There are lots of different kids of heat engines, from stirling engines to big jet turbines to the engine in your car. They all use clever ways to convert a temperature difference into motion.

Remember that the molecules in steam move around a lot faster than in an ice cube. So when we stick hot steam in a container, we can blow off the lid (used with pistons in a steam engine). or we can put a fan blade in hot steam, and since the molecules move around a lot, they start bouncing off the blade and cause it to rotate (as in a turbine). Or we can seal up hot steam in a container and punch a tiny hole out one end (to get a rocket).

One of the first heat engines was dreamed up by Hero of Alexandria called the aeolipile. The steam is enclosed in a vessel and allowed to jet out two (or more) pipes. Although we’re not sure if his invention ever made it off the drawing board, we do know how to make one for pure educational (and entertainment) purposes.  Are you ready to have fun?


Here’s what you do:

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When something feels hot to you, the molecules in that something are moving very fast. When something feels cool to you, the molecules in that object aren’t moving quite so fast. Believe it or not, your body perceives how fast molecules are moving by how hot or cold something feels. Your body has a variety of antennae to detect energy. Your eyes perceive certain frequencies of electromagnetic waves as light. Your ears perceive certain frequencies of longitudinal waves as sound. Your skin, mouth and tongue can perceive thermal energy as hot or cold. What a magnificent energy sensing instrument you are!

Let’s find out how to watch the hot and cold currents in water. Here’s what you need to do:

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Indoor Rain Clouds

Making indoor rain clouds demonstrates the idea of temperature, the measure of how hot or cold something is. Here’s how to do it:

Take two clear glasses that fit snugly together when stacked. (Cylindrical glasses with straight sides work well.)

Fill one glass half-full with ice water and the other half-full with very hot water (definitely an adult job – and take care not to shatter the glass with the hot water!). Be sure to leave enough air space for the clouds to form in the hot glass.

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This experiment is for advanced students. Did you know that eating a single peanut will power your brain for 30 minutes? The energy in a peanut also produces a large amount of energy when burned in a flame, which can be used to boil water and measure energy.

Peanuts are part of the bean family, and actually grows underground (not from trees like almonds or walnuts).  In addition to your lunchtime sandwich, peanuts are also used in woman’s cosmetics, certain plastics, paint dyes, and also when making nitroglycerin.

What makes up a peanut?  Inside you’ll find a lot of fats (most of them unsaturated) and  antioxidants (as much as found in berries).  And more than half of all the peanuts Americans eat are produced in Alabama. We’re going to learn how to release the energy inside a peanut and how to measure it.

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The triple point is where a molecule can be in all three states of matter at the exact same time, all in equilibrium. Imagine having a glass of liquid water happily together with both ice cubes and steam bubbles inside, forever! The ice would never melt, the liquid water would remain the same temperature, and the steam would bubble up. In order to do this, you have to get the pressure and temperature just right, and it’s different for every molecule.

The triple point of mercury happens at -38oF and 0.000000029 psi. For carbon dioxide, it’s 75psi and -70oF. So this isn’t something you can do with a modified bike pump and a refrigerator.

However, the triple point of water is 32oF and 0.089psi. The only place we’ve found this happening naturally (without any lab equipment) is on the surface of Mars.

Because of these numbers, we can get water to boil here on Earth while it stays at room temperature by changing the pressure using everyday materials. (If you have a vacuum pump, you can have the water boil at the freezing point of 32oF.)

Here’s what you need to do:

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Fire is a chemical reaction (combustion) involving hot gases and plasma. The three things you need for a flame are oxygen, fuel, and a spark. When the fuel (gaseous wax) and oxygen (from the air) combine in a flame, one of the gases produced is carbon dioxide.

Most people think of carbon dioxide as dry ice, and are fascinated to watch the solid chunk sublimate from solid straight to gas, skipping the liquid state altogether. You’ve seen the curls of dry ice vapor curl down and cover the floor in a thick, wispy fog. Is carbon dioxide always more dense than air, or can we get it to float?

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Heat is transferred by radiation through electromagnetic waves. Remember, when we talked about waves and energy? Well, heat can be transferred by electromagnetic waves. Energy is vibrating particles that can move by waves over distances right? Well, if those vibrating particles hit something and cause those particles to vibrate (causing them to move faster/increasing their temperature) then heat is being transferred by waves. The type of electromagnetic waves that transfer heat are infra-red waves. The Sun transfers heat to the Earth through radiation.

If you hold your hand near (not touching) an incandescent light bulb until you can feel heat on your hand, you’ll be able to understand how light can travel like a wave. This type of heat transfer is called radiation.

Now don’t panic. This is not a bad kind of radiation like you get from x-rays. It’s infra-red radiation. Heat was transferred from the light bulb to your hand. The energy from the light bulb resonated the molecules in your hand. (Remember resonance?) Since the molecules in your hand are now moving faster, they have increased in temperature. Heat has been transferred! In fact, an incandescent light bulb gives off more energy in heat then it does in light. They are not very energy efficient.

Now, if it’s a hot sunny day outside, are you better off wearing a black or white shirt if you want to stay cool? This experiment will help you figure this out:

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If you’ve completed the Soaking Up Rays experiment, you might still be a bit baffled as to why there’s a difference between black and white. Here’s a great way to actually “see” radiation by using liquid crystal thermal sheets.

You’ll need to find a liquid crystal sheet that has a temperature range near body temperature (so it changes color when you warm it with your hands.)

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Did you know you can create a compound microscope and a refractor telescope using the same materials? It’s all in how you use them to bend the light. These two experiments cover the fundamental basics of how two double-convex lenses can be used to make objects appear larger when right up close or farther away.

Things like lenses and mirrors can bend and bounce light to make interesting things, like compound microscopes and reflector telescopes. Telescopes magnify the appearance of some distant objects in the sky, including the moon and the planets. The number of stars that can be seen through telescopes is dramatically greater than can be seen by the unaided eye.


  • A window
  • Dollar bill
  • Penny
  • Two hand-held magnifying lenses
  • Ruler
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Welcome to our unit on microscopes! We’re going to learn how to use our microscope to make things appear larger so we can study them more easily. Think about all the things that are too small to study just with your naked eyeballs: how many can you name?

Let’s start from the inside out – before you haul out your own microscope, we’re going to have a look at what it can do. I’ve already prepared a set of slides for you below.  Take out a sheet of paper and jot down your guesses – here’s how you do it:

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Nose? Objective? Stage? What kind of class is this?  Well, some of the names may sound a bit odd, but this video will show you what they are and how they are used. As you watch the video, touch the corresponding part of your microscope to get a feel for how it works.

NOTE: Be very careful NOT to raise the stage too high or you’ll crack the objective lens!  Always leave a space between the stage and the lens!! Anytime you use the coarse adjustment knob, always look at the stage itself, NOT through the eyepiece (for this very reason). When you use the fine adjustment knob, that’s when you look through the eyepiece.

More questions to ask:

1. After you’ve learned the different parts of the microscope, swing around and teach it to a nearby grown-up to test your knowledge. See if you can find all these parts: eyepiece, base (legs), objective lens, eyepiece, diaphragm (or iris), stage, fine and coarse adjustment knobs, mirror/lamp, nose.

2. Show your grown-up which parts never to touch with your fingers.

3. What’s the proper way to use the coarse adjustment knob so you don’t crack the objective lens?

Care and Cleaning

1. Pick up the microscope with two hands. Always grab the arm with one hand and the legs (base) with the other.

2. Don’t touch the lenses with your fingers. The oil on your fingers will smudge and etch the lenses. Use an optical wipe if you must clean the lenses. Steer clear of toilet paper and paper towels – they will scratch your lenses.

3. When you’re done with your scope for the day, reset it so that it’s on the lowest power of magnification and lower the stage to the lowest position. Cover it with your dust cover or place it in its case.

Make sure you’ve completed the How to Use a Microscope activity before you start here!

This is simplest form of slide preparation!  All  you need to do is place it on the slide, use a coverslip (and you don’t even have to do that if it’s too bumpy), and take a look through the eyepiece.  No water, stains, or glue required.

