants behave is so complicated because it not only depends on climate, water availability, competition for resources, nutrients available, and disease presence but also having the patience and ability to study them close-up.

We’re going to build an eco-system where you’ll farm prey stock for the predators so you’ll be able to view their behavior. You’ll also get a chance to watch both of them feed, hatch, molt, and more! You’ll observe closely the two different organisms and learn all about the way they live, eat, and are eaten.

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If you’ve ever eaten fruits or vegetables (and let’s hope you have), you have benefited from plants as food.  Of course, the plants we eat have been highly modified by growers to produce larger and sweeter fruit, or heartier vegetables.

There are three basic ways to create plants with new, more desirable traits:

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Alexander Graham Bell developed the telegraph, microphone, and telephone back in the late 1800s. We’ll be talking about electromagnetism in a later unit, but we’re going to cover a few basics here so you can understand how loudspeakers transform an electrical signal into sound.

This experiment is for advanced students.We’ll be making different kinds of speakers using household materials (like plastic cups, foam plates, and business cards!), but before we begin, we need to make sure you really understand a few basic principles. Here’s what you need to know to get started:

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We’re going to build on the quick ‘n’ easy DC motor to make a tiny rail accelerator (any larger, and you’ll need a power plant and a firing range and a healthy dose of ethics.) So let’s stick to the physics of what’s going on in this super-cool electromagnetism project. This project is for advanced students.

Here’s what we’re going to do:

We’re going to create two magnetic fields at right angles (perpendicular) to each other. When this happens, it causes things to move, spin, rotate, and roll out of the way. We’re going to focus this down to making a tiny set of wheel zip down a track powered only by magnetism. Ready?

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Want to hear your magnets? We’re going to use electromagnetism to learn how you can listen to your physics lesson, and you’ll be surprised at how common this principle is in your everyday life. This project is for advanced students.

We’re going to invert the ideas used when we created our homemade speakers into a basic microphone. Although you won’t be able to record with this microphone, it will show you how the basics of a microphone and amplifier work, and how to turn sound waves back into electrical signals. You’ll be using the amplifier and your spare audio plug from the Laser Communicator for this project.

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dcmotorImagine you have two magnets. Glue one magnet on an imaginary record player (or a ‘lazy susan’ turntable) and hold the other magnet in your hand. What happens when you bring your hand close to the turntable magnet and bring the north sides together?

The magnet should repel and move, and since it’s on a turntable, it will circle out of the way. Now flip your hand over so you have the south facing the turntable. Notice how the turntable magnet is attracted to yours and rotates toward your hand. Just as it reaches your hand, flip it again to reveal the north side. Now the glued turntable magnet pushes away into another circle as you flip your magnet over again to attract it back to you. Imagine if you could time this well enough to get the turntable magnet to make a complete circle over and over again… that’s how a motor works!

This next activity mystifies even the most scientifically educated! Here’s what you need:


  • magnet
  • magnet wire (26g works well)
  • D cell battery
  • two paper clips (try to find the ones shown in the video, or else bend your own with pliers)
  • sandpaper
  • fat rubber band
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relay-bigThis experiment is for advanced students. If you’ve attempted the relay and telegraph experiment, you already know it’s one of the hardest ones in this unit, as the gap needs to be *just right* in order for it to work. It’s a super-tricky experiment that can leave you frustrated and losing hope that you’ll ever get the hang of this magnetism thing.

Fear not, young scientist! Here’s a MUCH simpler relay experiment that will actually give a nice blue spark when fired up, along with a nice zap to the hand that touches it in just the right spot. You can also use this relay in your electricity experiments as a switch you can use to turn things on and off using electricity (instead of your fingers moving a switch), including how to make a latching burglar alarm circuit.

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Find a spare magnet – one you really don’t care about. Bring it up close to another magnet to find where the north and south poles are on the spare magnet. Did you find them? Mark the spots with a pen – put a N for north, and a S for south. Now break the spare magnet in half, separating the north from the south pole. (This might take a bit of muscle!) You should have one half be a north magnet, and the other a south. Or do you?

One of the big mysteries of the universe is why we can’t separate the north from the south end of a magnet. No matter how small you break that magnet down, you’ll still get one side that’s attracted to the north and the other that’s repelled. There’s just no way around this!

