This lesson may give you a sinking sensation but don’t worry about it. It’s only because we’re talking about gravity. You can’t go anywhere without gravity. Even though we deal with gravity on a constant basis, there are several misconceptions about it. Let’s get to an experiment right away and I’ll show you what I mean.

If I drop a ping pong ball and a golf ball from the same height, which one hits the ground first? How about a bowling ball and a marble?

Here’s what you need:

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There are situations where you have two objects interacting with each other, which means that you’ll have two unknown variables you’ll solve for (usually acceleration). You can solve these types of problems in a couple different ways. First, you can look at the entire system and consider both objects as only one object. For example, the Earth and Moon might be combined into one object if we’re looking at objects that orbit the sun, so the mass of the Earth and Moon would be combined into a single mass, m, and would also have the same acceleration, a. This approach is used if you really don’t care about what’s going on between the two objects. Or you could treat each object as it’s own separate body and draw FBD for each one. This second approach is usually used if you need to know the forces acting between the two objects.

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If I asked you to define the word force, what would you say? You probably have a feeling for what force means, but you may have trouble putting it into words. It’s kind of like asking someone to define the word “and” or “the”. Well, this lesson is all about giving you a better feeling for what the word force means. We’ll be talking a lot about forces in many lessons to come. The simplest way to define force is to say that it means a push or a pull like pulling a wagon or pushing a car. That’s a correct definition, but there’s a lot more to what a force is than just that.

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Friction is everywhere! Imagine what the world would be like without friction! Everything you do, from catching baseballs to eating hamburgers, to putting on shoes, friction is a part of it. If you take a quick look at friction, it is quite a simple concept of two things rubbing together.

However, when you take a closer look at it, it’s really quite complex. What kind of surfaces are rubbing together? How much of the surfaces are touching? And what’s the deal with this stick and slip thing anyway? Friction is a concept that’s many scientists are spending a lot of time on. Understanding friction is very important in making engines and machines run more efficiently and safely.

Here’s what you need:

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There are two big categories that forces fall into: contact forces, and forces resulting from something called action-at-a-distance, like gravitational, magnetic, and electrical forces. Contact forces come into play when objects are physically touching each other, like friction, air resistance, tension, and applied forces (like when your hand pushes on something, or you kick a ball with your foot).

Action-at-a-distance forces show up when the sun and planets pull on each other gravitationally. The sun isn’t in contact with the Earth, but they still exert a force on each other. Two magnets repel each other even though they don’t touch… that’s another example of action-at-a-distance force. Inside an atom, the protons and the electrons pull on each other via the electrical force.

The units of force are in “Newtons”, or N like this: “my suitcase weighs 20N”. 1 N = 1 kg * m/s2. A force is also a vector, meaning that is has magnitude and direction. The force my suitcase exerts on the ground is 20N in the downward direction. Scientists and engineers use arrows to indicate the direction of force.

We’ll learn how to do this by drawing “Free Body Diagrams”, or FBDs. These are really useful for inventors and engineers, because with one look at a structure or machine, they can see all the forces acting on it and quickly be able to tell if the object is experiencing unbalanced forces, and if so what would happen. Unbalanced forces can cause rockets to crash, aircraft to somersault, bridges to collapse, trains to roll off the track, skyscrapers to topple, machines to explode or worse!

We’re going to learn how to see forces by making a model of the real world down on paper, drawing in all the forces acting on the object and use a little math to figure out important information like acceleration, force and velocity. Most engineers and scientists spend a year or more studying just this one concept about FBDs (and also MADs: “Mass-Acceleration Diagrams”) in college, so let’s get started…

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In order to figure out what’s going on with an object, you have to take a look at the forces being applied to it. Forces are a vector, meaning that they have a direction and a magnitude. Your weight is not just a number, but it’s also in the downward direction. When we look at the forces that act on an object (or system of objects), we need to know how to combine all the forces into a single, resultant force which makes our math a lot easier. Here’s a set of videos that will show you how to do this:

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Now let’s take it a step further and look at how you’d analyze a ball being yanked on by two kids in different directions:

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There’s a different type of notation for x and y axes called “i-hat” and “j-hat”. This next video will show you exactly what you need to know to understand how to use them together so you don’t get confused! If you haven’t learned about “sines” or “cosines” yet, or it’s been awhile since you’ve studied triangles, this video will show you exactly what you need to know in order to solve physics problems. We’re not going to spend time deriving where these came from (if you’re interested in that, just open up a trigonometry textbook), but rather we’re going to learn how to use them in a way that real scientists and engineers do.

Take out your notebook and take notes on the law of sines, law of cosines, and write down definitions for sine, cosine, and tangent based on what you learn in the video, especially if you’re new to all this. Take it slow and you’ll catch on soon enough, because math isn’t just a shiny box of tools you just learn about, but you need to take the tools out of the box and learn how to crank with them. And sometimes, you learn how to use a impact driver when you need it, not ahead of time for someday when you might need it. Don’t get stuck if you haven’t seen some of these math principles yet or if they don’t make sense where they came from – just start using them and your brain will pick it up on the way as you learn how to apply them. Again, don’t feel like you have to complete a comprehensive course in trig to be able to figure out how to add vectors together! Just follow these simple steps…

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Now let’s put the coordinate systems together with vector addition into this more realistic problem we’re going to run into with our study in physics:

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Force fields aren’t just something for science fiction writers. They are actually a very real and very mysterious part of the world in which you live. So, what is a force field? Well, I can’t tell you. To be honest, nobody can. There’s quite a bit that is still unknown about how they work. A force field is a strange area that surrounds an object. That field can push or pull other objects that wander into its area. Force fields can be extremely tiny or larger than our solar system.

A way to picture a force field is to imagine an invisible bubble that surrounds a gizmo. If some other object enters that bubble, that object will be pushed or pulled by an invisible force that is caused by the gizmo. That’s pretty bizarre to think about isn’t it? However, it happens all the time. As you sit there right now, you are engulfed in at least two huge force fields, the Earth’s magnetic field and the Earth’s gravitational field.

Gravity doesn’t care what size something is or whether or not it is moving, Gravity treats all things equally and accelerates them the same. Notice, that I say gravity accelerates all things equally, not gravity pulls on all things equally. Gravity does pull harder on some things than on other things. This is why I weigh more than a dog. I am made of more stuff (I have more atoms) than the average dog, so gravity pulls on me more.