You know that this is the mount type you need when your specimen doesn’t require water to live. Good examples of things you can try are cloth fibers (the image here is of cotton thread at 40X magnification), wool, human hair, salt, and sugar. It’s especially fun to mix up salt and sugar first, and then look at it under the scope to see if you can tell the difference.

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Make sure you’ve completed the How to Use a Microscope activity before you start here!

Anytime you have a specimen that needs water to live, you’ll need to prepare a wet mount slide. This is especially useful for looking at pond water (or scum), plants, protists (single-cell animals), mold, etc. When you keep your specimen alive in their environment, you not only get to observe it, but also how it eats, lives, breathes, and interacts in its environment.

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Make sure you’ve completed the How to Use a Microscope and also the Wet Mount activities before you start here!

If your critter is hard to see, you can use a dye to bring out the cell structure and make it easier to view.  There are lots of different types of stains, depending on what you’re looking at.

The procedure is simple, although kids will probably stain not only their specimens, but the table and their fingers, too.  Protect your surfaces with a plastic tablecloth and use gloves if you want to.

We’re going to use an iodine stain, which is used in chemistry as an indicator (it turns dark blue) for starch. This makes iodine a good choice when looking at plants. You can also use Lugol’s Stain, which also reacts with starch and will turn your specimen black to make the cell nuclei visible. Methylene blue is a good choice for looking at animal cells, blood, and tissues.

In addition to your specimen, you’ll need to get out your slides, microscope, cover slips, eye dropper, tweezers, iodine (you can use regular, non-clear iodine from the drug store), and a scrap of onion. If you can find an elodea leaf, add it to your pile (check with your local garden store). Here’s what you do:

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Make sure you’ve completed the How to Use a Microscope and also the Wet Mount and Staining activities before you start here!

If you tried looking at animal cells already, you know that they wiggle and squirm all over the place. And if you tried looking when using the staining technique, you know it only makes things worse.

The heat fix technique is the one you want to use to nail your specimen to the slide and also stain it to bring out the cell structure and nuclei. This is the way scientists can look at things like bacteria.

You’re going to need your microscope, slides, cover slips, eyedropper, toothpicks or tweezers, candle and matches (with adult help), stain (you can use regular iodine or Lugol’s Stain), sugar, yeast, and a container to mix your specimen in. Here’s what you do:

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Instead of using glue as a polymer (as in the slime recipes above), we're going to use PVA (polyvinyl alcohol). Most liquids are unconnected molecules bouncing around. Monomers (single molecules) flow very easily and don't clump together. When you link up monomers into longer segments, you form polymers (long chains of molecules).

Polymers don't flow very easily at all - they tend to get tangled up until you add the cross-linking agent, which buddies up the different segments of the molecule chains together into a climbing-rope design.

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The glue is a polymer, which is a long chain of molecules all hooked together like tangled noodles. When you mix the two solutions together, the water molecules start linking up the noodles together all along the length of each noodle to get more like a fishnet. Scientists call this a polymetric compound of sodium tetraborate and lactated glue. We call it bouncy putty.

Here’s what you do:

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Is it hot where you live in the summer? What if I gave you a recipe for making ice cream that doesn’t require an expensive ice cream maker, hours of churning, and can be made to any flavor you can dream up? (Even dairy-free if needed?)

If you’ve got a backyard full of busy kids that seem to constantly be in motion, then this is the project for you.  The best part is, you don’t have to do any of the churning work… the kids will handle it all for you!

This experiment is simple to set up (it only requires a trip to the grocery store), quick to implement, and all you need to do guard the back door armed with a hose to douse the kids before they tramp back into the house afterward.

One of the secrets to making great ice cream quickly is Please login or register to read the rest of this content.

Always have a FIRE EXTINGUISHER and ADULT HELP handy when performing fire experiments. NO EXCEPTIONS.

This video will show you how to transform the color of your flames. For a campfire, simply sprinkle the solids into your flames (make sure they are ground into a fine powder first) and you’ll see a color change. DO NOT do this experiment inside your house – the fumes given off by the chemicals are not something you want in your home!

One of the tricks to fire safety is to limit your fuel. The three elements you need for a flame are: oxygen, spark, and fuel.  To extinguish your flames, you’ll have to either wait for the fuel to run out or smother the flames to cut off the oxygen. When you limit your fuel, you add an extra level of safety to your activities and a higher rate of success to your eyebrows.

Here’s what we’re going to do: first, make your spectrometer: you can make the simple spectrometer or the more-advanced calibrated spectrometer. Next, get your chemicals together and build your campfire. Finally, use your spectrometer to view your flames.

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Guar gum comes from the guar plant (also called the guaran plan), and people have found a lot of different and interesting uses for it.  It’s one of the primary substitutes for fat in low-fat and fat-free foods. Cooks like to  use guar gum in foods as it has 8 times the thickening power of cornstarch, so much less is needed for the recipe. Ice cream makers use it to keep ice crystals from forming inside the carton. Doctors use it as a laxative for their patients.

When we teach kids how to make slime using guar gum, they call it “fake fat” slime, mostly because it’s used in fat-free baking.  You can find guar gum in health food stores or order it online. We’re going to whip up a batch of slime using this “fake fat”. Ready?

Here’s what you do:
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If you’ve ever wanted to make your own version of a volcano that burps and spit all over the place, then this is the experiment for you.  We used to teach kids how to make genuine Fire & Flame volcanoes, but parents weren’t too happy about the shower of sparks that hit the ceiling and fireballs that shot out of the thing… so we’ve toned it down a bit to focus more on the lava flow.

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Ever wonder how the water draining down your sink gets clean again? Think about it: The water you use to clean your dishes is the same water that runs through the toilet.  There is only one water pipe to the house, and that source provides water for the dishwasher, tub, sink, washing machine, toilet, fish tank, and water filter on the front of your fridge.  And there’s only one drain from your house, too!  How can you be sure what’s in the water you’re using?

This experiment will help you turn not only your coffee back into clear water, but the swamp muck from the back yard as well.  Let’s get started.
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Ever play with a prism? When sunlight strikes the prism, it gets split into a rainbow of colors. Prisms un-mix the light into its different wavelengths (which you see as different colors). Diffraction gratings are tiny prisms stacked together.

When light passes through a diffraction grating, it splits (diffracts) the light into several beams traveling at different directions. If you’ve ever seen the ‘iridescence’ of a soap bubble, an insect shell, or on a pearl, you’ve seen nature’s diffraction gratings.

Scientist use these things to split incoming light so they can figure out what fuels a distant star is burning. When hydrogen burns, it gives off light, but not in all the colors of the rainbow, only very specific colors in red and blue. It’s like hydrogen’s own personal fingerprint, or light signature.

While this spectrometer isn't powerful enough to split starlight, it's perfect for using with the lights in your house, and even with an outdoor campfire.  Next time you're out on the town after dark, bring this with you to peek different types of lights - you'll be amazed how different they really are. You can use this spectrometer with your Colored Campfire Experiment also.

SPECIAL NOTE: This instrument is NOT for looking at the sun. Do NOT look directly at the sun. But you can point the tube at a sheet of paper that has the the sun’s reflected light on it.

Here's what you do:

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You might be curious about how to observe the sun safely without losing your eyeballs. There are many different ways to observe the sun without damaging your eyesight. In fact, the quickest and simplest way to do this is to build a super-easy pinhole camera that projects an image of the sun onto an index card for you to view.


This simple activity requires only these materials:

  • tack
  • 2 index cards (any size)
  • sunlight
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Fill the bathtub and climb in. Grab your water bottle and tack and poke several holes into the lower half the water bottle. Fill the bottle with water and cap it. Lift the bottle above the water level in the tub and untwist the cap. Water should come streaming out. Close the cap and the water streams should stop. Open the cap and when the water streams out again, can you “pinch” two streams together using your fingers?

Materials: A tack, and a plastic water bottle with cap, and bathtub

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This experiment illustrates that air really does take up space! You can’t inflate the balloon inside the bottle without the holes, because it’s already full of air. When you blow into the bottle with the holes, air is allowed to leak out making room for the balloon to inflate. With the intact bottle, you run into trouble because there’s nowhere for the air already inside the bottle to go when you attempt to inflate the balloon.