If you COULD separate the north from the south pole, you could point a magnet’s south pole toward your now-separated north pole, and it would always be repelled, no matter what orientation it rotated to. (Normally, as soon as the magnet is repelled, it twists around and lines up the opposite pole and snap! There go your fingers.) But if it were always repelled, you could chase it around the room or stick a pin through it so it would constantly move and rotate.

Well, what if we sneakily use electromagnetism? Note that you can use a metal screw, ball bearing, or other metal object that easily rotates.  If your metal ball bearing is also magnetic, you can combine both the screw and the magnet together.

Famous scientist Michael Faraday built the first one of these while studying magnetic and electricity, and how they both fit together. What to see what he figured out?

Here’s what you do:

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Have you noticed that stuff sticks to your motor?  If you drag your motor through a pile of paperclips, a few will get stuck to the side. What’s going on?

Inside your motor are permanent magnets (red and blue things in the photo) and an electromagnet (the copper thing wrapped around the middle). Normally, you’d hook up a battery to the two tabs (terminals) at the back of the motor, and your shaft would spin.

However, if you spin the motor shaft with your fingers, you’ll generate electricity at the terminals. But how is that possible? That’s what this experiment is all about.

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After you’ve completed the galvanometer experiment, try this one!

You can wrap wire around an iron core (like a nail), which will intensify the effect and magnetize the nail enough for you to pick up paperclips when it’s hooked up. See how many you can lift!

You can wrap the wire around your nail using a drill or by hand. In the picture to the left, there are two things wrong: you need way more wire than they have wrapped around that nail, and it does not need to be neat and tidy. So grab your spool and wrap as much as you can – the more turns you have around the nail, the stronger the magnet.

(We included this picture because there are so many like this in text books, and it’s quite misleading! This image is supposed to represent the thing you’re going to build, not be an actual photo of the finished product.)

Find these materials:

  • Batteries in a battery holder with alligator clip wires
  • A nail that can be picked up by a magnet
  • At least 3 feet of insulated wire (magnet wire works best but others will work okay)
  • Paper Clips
  • Masking Tape
  • Compass
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Galvanometers are coils of wire connected to a battery. When current flows through the wire, it creates a magnetic field. Since the wire is bundled up, it multiplies this electromagnetic effect to create a simple electromagnet that you can detect with your compass.
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A ferrofluid becomes strongly magnetized when placed in a magnetic field. This liquid is made up of very tiny (10 nanometers or less) particles coated with anti-clumping surfactants and then mixed with water (or solvents). These particles don’t “settle out” but rather remain suspended in the fluid.

The particles themselves are made up of either magnetite, hematite or iron-type substance.

Ferrofluids don’t stay magnetized when you remove the magnetic field, which makes them “super-paramagnets” rather than ferromagnets. Ferrofluids also lose their magnetic properties at and above  their Curie temperature points.

Ferrofluids are what scientists call “colloidal suspensions”, which means that the substance has properties of both solid metal and liquid water (or oil), and it can change phase easily between the two. (We as show you this in the video below.) Because ferrofluids can change phases when a magnetic field is applied, you’ll find ferrofluids used as seals, lubricants, and many other engineering-related uses.

Here’s a video on toner cartridges and how to make your own homemade ferrofluid. It’s a bit longer than our usual video, but we thought you’d enjoy the extra content.

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gauss-rifleThere are two ways to create a magnetic field. First, you can wrap wire around a nail and attach the ends of the wire to a battery to make an electromagnet. When you connect the battery to the wires, current begins to flow, creating a magnetic field. However, the magnets that stick to your fridge are neither moving nor plugged into the electrical outlet – which leads to the second way to make a magnetic field: by rubbing a nail with a magnet to line up the electron spin. You can essential “choreograph” the way an electron spins around the atom to increase the magnetic field of the material. This project is for advanced students.

There are several different types of magnets. Permanent magnets are materials that stay magnetized, no matter what you do to it… even if you whack it on the floor (which you can do with a magnetized nail to demagnetize it). You can temporarily magnetize certain materials, such as iron, nickel, and cobalt. And an electromagnet is basically a magnet that you can switch on and off and reverse the north and south poles.

The strength of a magnetic field is measured in “Gauss”. The Earth’s magnetic field measures 0.5 Gauss. Typical refrigerator magnets are 50 Gauss. Neodymium magnets (like the ones we’re going to use in this project) measure at 2,000 Gauss. The largest magnetic fields have been found around distant magnetars (neutron stars with extremely powerful magnetic fields), measuring at 10,000,000,000,000,000 Gauss. (A neutron star is what’s left over from certain types of supernovae, and typically the size of Manhattan.)