Weight is nothing more than a measure of how much gravity is pulling on you. This is why you can be “weightless” on a scale in space. You are still made of stuff, but there’s a balance of the gravity that is pulling on you and the outward force due to the acceleration since you’re moving in a circle (which you do in order to remain in orbit), so it feels like you have no weight.

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The larger a body is, the more gravitational pull or the larger a gravitational field it will have. The Moon has a fairly small gravitational field (if you weighed 100 pounds on Earth, you’d only be 17 pounds on the Moon), the Earth’s field is fairly large and the Sun has a HUGE gravitational field (if you weighed 100 pounds on Earth, you’d weigh 2,500 pounds on the sun!).

As a matter of fact, both the dog and I both have gravitational fields! Since we are both bodies of mass we have a gravitational field which will pull things towards us. All bodies have a gravitational field. However, my mass is sooooo small that the gravitational field I have is miniscule. Something has to be very massive before it has a gravitational field that noticeably attracts another body.

So what’s the measurement for how much stuff you’re made of? Mass. Mass is basically a weightless measure of how much matter makes you, you. A hamster is made of a fairly small amount of stuff so she has a small mass. I am made of more stuff, so my mass is greater than the hamster’s. Your house is made of even more stuff so its mass is greater still.

So, here’s a question. If you are “weightless” in space, do you still have mass? Yes, the amount of stuff you’re made of is the same on Earth as it is in your space ship. Mass does not change but since weight is a measure for how much gravity is pulling on you, weight will change.

Did you notice that I put weightless in quotation marks? Wonder why?

Weightlessness is a myth! Believe it or not, one is never weightless. A person can be pretty close to weightless in very deep space but the astronauts in a space ship actually do have a bit of weight.

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The difference between weight and mass often trips up college students, so let’s straighten this out. The mass of an object is how much stuff something is made out of, and the weight is the force of gravity acting on it. Mass deals with how much stuff there is, and weight deals with the pull of the Earth. Mass will never change no matter where you put the object, unless you take a bite out of it or pile more stuff on top of it. The weight can change depending on where you place it, like on another planet.

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If you could stand on the Sun without being roasted, how much would you weigh? The gravitational pull is different for different objects. Let’s find out which celestial object you’d crack the pavement on, and which your lightweight toes would have to be careful about jumping on in case you leapt off the planet.

Weight is nothing more than a measure of how much gravity is pulling on you. Mass is a measure of how much stuff you’re made out of. Weight can change depending on the gravitational field you are standing in. Mass can only change if you lose an arm.


  • Scale to weigh yourself
  • Calculator
  • Pencil
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Units In the US system of units, both mass and weight are measured in “pounds” or “lb”. That’s a BIG problem, because mass isn’t the same as weight, so how could their units be the same? The answer is, the units are not the same, but they look very similar. The units for mass are kg (kilograms) or lbm (pronounced “pounds mass”) and the units for force are N (Newtons) or lbf (pronounced “pounds force”). The trouble comes in when we drop that third character and “lbf” or “lbm” becomes just plain “lb”. That’s the problem, and it’s a major headache for students to understand. Here’s the main thing I want you to remember: 1 lbm is NOT equal to 1 lbf. Here’s a video that will explain how you use both of these in a real world:

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Friction is the force between two objects in contact with one another when one object moves (or tries to move) across another on the surface. Friction is dependent on the types materials that are in contact with one another (rubber versus leather, for example), and how much pressure is put on the materials, and whether the surfaces are wet, dry, hot, cold… it’s really complicated. Friction happens due to the electromagnetic forces between two objects. Friction is not necessarily due to the roughness of the objects but rather to chemical bonds “sticking and slipping” over one another.

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Hovercraft transport people and their stuff across ice, grass, swamp, water, and land. Also known as the Air Cushioned Vehicle (ACV), these machines use air to greatly reduce the sliding friction between the bottom of the vehicle (the skirt) and the ground. This is a great example of how lubrication works – most people think of oil as the only way to reduce sliding friction, but gases work well if done right.

In this case, the readily-available air is shoved downward by the pressure inside of balloon. This air flows down through the nozzle and out the bottom, under the CD, lifting it slightly as it goes and creating a thin layer for the CD to float on.

Although this particular hovercraft only has a ‘hovering’ option, I’m sure you can quickly figure out how to add a ‘thruster’ to make it zoom down the table! (Hint – you will need to add a second balloon!)

Here’s what you need:

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What if there’s a lot of friction? Have you ever felt that you need to give something a shove before it starts moving? You have to overcome static friction in order to experience kinetic friction. (Static friction is higher in magnitude than kinetic friction, generally speaking.)

The equation for determining the friction is: f = μ Fnormal, where μ = the coefficient of friction.

For kinetic friction: fkinetic = μk Fnormal, where μk = the coefficient of kinetic friction
For static friction: fstatic = μs Fnormal, where μs = the coefficient of kinetic friction

Scientists have to figure out μs and μk by doing experiments, and they compile that data in tables for others to look up when they need it. Here’s how you can do that very same experiment to determine the coefficient of friction between two surfaces:

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Now let’s talk about the other ever present force on this Earth, and that’s friction. Friction is the force between one object rubbing against another object. Friction is what makes things slow down.

Without friction things would just keep moving unless they hit something else. Without friction, you would not be able to walk. Your feet would have nothing to push against and they would just slide backward all the time like you’re doing the moon walk.

Friction is a very complicated interaction between pressure and the type of materials that are touching one another. Let’s do a couple of experiments to get the hang of what friction is.
Here’s what you need:

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First Law of Motion: Objects in motion tend to stay in motion unless acted upon by an external force. Force is a push or a pull, like pulling a wagon or pushing a car. Gravity is a force that attracts things to one another. Gravity accelerates all things equally. Which means all things speed up the same amount as they fall.

Materials: ball
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Click here to go to next lesson on Newton’s Law of Motion in Detail.