You’ll need to get two balloons, one tack, and two empty water bottles.

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Fire eats air, or in more scientific terms, the air gets used up by the flame and lowers the air pressure inside the jar. The surrounding air outside the jar is now at a higher pressure than the air inside the jar and it pushes the balloon into the jar. Remember: Higher pressure pushes!

Materials: a balloon, one empty glass jar, scrap of paper towel , matches with an adult

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As you blow air into the bottle, the air pressure increases inside the bottle. This higher pressure pushes on the water, which gets forced up and out the straw (and up your nose!).

Materials: small lump of clay, water, a straw, and one empty 2-liter soda bottle.

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Magician Tom Noddy

If you’re fascinated by the simple complexity of the standard soap bubble, then this is the lab for you. You can easily transform these ideas into a block-party Bubble Festival, or just have extra fun in the nightly bathtub. Either way, your kids will not only learn about the science of water, molecules, and surface tension, they’ll also leave this lab cleaner than they started (which is highly unusually for science experiments!)

Soap also makes water stretchy. If you’ve ever tried making bubbles with your mouth just using spit, you know that you can’t get the larger, fist-sized spit bubbles to form completely and detach to float away in the air. Spit is 94% water, and water by itself has too much surface tension, too many forces holding the molecules together. When you add soap to it, they relax a bit and stretch out. Soap makes water stretch and form into a bubble.
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As you blow into the funnel, the air under the ball moves faster than the other air surrounding the ball, which generates an area of lower air pressure. The pressure under the ball is therefore lower than the surrounding air which is, by comparison, at a higher pressure. This higher pressure pushes the ball back into the funnel, no matter how hard you blow or which way you hold the funnel. The harder you blow, the more stuck the ball becomes. Cool.

Materials: A funnel and a ping pong ball

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Where’s the pressure difference in this trick?

At the opening of the glass. The water inside the glass weighs a pound at best, and, depending on the size of the opening of the glass, the air pressure is exerting 15-30 pounds upward on the bottom of the card. Guess who wins? Tip, when you get good at this experiment, try doing it over a friend’s head!

Materials: a glass, and an index card large enough to completely cover the mouth of the glass.

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About 400 years ago, Leonardo da Vinci wanted to fly… so he studied the only flying things around at that time: birds and insects. Then he did what any normal kid would do—he drew pictures of flying machines!

Centuries later, a toy company found his drawing for an ornithopter, a machine that flew by flapping its wings (unlike an airplane, which has non-moving wings). The problem (and secret to the toy’s popularity) was that with its wing-flapping design, the ornithopter could not be steered and was unpredictable: It zoomed, dipped, rolled, and looped through the sky. Sick bags, anyone?

Hot air balloons that took people into the air first lifted off the ground in the 1780s, shortly after Leonardo da Vinci’s plans for the ornithopter took flight. While limited seating and steering were still major problems to overcome, let’s get a feeling for what our scientific forefathers experienced as we make a balloon that can soar high into the morning sky.

Materials: A lightweight plastic garbage bag, duct or masking tape, a hand-held hair dryer. And a COLD morning.

Here’s what you do:

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Lots of science toy companies will sell you this experiment, but why not make your own? You’ll need to find a loooooong bag, which is why we recommend a diaper genie. A diaper genie is a 25′ long plastic bag, only both ends are open so it’s more like a tube. You can get three 8-foot bags out of one pack.

Kids have a tendency to shove the bag right up to their face and blow, cutting off the air flow from the surrounding air into the bag. When they figure out this experiment and perform it correctly, this is one of those oooh-ahhh experiments that will leave your kids with eyes as big as dinner plates.

Here’s what you do:

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While this isn’t actually an air-pressure experiment but more of an activity in density, really, it’s still a great visual demonstration of why Hot Air Balloons rise on cold mornings.

Imagine a glass of hot water and a glass of cold water sitting on a table, side by side. Now imagine you have a way to count the number of water molecules in each glass. Which glass has more water molecules?

The glass of cold water has way more molecules… but why? The cold water is more dense than the hot water. Warmer stuff tends to rise because it’s less dense than colder stuff and that’s why the hot air balloon in experiment 1.10 floated up to the sky.

Clouds form as warm air carrying moisture rises within cooler air. As the warm, wet air rises, it cools and begins to condense, releasing energy that keeps the air warmer than its surroundings. Therefore, it continues to rise. Sometimes, in places like Florida, this process continues long enough for thunderclouds to form. Let’s do an experiment to better visualize this idea.

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When air moves, the air pressure decreases. This creates a lower air pressure pocket right between the cans relative to the surrounding air. Because higher pressure pushes, the cans clink together. Just remember – whenever there’s a difference in pressure, the higher pressure pushes.

You will need about 25 straws and two empty soda cans or other lightweight containers

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This experiment is for advanced students.

One of my best teaching tools for science developed from a brain freeze one afternoon in class. I went to the board to draw the chlorophyll wheel and drew a complete blank.

“Let’s say I forgot how to draw the wheel.” I turned to the class, marker in hand, and scanned the room. Puzzled faces, the blank faces I expected, but, what was that? A few smiles scattered about the room.

As I pulled out and some volunteered info, we got into that wheel. They also found that it was easier to know what to do next than to have me tell them to find it in their book and be prepared…I was coming back to them. Students frantically finding the wheel in their biology books so they were armed when I came to them.

It was a great experience, and my lectures were a lot more fun and interactive from then on.

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You’re about to play with one of the first methods of underwater breathing developed for scuba divers hundreds of years ago.! Back then, scientists would invert a very large clear, bell-shaped jar over a diver standing on a platform, then lower the whole thing into the water. Everyone thought this was a great idea, until the diver ran out of breathable air…

Materials: 12″ flexible tubing, two clear plastic cups, bathtub

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Can you use the power of the sun without using solar cells? You bet! We’re going to focus the incoming light down into a heat-absorbing box that will actually cook your food for you.

Remember from Unit 9 how we learned about photons (packets of light)?  Sunlight at the Earth’s surface is mostly in the visible and near-infrared (IR) part of the spectrum, with a small part in the near-ultraviolet (UV). The UV light has more energy than the IR, although it’s the IR that you feel as heat.

We’re going to use both to bake cookies in our homemade solar oven. There are two different designs – one uses a pizza box and the other is more like a light funnel. Which one works best for you?

  • Two large sheets of poster board (black is best)
  • Aluminum foil
  • Plastic wrap
  • Black construction paper
  • Cardboard box
  • Pizza box (clean!)
  • Tape & scissors
  • Reusable plastic baggies
  • Cookie dough (your favorite)
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expansionpacks_clip_image004_0000Does it really matter what angle the solar cell makes with the incoming sunlight? If so, does it matter much? When the sun moves across the sky, solar cells on a house receive different amounts of sunlight. You’re going to find out exactly how much this varies by building your own solar boat.

We’re going to use solar cells and the basic ideas from Unit 10 (Electricity & Robotics) to build a solar-powered race car.  You’ll need to find these items below.  Note – if you have trouble locating parts, check the shopping list for information on how to order it straight from us.

  • Solar motor
  • Solar cell
  • Foam block (about 6” long)
  • Alligator clip leads
  • Propeller (you can rip one off an old small personal fan or old toy, or find them at hobby stores)

Here’s what you do:

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solarboatSolar energy (power) refers to collecting this energy and storing it for another use, like driving a car. The sun blasts 174 x 1015 watts (which is 174,000,000,000,000,000 watts) of energy through radiation to the earth, but only 70% of that amount actually makes it to the surface. And since the surface of the earth is mostly water, both in ocean and cloud form, only a small fraction of the total amount makes it to land.

A solar cell converts sunlight straight into electricity. Most satellites are powered by large solar panel arrays in space, as sunlight is cheap and readily available out there. While solar cells seem ‘new’ and modern today, the first ones were created in the 1880s, but were a mere 1% efficient. (Today, they get as high as 35%.) A solar cell’s efficiency is a measure of how much sunlight the cell converts into electrical energy.