Linear accelerators (also known as a linac) use different methods to move particles to very high speeds. One way is through induction, which is basically a pulsed electromagnet. We’re going to use a slow input speed and super-strong magnets and multiply the effect to generate a high-speed ball bearing to shoot across the floor.

For this experiment, you will need:
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Marie Curie, a scientist famous for being the first person to receive two Nobel Prizes as well as her extensive work on radioactivity.

Magnetic material loses its ability to stick to a magnet when heated to a certain temperature called the Curie temperature. The Curie temperature for nickel is 380 oF, iron is 1,420oF, cobalt is 2,070 oF, and for ceramic ferrite magnets, it starts at 860oF.

We’re going to heat a magnet so that it loses temporarily loses its magnetic poles, and watch what happens as it cycles through cooling. Pierre and Marie Curie’s first scientific works were actually in magnetism, not chemistry, and their papers in magnetic fields and temperature when among the first noticed by the scientists at the time.

Are you ready to see what they figured out?

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We took our first step into the strange world of magnetism when we played with magnetizing a nail. We learned that magnets do what they do because of the behavior of electrons. When a bunch of those crazy little guys get going in the same direction they create a magnetic field. So what’s a magnetic field, you ask? That’s what this experiment is all about.

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reed-switchWouldn’t it be cool to have an alarm sound each time someone opened your door, lunch box, or secret drawer? It’s easy when you use a reed switch in your circuit! All you need to do it substitute this sensor for the trip wire and you’ll have a magnetic burglar alarm.

The first thing you need to do is get your reed switch out, because we have to tear into it in order to get the part we need.  Here’s what you need:


  • reed switch
  • magnet
  • LED
  • AA case
  • 2 alligator wires
  • 2 AA batteries
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This is a quick and simple experiment to answer the question of magnetic field strength: Do four magnets have a stronger magnetic pull than one? You’ll find the answer quite surprising… which is: it depends. Here’s what you need to do to see for yourself:

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Want to see a really neat way to get magnetic fields to interact with each other? While levitating objects is hard, bouncing them in invisible magnetic fields is easy. In this video, you’ll see how you can take two, three, or even four magnets and have them perform for you.

Are you ready?


  • 3 identical magnets
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Have you ever been close to something that smells bad? Have you noticed that the farther you get from that something, the less it smells, and the closer you get, the more it smells? Well forces sort of work in the same way.

Forces behave according to a fancy law called the inverse-square law. To be technical, an inverse-square law is any physical law stating that some physical quantity or strength is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the source of that physical quantity.

The inverse-square law applies to quite a few phenomena in physics. When it comes to forces, it basically means that the closer an object comes to the source of a force, the stronger that force will be on that object. The farther that same object gets from the force’s source, the weaker the effect of the force.

Mathematically we can say that doubling the distance between the object and the source of the force makes the force 1/4th as strong. Tripling the distance makes the force 1/9th as strong. Let’s play with this idea a bit.

Here’s what you need:

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I can still remember in 2nd grade science class wondering about this idea. And I still remember how baffled my teacher was when I asked her this question: “Doesn’t the north tip of a compass needle point to the south pole?” Think about this – if you hold up a magnet by a string, just like the needle of a compass, does the north end of the magnet line up with the north or south pole of the earth?

If you remember about magnets, you know that opposite attract. So the north tip of the compass will line up with the Earth’s SOUTH pole. So compasses are upside-down! Here’s an activity you can do right now…

  • magnet
  • compass
  • string
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Maxwell’s Second Equation: All magnets have two poles. Magnets are called dipolar which means they have two poles. The two poles of a magnet are called north and south poles. The magnetic field comes from a north pole and goes to a south pole. Opposite poles will attract one another. Like poles will repel one another.

Materials: magnet you can break or cut in half, scissors or hammer (depending on the size of your magnet)

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Plasma ball centerThe smallest thing around is the atom, which has three main parts – the core (nucleus) houses the protons and neutrons, and the electron zips around in a cloud around the nucleus.

The proton has a positive charge, and the electron has a negative charge. In the hydrogen atom, which has one proton and one electron, the charges are balanced. If you steal the electron, you now have an unbalanced, positively charge atom and stuff really starts to happen. The flow of electrons is called electricity. We’re going to move electrons around and have them stick, not flow, so we call this ‘static electricity’.