Ok, sort of a silly experiment I admit. But here’s what we’re going for – there is an invisible force acting on you and the ball. As you will see in later lessons, things don’t change the way they are moving unless a force acts on them. When you jump, the force that we call gravity pulled you back to Earth. When you throw a ball, something invisible acted on the ball forcing it to slow down, turn around, and come back down. Without that force field, you and your ball would be heading out to space right now!
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Click here to go to next lesson on Inertia.

Ever wonder how magicians work their magic? This experiment is worthy of the stage with a little bit of practice on your end.

Here’s how this activity is laid out: First, watch the video below. Next, try it on your own. Make sure to send us your photos of your inventions here!

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Next time you watch a drag race, notice the wheels. Are they solid metal discs, or do they have holes drilled through the rims? I came up with this somewhat silly, but incredibly powerful quick science demonstration to show my 2nd year university students how one set of rims could really make a difference on the racetrack (with all other things being equal).

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Click here to go to next lesson on Introducing the Idea of Net Forces.

It is very rare, especially on Earth, to have an object that is experiencing force from only one direction. A bicycle rider has the force of air friction pushing against him. He has to fight against the friction between the gears and the wheels. He has gravity pulling down on him. His muscles are pushing and pulling inside him and so on and so on.

Even as you sit there, you have at least two forces pushing and pulling on you. The force of gravity is pulling you to the center of the Earth. The chair is pushing up on you so you don’t go to the center of the Earth. So with all these forces pushing and pulling, how do you keep track of them all? That’s where net force comes in.

The net force is when you add up all of the forces on something and see what direction the overall force pushes in. The word “net”, in this case, is like net worth or net income. It’s a mathematical concept of what is left after everything that applies is added and subtracted. The next activity will make this clearer.

Here’s what you need:

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Click here to go to next lesson on Forces.

This is a recording of a recent live teleclass I did with thousands of kids from all over the world. I’ve included it here so you can participate and learn, too!

Discover how to detect magnetic fields, learn about the Earth’s 8 magnetic poles, and uncover the mysterious link between electricity and magnetism that marks one of the biggest discoveries of all science…ever.


  • Box of paperclips
  • Two magnets (make sure one of them ceramic because we’re going to break it)
  • Compass
  • Hammer
  • Nail
  • Sandpaper or nail file
  • D cell battery
  • Rubber band
  • Magnet Wire

Optional Materials if you want to make the Magnetic Rocket Ball Launcher:Four ½” (12mm) neodymium magnets

  • Nine ½” (12 mm) ball bearings
  • Toilet paper tube or paper towel tube
  • Ruler with groove down the middle
  • Eight strong rubber bands
  • Scissors
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This is a recording of a recent live teleclass I did with thousands of kids from all over the world. I’ve included it here so you can participate and learn, too!

We’re going to study electrons and static charge. Kids will build simple electrostatic motor to help them understand how like charges repel and opposites attract. After you’ve completed this teleclass, be sure to hop on over the teleclass in Robotics!

Electrons are strange and unusual little fellows. Strange things happen when too many or too few of the little fellows get together. Some things may be attracted to other things or some things may push other things away. Occasionally you may see a spark of light and sound. The light and sound may be quite small or may be as large as a bolt of lightning. When electrons gather, strange things happen. Those strange things are static electricity.

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We’re going to learn about kinematics, which is the words scientists use to explain the motion of objects. By learning about scalars, vectors, speed, velocity, acceleration, distance, and more, you’ll be able to not only accurately describe the motion of objects, but be able to predict their behavior. This is very important, whether you’re planning to land a spaceship on a moon, catapult a marshmallow in your mouth from across the room, or win a round of billiards.

Be sure to take out a notebook and copy down each example problem right along with me so you take good notes as you go along. It’s a totally different experience when you are actively involved by writing down and working through each problem rather than passively sitting back and watching.

Click here to start the first lesson in kinematics.

If you jump out of an airplane, how fast would you fall? What’s the greatest speed you would reach? In a moment, we’re going to find out, but first let’s take a look at objects that are allowed to fall under the influence of just gravity. There are two important things to keep in mind for free falling objects. First, the object doesn’t experience air resistance. Second, the acceleration of the object is a constant value of 9.8 m/s2 or 32.2 ft/s2.
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This lesson may give you a sinking sensation but don’t worry about it. It’s only because we’re talking about gravity. You can’t go anywhere without gravity. Even though we deal with gravity on a constant basis, there are several misconceptions about it. Let’s get to an experiment right away and I’ll show you what I mean.

If I drop a ping pong ball and a golf ball from the same height, which one hits the ground first? How about a bowling ball and a marble?

Here’s what you need:

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Click here to go to next lesson on Velocity.

If acceleration is constant, is velocity also constant? Nope. The image at the top of this page shows that the object is speeding up every second by a certain rate, so velocity is not a constant value. The question is, can we figure out what the speed is at different intervals of time? Of course we can! Here’s how…
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Do you expect a curved or a straight line on a p-t graph for free falling objects? A straight line is the slope of the graph, which is also the velocity. A straight line would mean that the velocity is constant, we we already see from the experiment that it isn’t. So we can expect a curve on our p-t graph that looks like a downhill bunny slope… the object starts out slow, then increases speed so the slope will also increase in “steepness” as time goes on. If we indicate the positive direction as upwards, then the slope on the p-t graph will be negative.
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For constant acceleration, we can expect a straight line on our v-t graph to have a slope of 9.8 m/s2  in the negative quadrant of the graph, starting at the origin. The object started at rest, then finished with a large negative velocity, meaning that the object is speeding up in the downward direction. The constant negative slope means constant negative acceleration. Remember, that negative sign doesn’t mean it’s slowing down, but rather the minus sign indicates which direction the acceleration is happening in.
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If you jump out of an airplane, how fast would you fall? What's the greatest speed you would reach? Let's practice figuring it out without jumping out of a plane.

This experiment will help you get the concept of velocity by allowing you to measure the rate of fall of several objects. It's also a great experiment to record in your science journal.

First, you'll need to find your materials: Please login or register to read the rest of this content.

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You have just taken in a nice bunch of information about the wild world of gravity. This next section is for advanced students, who want to go even deeper. There's a lot of great stuff here but there's a lot of math as well. If you're not a math person, feel free to pass this up. You'll still have a nice understanding of the concept. However, I'd recommend giving it a try. There are some fun things to do and if you're not careful, you might just end up enjoying it!