We’re going to use solar cells and the basic ideas from Unit 10 (Electricity & Robotics) to build a solar-powered race car.  You’ll need to find these items below.  Note – if you have trouble locating parts, check the shopping list for information on how to order it straight from us.

  • Solar cell
  • Solar motor
  • Foam block (about 6” long)
  • Alligator clip leads
  • 2 straws (optional)
  • 2 wooden skewers (optional)
  • 4 milk jug lids or film can tops
  • Set of gears, one of which fits onto your motor shaft (most solar motor kits come with a set), or rip a set out of an old toy

Here’s what you do:

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Believe it or not, most of the electricity you use comes from moving magnets around coils of wire! Wind turbines spin big coils of wire around very powerful magnets (or very powerful magnets around big coils of wire) by capturing the flow.

Here’s how it works: when a propeller is placed in a moving fluid (like the water from your sink or wind from your hair dryer), the propeller turns. If you attach the propeller to a motor shaft, the motor will rotate, which has coils of wire and magnets inside. The faster the shaft turns, the more the magnets create an electrical current.

The electricity to power your computer, your lights, your air conditioning, your radio or whatever, comes from spinning magnets or wires! Refer to Unit 11 for more detail about how moving magnets create electricity.

We’re going to build a wind turbine that will actually give you different amounts of electricity depending on which way your propeller is facing. Ready?

You’ll need to find these items below.  Note – if you have trouble locating parts, check the shopping list for information on how to order it straight from us.

  • A digital Multimeter
  • Alligator clip leads
  • 1.5-3V DC Motor
  • 9-18VDC Motor
  • Bi-polar LED
  • Foam block (about 6” long)
  • Propeller from old toy or cheap fan, or balsa wood airplane

Here’s what you do:

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Do you like marshmallows cooked over a campfire? What if you don’t have a campfire, though? We’ll solve that problem by building our own food roaster – you can roast hot dogs, marshmallows, anything you want. And it’s battery-free, as this device is powered by the sun.

NOTE: This roaster is powerful enough to start fires! Use with adult supervision and a fire extinguisher handy.

If you’re roasting marshmallows, remember that they are white – the most reflective color you can get.  If you coat your marshmallows with something darker (chocolate, perhaps?), your marshmallow will absorb the incoming light instead of reflecting it.

Here’s what you need to get:

  • 7×10” page magnifier (Fresnel lens)
  • Cardboard box, about a 10” cube
  • Aluminum foil
  • Hot glue, razor, scissors, tape
  • Wooden skewers (BBQ-style)
  • Chocolate, marshmallows, & graham crackers

Here’s what you do:

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How does it do that? The Fresnel lens is a lot like a magnifying glass.  In Unit 9, we learned how convex lenses are thicker in the middle (you can feel it with your fingers).  A Fresnel lens (first used in the 1800s to focus the beam in a lighthouse) has lots of ridges you can feel with your fingers.  It’s basically a series of magnifying lenses stacked together in rings (like in a tree trunk) to magnify an image.

The best thing about Fresnel lenses is that they are lightweight, so they can be very large (which is why light houses used these designs). Fresnel lenses curve to keep the focus at the same point, no matter close your light source is.

The Fresnel lens in this project is focusing the incoming sunlight much more powerfully than a regular hand held magnifier. But focusing the light is only part of the story with your roaster.  The other part is how your food cooks as the light hits it.  If your food is light-colored, it’s going to cook slower than darker (or charred) food. Notice how the burnt spots on your food heat up more quickly!

Scientifically Dissecting a Marshmallow

Plants take in energy (from the sun), water, and carbon dioxide (which is carbon and oxygen) and create sugar, giving off the oxygen. In other words: carbon + water + energy = sugar

  1. In this experiment, we will reverse this equation, by roasting a marshmallow, which is mostly sugar.
  2. When you roast your marshmallow, first notice the black color. This is the carbon.
  3. Next notice the heat and light given off. These are two forms of energy.
  4. Finally, put the roasting marshmallow if a mason jar. Notice that condensation forms on the sides. This is the water.

So, by roasting the marshmallow, we showed: sugar = carbon + water + energy!

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In 1920’s, these were a big hit. They were originally called “Putt Putt Steam Boats”, and were fascinating toys for adults and kids alike. We’ll be making our own version that will chug along for hours. This is a classic demonstration for learning about heat, energy, and how to get your kids to take a bath.

Here’s what you need to build your own:

  • Copper tubing (1/8”-1/4” dia x 12” long)
  • Votive candle
  • Foam block
  • Scissors or razor (with adult help)
  • Bathtub

Here’s what you need to do:

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  1. Wrap the copper tubing 2-3 times around a thick marker. You want to create a ‘coil’ with the tubing. Do this slowly so you don’t kink the tubing. End with two 3” parallel tails. (This is easier if you start in the middle of the tubing and work outwards in both directions.)
  2. Stick each tail through a block of foam. Bend the wires to they run along the length of the bottom of the boat, slightly pointed upwards. (You can also use a plastic bottle cut in half.)
  3. Position a votive candle on the topside of the boat and angle the coil so it sits right where the flame will be.
  4. To start your boat, fill the bathtub with water. While your tub fills, hold the tubing in the running water and completely fill the coil with water.
  5. Have your adult helper light the candle. In a moment, you should hear the ‘putt putt’ sounds of the boat working!
  6. Troubleshooting: if your boat doesn’t work, it could be a few things:
    1. The tubing has an air bubble. In this case, suck on one of the ends like a straw to draw in more water. Heating an air bubble will not make the boat move – it needs to be completely filled with water.
    2. Your coil is not hot enough. You need the water to turn into steam, and in order for this to happen, you have to heat the coil as hot as you can. Move the coil into a better position to get heat from the flame.
    3. The exhaust pipes are angled down. You want the stem to move up and out of your pipes, not get sucked back in. Adjust the exit tubing tails so they point slightly upwards.

How Do They Work? Your steam boat uses a votive candle as a heat source to heat the water inside the copper tubing (which is your boiling chamber). When the water is heated to steam, the steam pushes out the tube at the back with a small burst of energy, which pushes the boat forward.

Since your chamber is small, you only get a short ‘puff’ of energy. After the steam zips out, it creates a low pressure where it once was inside the tube, and this draws in fresh, cool water from the tub. The candle then heats this new water until steam and POP! it goes out the back, which in turn draws in more cool water to be heated… and on it goes. The ‘clicking’ or ‘putt putt’ noise you hear is the steam shooting out the back. This is go on until you either run out of water or heat.

Bonus! Here’s a video from a member that colored the water inside the pipe so they could see when it got pushed out! Note that the boat usually runs as fast as the first video on this page. The boats here are getting warmed up, ready to go, so they only do one or two puffs before they really start up.

Exercises Answer the questions below:

  1. Name three sources of renewable or alternative energy:
  2. Why is it important to look for renewable sources of energy?
  3. What is one example of a fossil fuel?
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This is the kind of energy most people think of when you mention ‘alternative energy’, and for good reason! Without the sun, none of anything you see around you could be here. Plants have known forever how to take the energy and turn it into usable stuff… so why can’t we?

The truth is that we can. While normally it takes factories the size of a city block to make a silicon solar cell, we’ll be making a copper solar cell after a quick trip to the hardware store. We’re going to modify the copper into a form that will allow it to react with sunlight the same way silicon does. The image shown here is the type of copper we’re going to make on the stovetop.

This solar cell is a real battery, and you’ll find that even in a dark room, you’ll be able to measure a tiny amount of current. However, even in bright sunlight, you’d need 80 million of these to light a regular incandescent bulb.

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This project is for advanced students.This Stirling Engine project is a very advanced project that requires skill, patience, and troubleshooting persistence in order to work right.  Find yourself a seasoned Do-It-Yourself type of adult (someone who loves to fix things or tinker in the garage) before you start working on this project,  or you’ll go crazy with nit-picky things that will keep the engine from operating correctly.  This makes an excellent project for a weekend.

Developed in 1810s, this engine was widely used because it was quiet and could use almost anything as a heat source. This kind of heat engine squishes and expands air to do mechanical work. There’s a heat source (the candle) that adds energy to your system, and the result is your shaft spins (CD).