These next experiments rely heavily on the idea that like charges repel and opposites attract. Your kids need to remember that these activities are all influenced by electrons, which are very small, easy to move around, and are invisible to the eye.
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dmmIt’s easy to use chemistry to generate electricity, once you understand the basics. With this experiment, you’ll use aluminum foil, salt, air, and a chemical from an aquarium to create an air battery. This experiment is for advanced students.

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Never polish your tarnished silver-plated silverware again! Instead, set up a ‘silverware carwash’ where you earn a nickel for every piece you clean. (Just don’t let grandma in on your little secret!)

We’ll be using chemistry and electricity together (electrochemistry) to make a battery that reverses the chemical reaction that puts tarnish on grandma’s good silver.  It’s safe, simple, and just needs a grown-up to help with the stove.

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Using ocean water (or make your own with salt and water), you can generate enough power to light up your LEDs, sound your buzzers, and turn a motor shaft. We’ll be testing out a number of different materials such as copper, aluminum, brass, iron, silver, zinc, and graphite to find out which works best for your solution.

This project builds on the fruit battery we made in Unit 8. This experiment is for advanced students.

The basic idea of electrochemistry is that charged atoms (ions) can be electrically directed from one place to the other. If we have a glass of water and dump in a handful of salt, the NaCl (salt) molecule dissociates into the ions Na+ and Cl-.

When we plunk in one positive electrode and one negative electrode and crank up the power, we find that opposites attract: Na+ zooms over to the negative electrode and Cl- zips over to the positive. The ions are attracted (directed) to the opposite electrode and there is current in the solution.

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This experiment shows how a battery works using electrochemistry. The copper electrons are chemically reacting with the lemon juice, which is a weak acid, to form copper ions (cathode, or positive electrode) and bubbles of hydrogen.

These copper ions interact with the zinc electrode (negative electrode, or anode) to form zinc ions. The difference in electrical charge (potential) on these two plates causes a voltage.


  • one zinc and copper strip
  • two alligator wires
  • digital multimeter
  • one fresh large lemon or other fruit
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If you don’t have equipment lying around for this experiment, wait until you complete Unit 10 (Electricity) and then come back to complete this experiment. It’s definitely worth it!

Electroplating was first figured out by Michael Faraday. The copper dissolves and shoots over to the key and gets stuck as a thin layer onto the metal key. During this process, hydrogen bubbles up and is released as a gas. People use this technique to add material to undersized parts, for place a protective layer of material on objects, to add aesthetic qualities to an object.


  • one shiny metal key
  • 2 alligator clips
  • 9V battery clip
  • copper sulfate (MSDS)
  • one copper strip or shiny copper penny
  • one empty pickle jar
  • 9V battery
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When an atom (like hydrogen) or molecule (like water) loses an electron (negative charge), it becomes an ion and takes on a positive charge. When an atom (or molecule) gains an electron, it becomes a negative ion. An electrolyte is any substance (like salt) that becomes a conductor of electricity when dissolved in a solvent (like water).

This type of conductor is called an ‘ionic conductor’ because once the salt is in the water, it helps along the flow of electrons from one clip lead terminal to the other so that there is a continuous flow of electricity.

This experiment is an extension of the Conductivity Tester experiment, only in this case we’re using water as a holder for different substances, like sugar and salt. You can use orange juice, lemon juice, vinegar, baking powder, baking soda, spices, cornstarch, flour, oil, soap, shampoo, and anything else you have around. Don’t forget to test out plain water for your ‘control’ in the experiment!

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nerve-testerElectrical circuits are used for all kinds of applications, from blenders to hair dryers to cars. And games! Here’s a quick and easy game using the principles of conductivity.

This experiment is a test of your nerves and skill to see if you can complete the roller coaster circuit and make it from one end to the other.  You can opt to make a noisy version (more fun) or a silent version (for stealth). Are you ready?

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Once you’ve made the Pressure Sensor burglar alarm, you might be wondering how to make the alarm stay on after it has been triggered, the way the Trip Wire Sensor does.

The reason this isn’t as simple as it seems is that the trip wire is a normally closed (NC) switch while the pressure sensor is a normally open (NO) switch. This means that the trip wire is designed to allow current to flow through the tacks when there’s no paper insulating them, while the pressure sensor stops current flowing in it’s un-squished state. It’s just the nature of the two different types of switches.