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If I toss a ball horizontally at the exact same instant that I drop another one from my other hand, which one reaches the ground first? For this experiment, you need: Please login or register to read the rest of this content.

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Click here to go to next lesson on Force and Mass.

We're going to learn more about why gravity accelerates all objects equally when we study Newton's Laws in the next section, where you'll discover how force is related to mass. Right now, here's another set of hints on solving physics problems...

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The motion of objects can be described by words, with images, as well as with the language of math by using graphs, charts, and equations.

We've already learned about the p-t and v-t graphs in our experiments, and now it's time to figure out the kinematic equations that will describe the motion of objects by relating the time, distance, displacement, velocity, speed, and acceleration. They're a really handy set of four equations that you can use to figure out how fast you're moving in a swing, how far your car will skid, the height your rocket will reach, or how far your baseball will go.

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Let’s try another example problem so you can see how to apply the equations to solve for things you really want to know…
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Once you get the hang of how to solve the four kinematic equations, you can put this together with your understanding of the v-t and p-t diagrams to make a more complete picture of the motion in your system. Remember how we learned that the slope of the line on a v-t graph is the acceleration of the object, and that you could use the area bounded by the axis and the slope to find the displacement? Now you’ve got two ways of figuring out the displacement, velocity, acceleration, and time in any problem. How can you use the two methods together to make you more efficient and effective at solving physics programs? Here’s how…
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Physics is your big chance to show off your inner artist by drawing what you see through a scientists eyes in a special way so others can understand your big ideas. We're going to practice making models in our mind of what's going on in the real world, and learning how to write it down on paper using the language of mathematics so you can communicate with others and work together designing your inventions and predicting what might happen next. All scientists, engineers, technicians, including folks like Feynman and Einstein, learned how to represent the real world on paper in a visual way using diagrams. (Although Nobel prize winner Dr. Richard Feynman got frustrated and invented his own diagrams, which we still use today in quantum mechanics.)

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Graphs are used all over the field of physics, and the p-t and v-t graphs are the ones used most for moving objects, especially when describing the projectile motion of objects. With one peek at the graph, you can tell a lot about what's going on, which is one reason they are so useful. You don't have to pour over pages of equations to get a sense of what's going on with the experiment.

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The position-time “p-t” graph is one that gets used a lot, and since it's axes are position and time, the slope of the line will give average velocity to describe the motion of an object.  If the velocity is constant, then the slope is constant and you'll see a straight line (either uphill or downhill). If velocity is changing, you'll see a curved rather than straight line for the slope. A steeper line indicates larger velocity. An uphill slope means positive velocity, downhill indicates negative velocity. If the slope is downhill and curved, but it starts out like a skier on a bunny hill, then the negative velocity starts slow and moves fast as time goes on, which is a sign of negative acceleration (starting slow and speeding up). If the slope looks instead like starting at the top of a black diamond run, then the object starts with a high negative velocity but ends with a slower velocity, a indication of positive acceleration.

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The velocity-time “v-t” graphs are another common type of graph you'll run across that describe motion of an object. The shape and slope of the lines on the graph will tell you a lot about what's going on with the motion of the object, and here's how you decipher it:  If the line is a straight, horizontal line, then the velocity stayed constant and there's no acceleration, like when you're driving on the freeway. Your car is moving at a steady 65 mph in a straight line.

However, if you're at a stoplight that just turned green, you're going to start changing your velocity by increasing your speed, giving you a positive acceleration. The graph will be a straight line starting at the origin and moving uphill. The slope of the line is positive, indicating your positive acceleration.

So can you tell if an object is moving in a positive or negative direction? Yes! A positive velocity means an object is moving in a positive direction, so if the line is in the positive region of the graph, you know it's traveling in a positive direction.  By the same logic, if the slope is in the negative regions of the graph, the object is traveling in a negative direction. For slopes crossing the axis, the object is changing directions.

Can you figure out if an object is speeding up or slowing down? Yes again! Speeding up means that the magnitude of the velocity is increasing in value (the number only, ignoring the plus or minus sign), so if the line is moving away from the x-axis, it's speeding up. And if it's approaching the x-axis, it's slowing down.

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soccerball1This experiment is one of my favorites in this acceleration series, because it clearly shows you what acceleration looks like. The materials you need is are:

  • a hard, smooth ball (a golf ball, racket ball, pool ball, soccer ball, etc.)

  • tape or chalk

  • a slightly sloping driveway (you can also use a board for a ramp that's propped up on one end)
For advanced students, you will also need: a timer or stopwatch, pencil, paper, measuring tape or yard stick, and this printout.

Grab a friend to help you out with this experiment - it's a lot easier with two people.

Are you ready to get started really discovering what acceleration is all about?

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Click here to go to next lesson on Describing Motion with Equations

This is a recording of a recent live teleclass I did with thousands of kids from all over the world. I’ve included it here so you can participate and learn, too!

We’re ready to deal with the topic you’ve all been waiting for! Join me as we find out what happens to stars that wander too close, how black holes collide, how we can detect super-massive black holes in the centers of galaxies, and wrestle with question: what’s down there, inside a black hole?


  • marble
  • metal ball (like a ball bearing) or a magnetic marble
  • strong magnet
  • small bouncy ball
  • tennis ball and/or basketball
  • two balloons
  • bowl
  • 10 pennies
  • saran wrap (or cup open a plastic shopping bag so it lays flat)
  • aluminum foil (you’ll need to wrap inflated balloons with the foil, so make sure you have plenty of foil)
  • scissors
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Mechanics is the study of the motion of objects. This is a great place to start your studies in physics since it’s such a BIG idea. We’ll be learning the language, laws, concepts, and principles that explain the motion of objects. We’re going to learn about kinematics, which is the words scientists use to explain the motion of objects. By learning about scalars, vectors, speed, velocity, acceleration, distance, and more, you’ll be able to not only accurately describe the motion of objects, but be able to predict their behavior. This is very important, whether you’re planning to land a spaceship on a moon, catapult a marshmallow in your mouth from across the room, or win a round of billiards.