This engine converts the expansion and compression of gases into something that moves (the piston) and rotates (the crankshaft). Your car engine uses internal combustion to generate the expansion and compression cycles, whereas this heat engine has an external heat source.

This experiment is great for chemistry students learning about Charles’s Law, which is also known as the Law of Volumes, which describes how gases tend to expand when they are heated and can be mathematically written like this:

where V = volume, and T = temperature. So as temperature increases, volume also increases. In the experiment you’re about to do, you will see how heating the air causes the diaphragm to expand which turns the crank.

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Galvanometers are coils of wire connected to a battery. When current flows through the wire, it creates a magnetic field. Since the wire is bundled up, it multiplies this electromagnetic effect to create a simple electromagnet that you can detect with your compass.
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I can still remember in 2nd grade science class wondering about this idea. And I still remember how baffled my teacher was when I asked her this question: “Doesn’t the north tip of a compass needle point to the south pole?” Think about this – if you hold up a magnet by a string, just like the needle of a compass, does the north end of the magnet line up with the north or south pole of the earth?

If you remember about magnets, you know that opposite attract. So the north tip of the compass will line up with the Earth’s SOUTH pole. So compasses are upside-down! Here’s an activity you can do right now…

  • magnet
  • compass
  • string
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After you’ve completed the galvanometer experiment, try this one!

You can wrap wire around an iron core (like a nail), which will intensify the effect and magnetize the nail enough for you to pick up paperclips when it’s hooked up. See how many you can lift!

You can wrap the wire around your nail using a drill or by hand. In the picture to the left, there are two things wrong: you need way more wire than they have wrapped around that nail, and it does not need to be neat and tidy. So grab your spool and wrap as much as you can – the more turns you have around the nail, the stronger the magnet.

(We included this picture because there are so many like this in text books, and it’s quite misleading! This image is supposed to represent the thing you’re going to build, not be an actual photo of the finished product.)

Find these materials:

  • Batteries in a battery holder with alligator clip wires
  • A nail that can be picked up by a magnet
  • At least 3 feet of insulated wire (magnet wire works best but others will work okay)
  • Paper Clips
  • Masking Tape
  • Compass
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Have you noticed that stuff sticks to your motor?  If you drag your motor through a pile of paperclips, a few will get stuck to the side. What’s going on?

Inside your motor are permanent magnets (red and blue things in the photo) and an electromagnet (the copper thing wrapped around the middle). Normally, you’d hook up a battery to the two tabs (terminals) at the back of the motor, and your shaft would spin.

However, if you spin the motor shaft with your fingers, you’ll generate electricity at the terminals. But how is that possible? That’s what this experiment is all about.

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Want to see a really neat way to get magnetic fields to interact with each other? While levitating objects is hard, bouncing them in invisible magnetic fields is easy. In this video, you’ll see how you can take two, three, or even four magnets and have them perform for you.

Are you ready?


  • 3 identical magnets
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Find a spare magnet – one you really don’t care about. Bring it up close to another magnet to find where the north and south poles are on the spare magnet. Did you find them? Mark the spots with a pen – put a N for north, and a S for south. Now break the spare magnet in half, separating the north from the south pole. (This might take a bit of muscle!) You should have one half be a north magnet, and the other a south. Or do you?

One of the big mysteries of the universe is why we can’t separate the north from the south end of a magnet. No matter how small you break that magnet down, you’ll still get one side that’s attracted to the north and the other that’s repelled. There’s just no way around this!

If you COULD separate the north from the south pole, you could point a magnet’s south pole toward your now-separated north pole, and it would always be repelled, no matter what orientation it rotated to. (Normally, as soon as the magnet is repelled, it twists around and lines up the opposite pole and snap! There go your fingers.) But if it were always repelled, you could chase it around the room or stick a pin through it so it would constantly move and rotate.

Well, what if we sneakily use electromagnetism? Note that you can use a metal screw, ball bearing, or other metal object that easily rotates.  If your metal ball bearing is also magnetic, you can combine both the screw and the magnet together.

Famous scientist Michael Faraday built the first one of these while studying magnetic and electricity, and how they both fit together. What to see what he figured out?

Here’s what you do:

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This is a quick and simple experiment to answer the question of magnetic field strength: Do four magnets have a stronger magnetic pull than one? You’ll find the answer quite surprising… which is: it depends. Here’s what you need to do to see for yourself:

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relay-bigThis experiment is for advanced students. If you’ve attempted the relay and telegraph experiment, you already know it’s one of the hardest ones in this unit, as the gap needs to be *just right* in order for it to work. It’s a super-tricky experiment that can leave you frustrated and losing hope that you’ll ever get the hang of this magnetism thing.

Fear not, young scientist! Here’s a MUCH simpler relay experiment that will actually give a nice blue spark when fired up, along with a nice zap to the hand that touches it in just the right spot. You can also use this relay in your electricity experiments as a switch you can use to turn things on and off using electricity (instead of your fingers moving a switch), including how to make a latching burglar alarm circuit.

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reed-switchWouldn’t it be cool to have an alarm sound each time someone opened your door, lunch box, or secret drawer? It’s easy when you use a reed switch in your circuit! All you need to do it substitute this sensor for the trip wire and you’ll have a magnetic burglar alarm.

The first thing you need to do is get your reed switch out, because we have to tear into it in order to get the part we need.  Here’s what you need:


  • reed switch
  • magnet
  • LED
  • AA case
  • 2 alligator wires
  • 2 AA batteries
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shock6Relays are telegraphs, and they both are basically “electrical switches”. This means you can turn something on and off without touching it – you can use electricity to switch something else on or off!

We’re going to build our own relay that will attract a strip of metal to make our telegraph ‘click’ each time we energize the coil.

IMPORTANT! This experiment is very tricky to get working right. You’ll want to pair up with someone who’s handy in the workshop and has a keen eye and a feather touch for adjusting the clicker in the final step. Someone who is a patient, fix-it type of person will be able to help you get this project working well.

Note: There are bonus experiment ideas near the bottom once you’ve mastered this activity.

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dcmotorImagine you have two magnets. Glue one magnet on an imaginary record player (or a ‘lazy susan’ turntable) and hold the other magnet in your hand. What happens when you bring your hand close to the turntable magnet and bring the north sides together?

The magnet should repel and move, and since it’s on a turntable, it will circle out of the way. Now flip your hand over so you have the south facing the turntable. Notice how the turntable magnet is attracted to yours and rotates toward your hand. Just as it reaches your hand, flip it again to reveal the north side. Now the glued turntable magnet pushes away into another circle as you flip your magnet over again to attract it back to you. Imagine if you could time this well enough to get the turntable magnet to make a complete circle over and over again… that’s how a motor works!

This next activity mystifies even the most scientifically educated! Here’s what you need:


  • magnet
  • magnet wire (26g works well)
  • D cell battery
  • two paper clips (try to find the ones shown in the video, or else bend your own with pliers)
  • sandpaper
  • fat rubber band
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We took our first step into the strange world of magnetism when we played with magnetizing a nail. We learned that magnets do what they do because of the behavior of electrons. When a bunch of those crazy little guys get going in the same direction they create a magnetic field. So what’s a magnetic field, you ask? That’s what this experiment is all about.

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Want to hear your magnets? We’re going to use electromagnetism to learn how you can listen to your physics lesson, and you’ll be surprised at how common this principle is in your everyday life. This project is for advanced students.

We’re going to invert the ideas used when we created our homemade speakers into a basic microphone. Although you won’t be able to record with this microphone, it will show you how the basics of a microphone and amplifier work, and how to turn sound waves back into electrical signals. You’ll be using the amplifier and your spare audio plug from the Laser Communicator for this project.

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We’re going to build on the quick ‘n’ easy DC motor to make a tiny rail accelerator (any larger, and you’ll need a power plant and a firing range and a healthy dose of ethics.) So let’s stick to the physics of what’s going on in this super-cool electromagnetism project. This project is for advanced students.

Here’s what we’re going to do:

We’re going to create two magnetic fields at right angles (perpendicular) to each other. When this happens, it causes things to move, spin, rotate, and roll out of the way. We’re going to focus this down to making a tiny set of wheel zip down a track powered only by magnetism. Ready?