However, we can build a circuit using a relay which will ‘latch on’ when activated and remain on until you reset the system (by cutting off the power). This super-cool latching circuit video will show you everything you need to know.
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By controlling how and when a circuit is triggered, you can easily turn a simple circuit into a burglar alarm – something that alerts you when something happens. By sensing light, movement, weight, liquids, even electric fields, you can trigger LEDs to light and buzzers to sound. Your room will never be the same.

Switches control the flow of electricity through a circuit. There are different kinds of switches. NC (normally closed) switches keep the current flowing until you engage the switch. The SPST and DPDT switches are NO (normally open) switches.

The pressure sensor we’re building is small, and it requires a fair amount of pressure to activate. Pressure is force (like weight) over a given area (like a footprint). If you weighed 200 pounds, and your footprint averaged 10” long and 2” wide, you’d exert about 5 psi (pounds per square inch) per foot.

However, if you walked around on stilts indeed of feet, and the ‘footprint’ of each stilt averaged 1” on each side, you’d now exert 100 psi per foot. Why such a difference?

The secret is in the area of the footprint. In our example, your foot is about 20 square inches, but the area of each stilt was only 1 square inch. Since you haven’t changed your weight, you’re still pushing down with 200 pounds, only in the second case, you’re pressing the same weight into a much smaller spot… and hence the pressure applied to the smaller area shoots up by a factor of 20.

So how do we use pressure in this experiment? When you squeeze the foam, the light bulb lights up! It’s ideal for under a doormat or carpet rug where lots of weight will trigger it.

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Burglar alarms not only protect your stuff, they put the intruder into a panic while they attempt to disarm the triggered noisemaker.  Our burglar alarms are basically switches which utilize the circuitry from Basic Circuits and clever tricks in conductivity.

A complete and exhaustive description of electronics would jump into the physics of solid state electronics, which is covered in undergraduate university courses. Instead, here is a quick description based on the fluid analogy for electric charge:

The movement of electric charge is called electric current, and is measured in amperes (A, or amps). When electric current passes through a material, it does so by electrical conduction, but there are different kinds of conduction, such as metallic conduction (where electrons flow through a conductor, like metal) and electrolysis (where charged atoms (called ions) flow through liquids).

Why does metal conduct electricity? Metals are conductors not because electricity passes through them, but because they contain electrons that can move. Think of the metal wire like a hose full of water. The water can move through the hose.  An insulator would be like a hose full of cement – no charge can move through it.

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This is a super-cool and ultra-simple circuit experiment that shows you how a CdS (cadmium sulfide cell) works. A CdS cell is a special kind of resistor called a photoresistor, which is sensitive to light.

A resistor limits the amount of current (electricity) that flows through it, and since this one is light-sensitive, it will allow different amounts of current through depends on how much light it “sees”.

Photoresistors are very inexpensive light detectors, and you’ll find them in cameras, street lights, clock radios, robotics, and more. We’re going to play with one and find out how to detect light using a simple series circuit.


  • AA battery case with batteries
  • one CdS cell
  • three alligator wires
  • LED (any color and type)
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potSo now you know how to hook up a motor, and even wire it up to a switch so that it goes in forward and reverse. But what if you want to change speeds? This nifty electrical component will help you do just that.

Once you understand how to use this potentiometer in a circuit, you’ll be able to control the speed of your laser light show motors as well as the motors and lights on your robots. Ready?

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meterOne of the most useful tools a scientist can have! A digital multimeter can quickly help you discover where the trouble is in your electrical circuits and eliminate the hassle of guesswork. When you have the right tool for the job, it makes your work a lot easier (think of trying to hammer nails with your shoe).

We'll show you how to get the most out of this versatile tool that we're sure you're going to use all the way through college. This project is for advanced students.

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Imagine you have two magnets. Glue one magnet on an imaginary record player (or a ‘lazy susan’ turntable) and hold the other magnet in your hand. What happens when you bring your hand close to the turntable magnet and bring the north sides together?

The magnet should repel and move, and since it’s on a turntable, it will circle out of the way. Now flip your hand over so you have the south facing the turntable. Notice how the turntable magnet is attracted to yours and rotates toward your hand. Just as it reaches your hand, flip it again to reveal the north side. Now the glued turntable magnet pushes away into another circle as you flip your magnet over again to attract it back to you. Imagine if you could time this well enough to get the turntable magnet to make a complete circle over and over again… that’s how a motor works!