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We can describe how something moves with words, numbers, graphs, charts, or equations. To do that, we need to measure things with rulers and stopwatches. If I asked you how fast your car goes on the freeway, you could say fast or you could also say 55 mph. That 55 mph is a quantitative number that describes the motion of your car. The car travels 55 miles every hour. It’s also a scalar quantity, since you only mentioned the magnitude (how fast the car is going) and not it’s direction. A vector quantity is when you’d say 55 mph southeast. Vectors include a number and a direction. Scalars deal only with numbers.

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Distance and displacement sound the same, don’t they? But they’re just a little different from each other, and here’s how: distance is a scalar quantity, like 5 miles. Displacement is a vector quantity that describes how far out of place an object is, like going up and down the same flight of 8 steps. Your distance is 16 steps, but your displacement is zero, since you physically traveled 8 steps up and 8 steps down, but your total is zero since we also take into account the direction of travel, and everything cancels out.

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Have you noticed that scalar quantities ignore direction, and vector quantities take direction into account? Speed and velocity also sound the same, don’t they? But again, one is a vector and one is a scalar. Speed is the scalar quantity that describes how fast something is moving, like 100 mph. It’s the rate that something covers over a distance.

Rockets are fast, so they have high speeds, which means they cover large distances in a short amount of time. Compared to the speed of light, however, rockets are quite slow. (You always have to keep in mind what you are comparing to.) Velocity is a vector quantity that has a magnitude and a direction, like 100 mph north. It doesn’t matter if your speeding up or slowing down (we take that into account when we look at acceleration of an object). Velocity is the change in distance over a given time, or v = d / t. If a jet travels 600 miles in an hour, then it’s moving at 600 mph. A car going 25 miles in a half hour is moving at 50 mph. A snail crawling an inch every four minutes is moving at 0.25 inches per minute. You can mix up the units of distance and time to be whatever is most useful to you, whether it’s miles per hour, feet per minute, or meters per second. Most objects don’t just travel at one speed, however.

When you travel in a car, sometimes it’s on the freeway (65 mph), sometimes you’re at a stoplight (zero mph), sometimes you’re driving through the neighborhood (25 mph), and so forth. Your car has a lot of speed changes, so it’s useful to be able to calculate the average speed and average velocity of your car. It’s also useful to know the speed or velocity at a given instant in time, called your instantaneous speed or instantaneous velocity.

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Acceleration is defined as a change in velocity. In other words, it is a change in speed or a change in direction. It is how much time it takes something to go from one velocity to another. Remember that velocity is speed and direction. If you go straight ahead on your bike at a constant speed of 5 mph, you are not accelerating because neither your speed nor your direction is changing. Now, if you are stopped at a stop light and it turns green, you are accelerating as your speed increases from zero to 10 mph.

The word ‘acceleration’ is a little confusing, since sometimes people say someone is ‘accelerating’ when they really mean that they are ‘moving really fast’. Acceleration simply means changing speed or direction, not if they are going fast or not. Also, in physics we don’t use the word deceleration. We use positive and negative acceleration. So if you went from 10 mph to zero, you’d say that you have a negative acceleration, not deceleration.

Now what happens if you are in a car and it turns a corner at a constant speed of 15 mph? Is it accelerating or not? Well, the speed is not changing but its direction is, so it is indeed accelerating.Remember back when we talked about gravity? We learned that gravity accelerates things at 32 feet per second². Now this may make a little more sense. Gravity made something continue to increase in speed so that after one second of having the force of gravity pull on something, that something has reached a speed of 32 feet per second. When that thing started falling it was at 0 velocity, after a second it’s at 32 feet per second after 2 seconds it’s at 64 feet per second and so on.It’s the old formula v = gt or velocity equals the gravitational constant (32 ft/s²) times time.

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If you need a refresher on how to convert units, here’s a video on how to do it:
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If something has an acceleration of 5 ft/s² how fast will it be going after 1 second…2 second…3 seconds? After one second it will be going 5 ft/s; after two seconds 10 ft/s; and after three seconds 15 ft/s. Again, it’s just like v = gt (v is velocity, g is the gravitational constant, t is time) but put the rate of acceleration of the object in place of g to get the formula v = at or velocity equals acceleration times time.

Once in a while, an object will change its velocity by the same amount at the same rate, and when this happens, it's called constant acceleration, since the velocity is changing by the same amount each time. Note that constant acceleration is not the same as constant velocity. If an object is changing speed, no matter how consistently it does it, it's still accelerating since it doesn't have a constant velocity. Objects in free fall motion, like a sky diver, experiences constant acceleration and may also eventually reach a constant velocity, but this is a very special case (we'll talk more about that later).

Average acceleration is found by dividing the average velocity (the difference between the initial and final velocity points) by the time lapsed between the two points. Acceleration is measured in a variety of units, but the most common are "meters per second squared" (m/s2) or "feet per second squared" (ft/s2).

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Take a look at your marks. See how they get farther and farther apart as the ball continues to accelerate? Your ball was constantly increasing speed and as such, it was constantly accelerating. By the way, would it have mattered what the mass of the ball was that you used? No. Gravity accelerates all things equally. This fact is what Galileo was proving when he did this experiment. The the weight of the ball doesn’t matter but the size of the ball might. If you used a small ball and a large ball you would probably see differences due to friction and rotational inertia. The bigger the ball, the more slowly it begins rolling. The mass of the ball, however, does not matter.

  1. Was the line a straight line?

  2. It should be close now, and the slope represents the acceleration it experienced going down the ramp. Calculate the slope of this line.

  3. What do you think would happen if you increased the height of the ramp?

  4. Knowing what you do about gravity, what is the highest acceleration it can reach?

For Advanced Students...

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Is acceleration a scalar or a vector quantity? You could argue that it's both actually, but in physics it's usually a vector. This means that acceleration has a magnitude and a direction. The direction is either "+" or "-", depending on if an object is increasing or decreasing speed. Usually, objects that speed up have their acceleration vector in the same direction as the object is moving in. If it's slowing down, then the arrow flips to be in the opposite direction.


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Chemistry is all about studying chemical reactions and the combinations of elements and molecules that combine to give new stuff.  Chemical reactions can be written down as a balanced equation that shows how much of each molecule and compound are needed for that particular reaction. Here’s how you do it:

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This is a recording of a recent live teleclass I did with thousands of kids from all over the world. I've included it here so you can participate and learn, too

Our solar system includes rocky terrestrial planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars), gas giants (Jupiter and Saturn), ice giants (Uranus and Neptune), and assorted chunks of ice and dust that make up various comets and asteroids.