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Marie Curie, a scientist famous for being the first person to receive two Nobel Prizes as well as her extensive work on radioactivity.

Magnetic material loses its ability to stick to a magnet when heated to a certain temperature called the Curie temperature. The Curie temperature for nickel is 380 oF, iron is 1,420oF, cobalt is 2,070 oF, and for ceramic ferrite magnets, it starts at 860oF.

We’re going to heat a magnet so that it loses temporarily loses its magnetic poles, and watch what happens as it cycles through cooling. Pierre and Marie Curie’s first scientific works were actually in magnetism, not chemistry, and their papers in magnetic fields and temperature when among the first noticed by the scientists at the time.

Are you ready to see what they figured out?

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gauss-rifleThere are two ways to create a magnetic field. First, you can wrap wire around a nail and attach the ends of the wire to a battery to make an electromagnet. When you connect the battery to the wires, current begins to flow, creating a magnetic field. However, the magnets that stick to your fridge are neither moving nor plugged into the electrical outlet – which leads to the second way to make a magnetic field: by rubbing a nail with a magnet to line up the electron spin. You can essential “choreograph” the way an electron spins around the atom to increase the magnetic field of the material. This project is for advanced students.

There are several different types of magnets. Permanent magnets are materials that stay magnetized, no matter what you do to it… even if you whack it on the floor (which you can do with a magnetized nail to demagnetize it). You can temporarily magnetize certain materials, such as iron, nickel, and cobalt. And an electromagnet is basically a magnet that you can switch on and off and reverse the north and south poles.

The strength of a magnetic field is measured in “Gauss”. The Earth’s magnetic field measures 0.5 Gauss. Typical refrigerator magnets are 50 Gauss. Neodymium magnets (like the ones we’re going to use in this project) measure at 2,000 Gauss. The largest magnetic fields have been found around distant magnetars (neutron stars with extremely powerful magnetic fields), measuring at 10,000,000,000,000,000 Gauss. (A neutron star is what’s left over from certain types of supernovae, and typically the size of Manhattan.)

Linear accelerators (also known as a linac) use different methods to move particles to very high speeds. One way is through induction, which is basically a pulsed electromagnet. We’re going to use a slow input speed and super-strong magnets and multiply the effect to generate a high-speed ball bearing to shoot across the floor.

For this experiment, you will need:
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An electrical circuit is like a raceway or running track at school.  The electrons (racecars) zip around the race loop (wire circuit) superfast to make stuff happen. Although you can’t see the electrons zipping around the circuit, you can see the effects: lighting up LEDs, sounding buzzers, clicking relays, etc.

There are many different electrical components that make the electrons react in different ways, such as resistors (limit current), capacitors (collect a charge), transistors (gate for electrons), relays (electricity itself activates a switch), diodes (one-way street for electrons), solenoids (electrical magnet), switches (stoplight for electrons), and more.  We’re going to use a combination diode-light-bulb (LED), buzzers, and motors in our circuits right now.

A CIRCUIT looks like a CIRCLE.  When you connect the batteries to the LED with wire and make a circle, the LED lights up.  If you break open the circle, electricity (current) doesn’t flow and the LED turns dark.

LED stands for “Light Emitting Diode”.  Diodes are one-way streets for electricity – they allow electrons to flow one way but not the other.

Remember when you scuffed along the carpet?  You gathered up an electric charge in your body.  That charge was static until you zapped someone else.  The movement of electric charge is called electric current, and is measured in amperes (A). When electric current passes through a material, it does it by electrical conduction. There are different kinds of conduction, such as metallic conduction, where electrons flow through a conductor (like metal) and electrolysis, where charged atoms (called ions) flow through liquids.

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switch-zoomMake yourself a grab bag of fun things to test: copper pieces (nails or pipe pieces), zinc washers, pipe cleaners, Mylar, aluminum foil, pennies, nickels, keys, film canisters, paper clips, load stones (magnetic rock), other rocks, and just about anything else in the back of your desk drawer.

Certain materials conduct electricity better than others. Silver, for example, is one of the best electrical conductors on the planet, followed closely by copper and gold. Most scientists use gold contacts because, unlike silver and copper, gold does not tarnish (oxidize) as easily. Gold is a soft metal and wears away much more easily than others, but since most circuits are built for the short term (less than 50 years of use), the loss of material is unnoticeable.
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meterOne of the most useful tools a scientist can have! A digital multimeter can quickly help you discover where the trouble is in your electrical circuits and eliminate the hassle of guesswork. When you have the right tool for the job, it makes your work a lot easier (think of trying to hammer nails with your shoe).

We'll show you how to get the most out of this versatile tool that we're sure you're going to use all the way through college. This project is for advanced students.

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Imagine you have two magnets. Glue one magnet on an imaginary record player (or a ‘lazy susan’ turntable) and hold the other magnet in your hand. What happens when you bring your hand close to the turntable magnet and bring the north sides together?

The magnet should repel and move, and since it’s on a turntable, it will circle out of the way. Now flip your hand over so you have the south facing the turntable. Notice how the turntable magnet is attracted to yours and rotates toward your hand. Just as it reaches your hand, flip it again to reveal the north side. Now the glued turntable magnet pushes away into another circle as you flip your magnet over again to attract it back to you. Imagine if you could time this well enough to get the turntable magnet to make a complete circle over and over again… that’s how a motor works!

After you get the buzzer and the light or LED to work, try spinning a DC motor:

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By controlling how and when a circuit is triggered, you can easily turn a simple circuit into a burglar alarm – something that alerts you when something happens. By sensing light, movement, weight, liquids, even electric fields, you can trigger LEDs to light and buzzers to sound. Your room will never be the same.

Switches control the flow of electricity through a circuit. There are different kinds of switches. NC (normally closed) switches keep the current flowing until you engage the switch. The SPST and DPDT switches are NO (normally open) switches.

The pressure sensor we’re building is small, and it requires a fair amount of pressure to activate. Pressure is force (like weight) over a given area (like a footprint). If you weighed 200 pounds, and your footprint averaged 10” long and 2” wide, you’d exert about 5 psi (pounds per square inch) per foot.

However, if you walked around on stilts indeed of feet, and the ‘footprint’ of each stilt averaged 1” on each side, you’d now exert 100 psi per foot. Why such a difference?

The secret is in the area of the footprint. In our example, your foot is about 20 square inches, but the area of each stilt was only 1 square inch. Since you haven’t changed your weight, you’re still pushing down with 200 pounds, only in the second case, you’re pressing the same weight into a much smaller spot… and hence the pressure applied to the smaller area shoots up by a factor of 20.

So how do we use pressure in this experiment? When you squeeze the foam, the light bulb lights up! It’s ideal for under a doormat or carpet rug where lots of weight will trigger it.

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Once you’ve made the Pressure Sensor burglar alarm, you might be wondering how to make the alarm stay on after it has been triggered, the way the Trip Wire Sensor does.

The reason this isn’t as simple as it seems is that the trip wire is a normally closed (NC) switch while the pressure sensor is a normally open (NO) switch. This means that the trip wire is designed to allow current to flow through the tacks when there’s no paper insulating them, while the pressure sensor stops current flowing in it’s un-squished state. It’s just the nature of the two different types of switches.

However, we can build a circuit using a relay which will ‘latch on’ when activated and remain on until you reset the system (by cutting off the power). This super-cool latching circuit video will show you everything you need to know.
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Burglar alarms not only protect your stuff, they put the intruder into a panic while they attempt to disarm the triggered noisemaker.  Our burglar alarms are basically switches which utilize the circuitry from Basic Circuits and clever tricks in conductivity.

A complete and exhaustive description of electronics would jump into the physics of solid state electronics, which is covered in undergraduate university courses. Instead, here is a quick description based on the fluid analogy for electric charge:

The movement of electric charge is called electric current, and is measured in amperes (A, or amps). When electric current passes through a material, it does so by electrical conduction, but there are different kinds of conduction, such as metallic conduction (where electrons flow through a conductor, like metal) and electrolysis (where charged atoms (called ions) flow through liquids).