After you get the buzzer and the light or LED to work, try spinning a DC motor:

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switch-zoomMake yourself a grab bag of fun things to test: copper pieces (nails or pipe pieces), zinc washers, pipe cleaners, Mylar, aluminum foil, pennies, nickels, keys, film canisters, paper clips, load stones (magnetic rock), other rocks, and just about anything else in the back of your desk drawer.

Certain materials conduct electricity better than others. Silver, for example, is one of the best electrical conductors on the planet, followed closely by copper and gold. Most scientists use gold contacts because, unlike silver and copper, gold does not tarnish (oxidize) as easily. Gold is a soft metal and wears away much more easily than others, but since most circuits are built for the short term (less than 50 years of use), the loss of material is unnoticeable.
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DSC00021An electrical circuit is like a NASCAR raceway.  The electrons (racecars) zip around the race loop (wire circuit) superfast to make stuff happen. Although you can’t see the electrons zipping around the circuit, you can see the effects: lighting up LEDs, sounding buzzers, clicking relays, etc.

There are many different electrical components that make the electrons react in different ways, such as resistors (limit current), capacitors (collect a charge), transistors (gate for electrons), relays (electricity itself activates a switch), diodes (one-way street for electrons), solenoids (electrical magnet), switches (stoplight for electrons), and more.  We’re going to use a combination diode-light-bulb (LED), buzzers, and motors in our circuits right now.

A CIRCUIT looks like a CIRCLE.  When you connect the batteries to the LED with wire and make a circle, the LED lights up.  If you break open the circle, electricity (current) doesn’t flow and the LED turns dark.

LED stands for “Light Emitting Diode”.  Diodes are one-way streets for electricity – they allow electrons to flow one way but not the other.

Remember when you scuffed along the carpet?  You gathered up an electric charge in your body.  That charge was static until you zapped someone else.  The movement of electric charge is called electric current, and is measured in amperes (A). When electric current passes through a material, it does it by electrical conduction. There are different kinds of conduction, such as metallic conduction, where electrons flow through a conductor (like metal) and electrolysis, where charged atoms (called ions) flow through liquids.

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When high energy radiation strikes the Earth from space, it’s called cosmic rays. To be accurate, a cosmic ray is not like a ray of sunshine, but rather is a super-fast particle slinging through space. Think of throwing a grain of sand at a 100 mph… and that’s what we call a ‘cosmic ray’. Build your own electroscope with this video!

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fet1This simple FET circuit is really an electronic version of the electroscope. This “Alien Detector” is a super-sensitive static charge detector made from a few electronics parts. I originally made a few of these and placed them in soap boxes and nailed the lids shut and asked kids how they worked. (I did place a on/off switch poking through the box along with the LED so they would have ‘some’ control over the experiment.)

This detector is so sensitive that you can go around your house and find pockets of static charge… even from your own footprints! This is an advanced project for advanced students.

You will need to get:

  • 9V battery clip (and a 9V battery)
  • MPF 102  (buy 2 – one for back up)
  • LED (any regular LED works fine)
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You can use the idea that like charges repel (like two electrons) and opposites attract to move stuff around, stick to walls, float, spin, and roll. Make sure you do this experiment first.

I’ve got two different videos that use positive and negative charges to make things rotate, the first of which is more of a demonstration (unless you happen to have a 50,000 Volt electrostatic generator on hand), and the second is a homemade version on a smaller scale.

Did you know that you can make a motor turn using static electricity? Here’s how:

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Have you wrapped your mind around static electricity yet? You should understand by now how scuffing along a carpet in socks builds up electrons, which eventually jump off in a flurry known as a spark. And you also probably know a bit about magnets and how magnets have north and south poles AND a magnetic field (more on this later). Did you also know that electrical charges have an electrical field, just like magnets do?

It’s easy to visualize a magnetic field, because you’ve seen the iron filings line up from pole to pole. But did you know that you can do a similar experiment with electric fields?

Here’s what you need:

  • dried dill (spice)
  • vegetable or mineral oil
  • 2 alligator wires
  • static electricity source (watch video first!)
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You are actually fairly familiar with electric fields too, but you may not know it. Have you ever rubbed your feet against the floor and then shocked your brother or sister? Have you ever zipped down a plastic slide and noticed that your hair is sticking straight up when you get to the bottom? Both phenomena are caused by electric fields and they are everywhere!

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