Did you know you can take an intergalactic star tour without leaving your seat? To get you started on your astronomy adventure, I have a front-row seat for you in a planetarium-style star show. I usually give this presentation at sunset during my live workshops, so I inserted slides along with my talk so you could see the pictures better. This video below is long, so I highly recommend doing this with friends and a big bowl of popcorn. Ready?

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This is a recording of a recent live teleclass I did with thousands of kids from all over the world. I’ve included it here so you can participate and learn, too!

Sound is a form of energy, and is caused by something vibrating. So what is moving to make sound energy?

Molecules. Molecules are vibrating back and forth at fairly high rates of speed, creating waves. Energy moves from place to place by waves. Sound energy moves by longitudinal waves (the waves that are like a slinky). The molecules vibrate back and forth, crashing into the molecules next to them, causing them to vibrate, and so on and so forth. All sounds come from vibrations.


  • 1 tongue-depressor size popsicle stick
  • Three 3″ x 1/4″ rubber bands
  • 2 index cards
  • 3 feet of string (or yarn)
  • scissors
  • tape or hot glue
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If you’re into magic shows, this is a good one to perform for an audience, because the solution goes from purple to pink to green to blue and back again!

Le Chatelier’s principle states that when the temperature is raised, an equilibrium will shift away from the side that contains energy. When temperature is lowered, the reaction shifts toward the side that contains the energy. That’s a little hard to understand, so that’s why there’s a really cool experiment that will show you exactly what we see happening with this principle.

Remember that exothermic reactions are chemical reactions that give off energy. In this experiment, this reaction is exothermic, which is going to be an important key in predicting which way the system will balance itself as it gets subjected to temperature changes.

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This is a recording of a recent live teleclass I did with thousands of kids from all over the world. I’ve included it here so you can participate and learn, too!

Soar, zoom, fly, twirl, and gyrate with these amazing hands-on classes which investigate the world of flight. Students created flying contraptions from paper airplanes and hangliders to kites! Topics we will cover include: air pressure, flight dynamics, and Bernoulli’s principle.


  • 5 sheets of 8.5×11” paper
  • 2 index cards
  • 2 straws
  • 2 small paper clips
  • Scissors, tape
  • Optional: ping pong ball and a small funnel
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We’re going to do an experiment where it will look like we can boil soda on command… but the truth is, it’s not really boiling in the first place! If you drink soda, save one for doing this experiment. Otherwise, get one that’s “diet” (without the sugar, it’s a lot easier to clean up).

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How many seconds in an hour?
How tall are you in centimeters?
How big is your house?

If it sounds confusing to convert miles to inches or years to seconds, then this video will show you how to convert them easily:
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Molecules are the building blocks of matter.

You’ve probably heard that before, right? But that does it mean? What does a molecule look like? How big are they?

While you technically can measure the size of a molecule, despite the fact it’s usually too small to do even with a regular microscope, what you can’t do is see an image of the molecule itself. The reason has to do with the limits of nature and wavelengths of light, not because our technology isn’t there yet, or we’re not smart enough to figure it out. Scientists have to get creative about the ways they do about measuring something that isn’t possible to see with the eyes.

Here’s a cool experiment you can do that will approximate the size of a molecule. Here’s what you need:

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This is a recording of a recent live teleclass I did with thousands of kids from all over the world. I've included it here so you can participate and learn, too! Blast your imagination with this super-popular class on rocketry! Kids learn about fin design, hybrid and solid-state rocketry, and how rockets make it into space without falling out of orbit. This class is taught by a real live rocket scientist (me!). We'll launch rockets during the class, too! Please login or register to read the rest of this content.

This is a recording of a recent live teleclass I did with thousands of kids from all over the world. I've included it here so you can participate and learn, too!

We're going to cover energy and motion by building roller coasters and catapults! Kids build a working catapult while they learn about the physics of projectile motion and storing elastic potential energy. Let's discover the mysterious forces at work behind the thrill ride of the world’s most monstrous roller coasters, as we twist, turn, loop and corkscrew our way through g-forces, velocity, acceleration, and believe it or not, move through orbital mechanics, like satellites. We’ll also learn how to throw objects across the room in the name of science… called projectile motion. Are you ready for a fast and furious physics class?

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Laser light is collimated, meaning that it travels in parallel rays. Here’s a really cool experiment that will show you the difference between a non-collimated light, like from a flashlight and collimated light from a laser.

Ordinary light from a light bulb diverges as it travels. It spreads out and covers a larger and larger area the further out you go. A laser has little to no divergence, so we way that laser light is collimated.

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Lasers light is different from light from a flashlight in a couple of different ways. Laser light is monochromatic, meaning that it’s only one color.

Laser light is also coherent, which means that the light is all in synch with each other, like soldiers marching in step together. Since laser light is coherent, which means that all the light waves peaks and valleys line up. The dark areas are destructive interference, where the waves cancel each other out. The areas of brightness are constructive interference, where the light adds, or amplifies together. LED light is not coherent because the light waves are not in phase.

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Gummy bears are a great way to bust one of the common misconceptions about light reflection. The misconception is this: most students think that color is a property of matter, for example if I place shiny red apple of a sheet of paper in the sun, you’ll see a red glow on the paper around the apple.

Where did the red light come from? Did the apple add color to the otherwise clear sunlight? No. That’s the problem. Well, actually that’s the idea that leads to big problems later on down the road. So let’s get this idea straightened out.

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The angle that the reflected light makes with a line perpendicular to to the mirror is always equal to the angle of the incident ray for a plane (2-dimensional) surface.

We’re going to play with how light reflects off surfaces. At what angle does the light get reflected? This experiment will show you how to measure it.

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This simple activity has surprising results! We’re going to bend light using plain water. Light bends when it travels from one medium to another, like going from air to a window, or from a window to water. Each time it travels to a new medium, it bends, or refracts. When light refracts, it changes speed and wavelength, which means it also changes direction.

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You will be able to identify minerals by their colors and streaks, and be able to tell a sample of real gold from the fake look-alike called pyrite.