Why does metal conduct electricity? Metals are conductors not because electricity passes through them, but because they contain electrons that can move. Think of the metal wire like a hose full of water. The water can move through the hose.  An insulator would be like a hose full of cement – no charge can move through it.

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potSo now you know how to hook up a motor, and even wire it up to a switch so that it goes in forward and reverse. But what if you want to change speeds? This nifty electrical component will help you do just that.

Once you understand how to use this potentiometer in a circuit, you’ll be able to control the speed of your laser light show motors as well as the motors and lights on your robots. Ready?

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Using ocean water (or make your own with salt and water), you can generate enough power to light up your LEDs, sound your buzzers, and turn a motor shaft. We’ll be testing out a number of different materials such as copper, aluminum, brass, iron, silver, zinc, and graphite to find out which works best for your solution.

This project builds on the fruit battery we made in Unit 8. This experiment is for advanced students.

The basic idea of electrochemistry is that charged atoms (ions) can be electrically directed from one place to the other. If we have a glass of water and dump in a handful of salt, the NaCl (salt) molecule dissociates into the ions Na+ and Cl-.

When we plunk in one positive electrode and one negative electrode and crank up the power, we find that opposites attract: Na+ zooms over to the negative electrode and Cl- zips over to the positive. The ions are attracted (directed) to the opposite electrode and there is current in the solution.

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Have you wrapped your mind around static electricity yet? You should understand by now how scuffing along a carpet in socks builds up electrons, which eventually jump off in a flurry known as a spark. And you also probably know a bit about magnets and how magnets have north and south poles AND a magnetic field (more on this later). Did you also know that electrical charges have an electrical field, just like magnets do?

It’s easy to visualize a magnetic field, because you’ve seen the iron filings line up from pole to pole. But did you know that you can do a similar experiment with electric fields?

Here’s what you need:

  • dried dill (spice)
  • vegetable or mineral oil
  • 2 alligator wires
  • static electricity source (watch video first!)
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Never polish your tarnished silver-plated silverware again! Instead, set up a ‘silverware carwash’ where you earn a nickel for every piece you clean. (Just don’t let grandma in on your little secret!)

We’ll be using chemistry and electricity together (electrochemistry) to make a battery that reverses the chemical reaction that puts tarnish on grandma’s good silver.  It’s safe, simple, and just needs a grown-up to help with the stove.

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dmmIt’s easy to use chemistry to generate electricity, once you understand the basics. With this experiment, you’ll use aluminum foil, salt, air, and a chemical from an aquarium to create an air battery. This experiment is for advanced students.

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nerve-testerElectrical circuits are used for all kinds of applications, from blenders to hair dryers to cars. And games! Here’s a quick and easy game using the principles of conductivity.

This experiment is a test of your nerves and skill to see if you can complete the roller coaster circuit and make it from one end to the other.  You can opt to make a noisy version (more fun) or a silent version (for stealth). Are you ready?

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When an atom (like hydrogen) or molecule (like water) loses an electron (negative charge), it becomes an ion and takes on a positive charge. When an atom (or molecule) gains an electron, it becomes a negative ion. An electrolyte is any substance (like salt) that becomes a conductor of electricity when dissolved in a solvent (like water).

This type of conductor is called an ‘ionic conductor’ because once the salt is in the water, it helps along the flow of electrons from one clip lead terminal to the other so that there is a continuous flow of electricity.

This experiment is an extension of the Conductivity Tester experiment, only in this case we’re using water as a holder for different substances, like sugar and salt. You can use orange juice, lemon juice, vinegar, baking powder, baking soda, spices, cornstarch, flour, oil, soap, shampoo, and anything else you have around. Don’t forget to test out plain water for your ‘control’ in the experiment!

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You can use the idea that like charges repel (like two electrons) and opposites attract to move stuff around, stick to walls, float, spin, and roll. Make sure you do this experiment first.

I’ve got two different videos that use positive and negative charges to make things rotate, the first of which is more of a demonstration (unless you happen to have a 50,000 Volt electrostatic generator on hand), and the second is a homemade version on a smaller scale.

Did you know that you can make a motor turn using static electricity? Here’s how:

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fet1This simple FET circuit is really an electronic version of the electroscope. This “Alien Detector” is a super-sensitive static charge detector made from a few electronics parts. I originally made a few of these and placed them in soap boxes and nailed the lids shut and asked kids how they worked. (I did place a on/off switch poking through the box along with the LED so they would have ‘some’ control over the experiment.)

This detector is so sensitive that you can go around your house and find pockets of static charge… even from your own footprints! This is an advanced project for advanced students.

You will need to get:

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Hovercraft transport people and their stuff across ice, grass, swamp, water, and land. Also known as the Air Cushioned Vehicle (ACV), these machines use air to greatly reduce the sliding friction between the bottom of the vehicle (the skirt) and the ground. This is a great example of how lubrication works – most people think of oil as the only way to reduce sliding friction, but gases work well if done right.

In this case, the readily-available air is shoved downward by the pressure inside of balloon. This air flows down through the nozzle and out the bottom, under the CD, lifting it slightly as it goes and creating a thin layer for the CD to float on.

Although this particular hovercraft only has a 'hovering' option, I'm sure you can quickly figure out how to add a 'thruster' to make it zoom down the table! (Hint - you will need to add a second balloon!)

Here's what you need:

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Polarization has to do with the direction of the light.  Think of a white picket fence – the kind that has space between each board.  The light can pass through the gaps int the fence but are blocked by the boards.  That’s exactly what a polarizer does.

When you have two polarizers, you can rotate one of the ‘fences’ a quarter turn so that virtually no light can get through – only little bits here and there where the gaps line up. Most of the way is blocked, though, which is what happens when you rotate the two pairs of sunglasses. Your sunglasses are polarizing filters, meaning that they only let light of a certain direction in. The view through the sunglasses is a bit dimmer, as less photons reach your eyeball.

Polarizing sunglasses also reduce darken the sky, which gives you more contrast between light and dark, sharpening the images. Photographers use polarizing filters to cut out glaring reflections.


  • two pairs of polarized sunglasses
  • tape (the 3/4″ glossy clear kind works best – watch second video below)
  • window
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Crazy Remote

Want to have some quick science fun with your TV remote? Then try this experiment next time you flip on the tube:


  • metal frying pan or cookie sheet
  • TV remote control
  • plastic sheet
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When light rays strikes a surface, part of the beam passes through the surface and the rest reflects back, like a ball bouncing on the ground. Where it bounces depends on how you throw the ball.

Have you ever looked into a pool of clear, still water and seen your own face? The surface of the water acts like a mirror and you can see your reflection. (In fact, before mirrors were invented, this was the only way people had to look at themselves.) If you were swimming below the surface, you’d still see your own face – the mirror effect works both ways.

Have you ever broken a pencil by sticking it into a glass of water?  The pencil isn’t really broken, but it sure looks like it!  What’s going on?

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We’re going to bend light to make objects disappear. You’ll need two glass containers (one that fits inside the other), and the smaller one MUST be Pyrex. It’s okay if your Pyrex glass has markings on the side. Use cooking oil such as canola oil, olive oil, or others to see which makes yours truly disappear. You can also try mineral oil or Karo syrup, although these tend to be more sensitive to temperature and aren’t as evenly matched with the Pyrex as the first choices mentioned above.

Here’s what you need:

  • two glass containers, one of which MUST be Pyrex glass
  • vegetable oil (cheap canola brand is what we used in the video)
  • sink

Published value for light speed is 299,792,458 m/s = 186,282 miles/second = 670,616,629 mph
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Hans Lippershey was the first to peek through his invention of the refractor telescope in 1608, followed closely by Galileo (although Galileo used his telescope for astronomy and Lippershey’s was used for military purposes).  Their telescopes used both convex and concave lenses.

A few years later, Kepler swung into the field and added his own ideas: he used two convex lenses (just like the ones in a hand-held magnifier), and his design the one we still use today. We're going to make a simple microscope and telescope using two lenses, the same way Kepler did.  Only our lenses today are much better quality than the ones he had back then!

You can tell a convex from a concave lens by running your fingers gently over the surface – do you feel a “bump” in the middle of your hand magnifying lens?  You can also gently lay the edge of a business card (which is very straight and softer than a ruler) on the lens to see how it doesn't lay flat against the lens.