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By the end of this lab, you will be able to line up rocks according to how hard they are by using a specific scale. The scale goes from 1 to 10, with 10 being the hardest minerals.
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Tenacity is a measure of how resistive a mineral is to breaking, bending, or being crushed. When you exceed that limit, fracture is how the mineral breaks once the tenacity (or tenacious) limit has been exceeded.

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Luster is the way a mineral reflects light, and it depends on the surface reflectivity.

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Popcorn rocks are different than regular dolomite samples because they have a lot more magnesium inside. This was first discovered by a geology professor in the 1980s who was dissolving the limestone around fossils he was studying in his rock samples. When he placed samples of this type in the acid to dissolve, it didn’t dissolve but instead grew new crystals!

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This lab is a physical model of what happens on Mercury when two magnetic fields collide and form magnetic tornadoes.

You’ll get to investigate what an invisible magnetic tornado looks like when it sweeps across Mercury.


  • Two clear plastic bottles (2 liter soda bottles work well)
  • Steel washer with a 3/8 inch hole
  • Ruler and stopwatch
  • Glitter or confetti (optional)
  • Duct tape (optional)

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Using the position of the Sun, you can tell what time it us by making one of these sundials. The Sun will cast a shadow onto a surface marked with the hours, and the time-telling gnomon edge will align with the proper time.

In general, sundials are susceptible to different kinds of errors. If the sundial isn’t pointed north, it’s not going to work. If the sundial’s gnomon isn’t perpendicular, it’s going to give errors when you read the time. Latitude and longitude corrections may also need to be made. Some designs need to be aligned with the latitude they reside at (in effect, they need to be tipped toward the Sun at an angle). To correct for longitude, simply shift the sundial to read exactly noon when indicated on your clock. This is especially important for sundials that lie between longitudinal standardized time zones. If daylight savings time is in effect, then the sundial timeline must be shifted to accommodate for this. Most shifts are one hour.

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Today you get to concentrate light, specifically the heat, from the Sun into a very small area. Normally, the sunlight would have filled up the entire area of the lens, but you’re shrinking this down to the size of the dot.

Magnifying lenses, telescopes, and microscopes use this idea to make objects appear different sizes by bending the light. When light passes through a different medium (from air to glass, water, a lens…) it changes speed and usually the angle at which it’s traveling. A prism splits incoming light into a rainbow because the light bends as it moves through the prism. A pair of eyeglasses will bend the light to magnify the image.


  • Sunlight
  •  Glass jar
  • Nail that fits in the jar
  •   12” thread
  •   Hair from your head
  • 12” string
  • 12” fishing line
  • 12” yarn
  •  Paperclip
  • Magnifying glass
  •  Fire extinguisher
  •  Adult help
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Scientists do experiments here on Earth to better understand the physics of distant worlds. We’re going
to simulate the different atmospheres and take data based on the model we use.

Each planet has its own unique atmospheric conditions. Mars and Mercury have very thin atmospheres, while Earth has a decent atmosphere (as least, we like to think so). Venus’s atmosphere is so thick and dense (92 times that of the Earth’s) that it heats up the planet so it’s the hottest rock around. Jupiter and Saturn are so gaseous that it’s hard to tell where the atmosphere ends and the planet starts, so scientists define the layers based on the density and temperature changes of the gases. Uranus and Neptune are called ice giants because of the amounts of ice in their atmospheres.


  • 4 thermometers
  • 3 jars or water bottles
  • Plastic wrap or clear plastic baggie
  • Wax paper
  • Stopwatch
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Today you get to learn how to read an astronomical chart to find out when the Sun sets, when twilight ends, which planets are visible, when the next full moon occurs, and much more. This is an excellent way to impress your friends.

The patterns of stars and planets stay the same, although they appear to move across the sky nightly, and different stars and planets can be seen in different seasons.


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Johannes Kepler, a German astronomer famous for his laws of planetary motion. Check out our Johannes Kepler facts page for more information.
Johannes Kepler, a German astronomer famous for his laws of planetary motion. Check out our Johannes Kepler facts page for more information.

Kepler’s Laws of planetary orbits explain why the planets move at the speeds they do. You’ll be making a scale model of the solar system and tracking orbital speeds.

Kepler’s 1st Law states that planetary orbits about the Sun are not circles, but rather ellipses. The Sun lies at one of the foci of the ellipse. Kepler’s 2nd Law states that a line connecting the Sun and an orbiting planet will sweep out equal areas in for a given amount of time. Translation: the further away a planet is from the Sun, the slower it goes.
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How do astronomers find planets around distant stars? If you look at a star through binoculars or a telescope, you’ll quickly notice how bright the star is, and how difficult it is to see anything other than the star, especially a small planet that doesn’t generate any light of its own! Astronomers look for a shift, or wobble, of the star as it gets gravitationally “yanked” around by the orbiting planets. By measuring this wobble, astronomers can estimate the size and distance of larger orbiting objects.

Doppler spectroscopy is one way astronomers find planets around distant stars. If you recall the lesson where we created our own solar system in a computer simulation, you remember how the star could be influenced by a smaller planet enough to have a tiny orbit of its own. This tiny orbit is what astronomers are trying to detect with this method.


  • Several bouncy balls of different sizes and weights, soft enough to stab with a toothpick
  • Toothpicks
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It just so happens that the Sun’s diameter is about 400 times larger than the Moon, but the Moon is 400 times closer than the Sun. This makes the Sun and Moon appear to be about the same size in the sky as viewed from Earth. This is also why the eclipse thing is such a big deal for our planet.

You’re about to make your own eclipses as you learn about syzygy. A total eclipse happens about once every year when the Moon blocks the Sun’s light. Lunar eclipses occur when the Sun, Moon, and Earth are lined up in a straight line with the Earth in the. Lunar eclipses last hours, whereas solar eclipses last only minutes.


  • 2 index cards
  • Flashlight or Sunlight
  • Tack or needle
  • Black paper
  • Scissors
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A meteoroid is a small rock that zooms around outer space. When the meteoroid zips into the Earth’s atmosphere, it’s now called a meteor or “shooting star”. If the rock doesn’t vaporize en route, it’s called a meteorite as soon as it whacks into the ground. The word meteor comes from the Greek word for “high in the air.”