Your magnifier has a convex lens – meaning the glass (or plastic) is thicker in the center than around the edges.  The image here shows how a convex lens can turn light to a new direction using refraction. You can read more about refraction here.

A microscope is very similar to the refractor telescope with one simple difference – where you place the focus point.  Instead of bombarding you with words, let’s make a microscope right now so you can see for yourself how it all works together. Are you ready?

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spectrometer2Spectrometers are used in chemistry and astronomy to measure light. In astronomy, we can find out about distant stars without ever traveling to them, because we can split the incoming light from the stars into their colors (or energies) and “read” what they are made up of (what gases they are burning) and thus determine their what they are made of. In this experiment, you’ll make a simple cardboard spectrometer that will be able to detect all kinds of interesting things!

SPECIAL NOTE: This instrument is NOT for looking at the sun. Do NOT look directly at the sun. But you can point the tube at a sheet of paper that has the sun’s reflected light on it.

Usually you need a specialized piece of material called a diffraction grating to make this instrument work, but instead of buying a fancy one, why not use one from around your house?  Diffraction gratings are found in insect (including butterfly) wings, bird feathers, and plant leaves.  While I don’t recommend using living things for this experiment, I do suggest using an old CD.

CDs are like a mirror with circular tracks that are very close together. The light is spread into a spectrum when it hits the tracks, and each color bends a little more than the last. To see the rainbow spectrum, you’ve got to adjust the CD and the position of your eye so the angles line up correctly (actually, the angles are perpendicular).

You’re looking for a spectrum (the rainbow image at left) – this is what you’ll see right on the CD itself. Depending on what you look at (neon signs, chandeliers, incandescent bulbs, fluorescent bulbs, Christmas lights…), you’ll see different colors of the rainbow. For more about how diffraction gratings work, click here.


  • old CD
  • razor
  • index card
  • cardboard tube
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This is the simplest form of camera – no film, no batteries, and no moving parts that can break. The biggest problem with this camera is that the inlet hole is so tiny that it lets in such a small amount of light and makes a faint image. If you make the hole larger, you get a brighter image, but it’s much less focused. The more light rays coming through, the more they spread out the image out more and create a fuzzier picture. You’ll need to play with the size of the hole to get the best image.

While you can go crazy and take actual photos with this camera by sticking on a piece of undeveloped black and white film (use a moderately fast ASA rating), I recommend using tracing paper and a set of eyeballs to view your images. Here’s what you need to do:


  • box
  • tracing paper
  • razor or scissors
  • tape
  • tack
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Here’s a trick question – can you make the color “yellow” with only red, green, and blue as your color palette?  If you’re a scientist, it’s not a problem.  But if you’re an artist, you’re in trouble already.

The key is that we would be mixing light, not paint.  Mixing the three primary colors of light gives white light.  If you took three light bulbs (red, green, and blue) and shined them on the ceiling, you’d see white.  And if you could magically un-mix the white colors, you’d get the rainbow (which is exactly what prisms do.)

If you’re thinking yellow should be a primary color – it is a primary color, but only in the artist’s world.  Yellow paint is a primary color for painters, but yellow light is actually made from red and green light.  (Easy way to remember this: think of Christmas colors – red and green merge to make the yellow star on top of the tree.)

As a painter, you know that when you mix three cups of red, green, and blue paint, you get a muddy brown. But as a scientist, when you mix together three cups of cold light, you get white.  If you pass a beam white light through a glass filled with water that’s been dyed red, you’ve now got red light coming out the other side.  The glass of red water is your filter.  But what happens when you try to mix the different colors together?

The cold light is giving off its own light through a chemical reaction called chemiluminescence, whereas the cups of paint are only reflecting nearby light. It’s like the difference between the sun (which gives off its own light) and the moon (which you see only when sunlight bounces off it to your eyeballs). You can read more about light in our Unit 9: Lesson 1 section.

Here’s what you need:

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When you warm up leftovers, have you ever wondered why the microwave heats the food and not the plate? (Well, some plates, anyway.) It has to do with the way microwave ovens work.

Microwave ovens use dielectric heating (or high frequency heating) to heat your food. Basically, the microwave oven shoots light beams that are tuned to excite the water molecule. Foods that contain water will step up a notch in energy levels as heat. (The microwave radiation can also excite other polarized molecules in addition to the water molecule, which is why some plates also get hot.)

One of the biggest challenges with measuring the speed of light is that the photons move fast… too fast to watch with our eyeballs.  So instead, we’re going to watch the effects of microwave light and base our measurements on the effects the light has on different kinds of food.  Microwaves use light with a wavelength of 0.01 to 10 cm (that’s ‘microwave’ part of the electromagnetic spectrum). When designing your experiment, you’ll need to pay close attention to the finer details such as the frequency of your microwave oven (found inside the door), where you place your food inside the oven, and how long you leave it in for.


  • chocolate bar (extra-large bars work best)
  • microwave
  • plate
  • ruler
  • calculator
  • pencil and paper
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ss-lwImagine you’re a painter.  What three colors do you need to make up any color in the universe?  (You should be thinking: red, yellow, and blue… and yes, you are right if you’re thinking that the real primary colors are cyan, magenta, and yellow, but some folks still prefer to think of the primary colors as red-yellow-blue… either way, it’s really not important to this experiment which primary set you choose.)

Here’s a trick question – can you make the color “yellow” with only red, green, and blue as your color palette?  If you’re a scientist, it’s not a problem.  But if you’re an artist, you’re in trouble already.

The key is that we would be mixing light, not paint.  Mixing the three primary colors of light gives white light.  If you took three light bulbs (red, green, and blue) and shined them on the ceiling, you’d see white.  And if you could magically un-mix the white colors, you’d get the rainbow (which is exactly what prisms do.)

If you’re thinking yellow should be a primary color – it is a primary color, but only in the artist’s world.  Yellow paint is a primary color for painters, but yellow light is actually made from red and green light.  (Easy way to remember this: think of Christmas colors – red and green merge to make the yellow star on top of the tree.) It’s because you are using projection of light, not the subtrative combination of colors to get this result.

Here’s a nifty experiment that will really bring these ideas to life (and light!):


  • flashlight (three is best, but you can get by with two)
  • fingernail polish (red, green, and blue)
  • clear tape or cellophane (saran wrap works too)
  • white wall space
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When I was in grad school, I needed to use an optical bench to see invisible things. I was trying to ‘see’ the exhaust from a  new kind of F15 engine, because the aircraft acting the way it shouldn’t – when the pilot turned the controls 20o left, the plane only went 10o. My team had traced the problem to an issue with the shock waves, and it was my job to figure out what the trouble was. (Anytime shock waves appear, there’s an energy loss.)

Since shock waves are invisible to the human eye, I had to find a way to make them visible so we could get a better look at what was going on. It was like trying to see the smoke generated by a candle – you know it’s there, but you just can’t see it. I wound up using a special type of photography called Schlieren.

An optical table gives you a solid surface to work on and nails down your parts so they don’t move. This is an image taken with Schlieren photography. This technique picks up the changes in air density (which is a measure of pressure and volume).

The air above a candle heats up and expands (increases volume), floating upwards as you see here. The Schlieren technique shines a super-bright xenon arc lamp beam of light through the candle area, bounces it off two parabolic mirrors and passes it through a razor-edge slit and a neutral density filter before reaching the camera lens. With so many parts, I needed space to bolt things down EXACTLY where I wanted them. The razor slit, for example, just couldn’t be anywhere along the beam – it had to be right at the exact point where the beam was focused down to a point.

I’m going to show you how to make a quick and easy optical lab bench to work with your lenses. Scientists use optical benches when they design microscopes, telescopes, and other optical equipment. You’ll need a bright light source like a flashlight or a sunny window, although this bench is so light and portable that you can move it to garage and use a car headlight if you really want to get creative. Once your bench is set up, you can easily switch out filters, lenses, and slits to find the best combination for your optical designs. Technically, our setup is called an optical rail, and the neat thing about it is that it comes with a handy measuring device so you can see where the focal points are for your lenses. Let’s get started:
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