Meteorites are black, heavy (almost twice the normal rock density), and magnetic. However, there is an Earth-made rock that is also black, heavy, and magnetic (magnetite) that is not a meteorite. To tell the difference, scratch a line from both rocks onto an unglazed tile. Magnetite will leave a mark whereas the real meteorite will not.


  • White paper
  • Strong magnet
  • Handheld magnifying glass (optional)
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You are going to start observing the Sun and tracking sunspots across the Sun using one of two different kinds of viewers so you can figure out how fast the Sun rotates. Sunspots are dark, cool areas with highly active magnetic fields on the Sun’s surface that last from hours to months. They are dark because they aren’t as bright as the areas around them, and they extend down into the Sun as well as up into the magnetic loops.


  • Tack and 2 index cards  OR a Baader film  (this works better than the tacks and card)
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What comes to mind when you think about empty space? (You should be thinking: “Nothing!”) One of Einstein’s greatest ideas was that empty space is not actually nothing – it has energy and can be influenced by objects in it. It’s like the T-shirt you’re wearing. You can stretch and twist the fabric around, just like black holes do in space.

Today, you will get introduced to the idea that gravity is the structure of spacetime itself. Massive objects curve space. How much space curves depends on how massive the object is, and how far you are from the massive object.


  • Two buckets with holes in the bottom
  • 2 bungee cords
  • 3 different sizes of marbles
  • 2.5 lb weight
  • 0.5 lb weight
  • 3 squares of stretchy fabric
  • Rubber band
  • 4 feet of string
  • Fishing bobber
  • Drinking straws
  • Softball
  • Playdough (optional)
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Have you ever wondered why the sky is blue? Or why the sunset is red? Or what color our sunset would be if we had a blue giant instead of a white star? This lab will answer those questions by showing how light is scattered by the atmosphere.

Particles in the atmosphere determine the color of the planet and the colors we see on its surface. The color of the star also affects the color of the sunset and of the planet.


  • Glass jar
  • Flashlight
  • Fingernail polish (red, yellow, green, blue)
  • Clear tape
  • Water
  • Dark room
  • Few drops of milk
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A binary system exists when objects approach each other in size (and gravitational fields), the common point they rotate around (called the center of mass) lies outside both objects and they orbit around each other. Astronomers have found binary planets, binary stars, and even binary black holes.

The path of a planet around the Sun is due to the gravitational attraction between the Sun and the planet. This is true for the path of the Moon around the Earth, and Titan around Saturn, and the rest of the planets that have an orbiting moon.


  • Soup cans or plastic containers with holes punched (like plastic yogurt containers, butter tubs, etc.)
  • String
  • Water
  • Sand
  • Rocks
  • Pebbles
  • Baking soda
  • Vinegar
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You’re going to use a compass to figure out the magnetic lines of force from a magnet by mapping the two different poles and how the lines of force connect the two. A magnetic field must come from a north pole of a magnet and go to a south pole of a magnet (or atoms that have turned to the magnetic field.)

Compasses are influenced by magnetic lines of force. These lines are not necessarily straight. When they bend, the compass needle moves. The Earth has a huge magnetic field. The Earth has a weak magnetic force. The magnetic field comes from the moving electrons in the currents of the Earth’s molten core. The Earth has a north and a south magnetic pole which is different from the geographic North and South Pole.


  • Bar magnet
  • Horseshoe magnet
  • Circular (disk) magnet
  • Compass
  • String
  • Ruler
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One common misconception is that the seasons are caused by how close the Earth is to the Sun. Today you get to do an experiment that shows how seasons are affected by axis tilt, not by distance from the Sun. And you also find out which planet doesn’t have sunlight for 42 years.

The seasons are caused by the Earth’s axis tilt of 23.4o from the ecliptic plane.


  • Bright light source (not fluorescent)
  • Balloon
  • Protractor
  • Masking tape
  • 2 liquid crystal thermometers (optional)
  • Ruler, yardstick or meter stick
  • Marker
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If you could stand on the Sun without being roasted, how much would you weigh? The gravitational pull is different for different objects. Let’s find out which celestial object you’d crack the pavement on, and which your lightweight toes would have to be careful about jumping on in case you leapt off the planet.

Weight is nothing more than a measure of how much gravity is pulling on you. Mass is a measure of how much stuff you’re made out of. Weight can change depending on the gravitational field you are standing in. Mass can only change if you lose an arm.


  • Scale to weigh yourself
  • Calculator
  • Pencil
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We’re going to do a chemistry experiment to simulate the heat generated by the internal core of Neptune by using a substance used for melting snow mixed with baking soda.

Calcium chloride splits into calcium ions and chloride ions when it is mixed with water, and energy is released in the form of heat. The energy released comes from the bond energy of the calcium chloride atoms, and is actually electromagnetic energy. When the calcium ions and chloride ions are floating around in the warm solution, they are free to interact with the rest of the ingredients added, like the sodium bicarbonate, to form carbon dioxide gas and sodium chloride (table salt).


  • Calcium chloride
  • Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda)
  • Phenol red or red food dye
  • Re-sealable plastic baggie
  • Gallon milk jug container
  • Straight pin
  • Warm water
  • Cold water
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Greetings and welcome to the study of astronomy! This first lesson is simply to get you excited and interested in astronomy so you can decide what it is that you want to learn about astronomy later on.

We’re going to cover a lot in this presentation, including: the Sun, an average star, is the central and largest body in the solar system and is composed primarily of hydrogen and helium.

The solar system includes the Earth, Moon, Sun, seven other planets and their satellites (moons) and smaller objects such as asteroids and comets. The structure and composition of the universe can be learned from the study of stars and galaxies. Galaxies are clusters of billions of stars, and may have different shapes. The Sun is one of many stars in our own Milky Way galaxy. Stars may differ in size, temperature, and color.


  • Popcorn
  • Pencil
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Helioseismology is the study of wave oscillations in the Sun. By studying the waves, scientists can tell what’s going on inside the Sun. It’s like studying earthquakes to learn what’s going on inside the earth. The Sun is filled with sound, and studying these sound waves is currently the only way scientists can tell what’s going on inside, since the light we see from the Sun is just from the upper surface.

Molecules are vibrating back and forth at fairly high rates of speed, creating waves. Energy moves from place to place by waves. Sound energy moves by longitudinal waves (the waves that are like a slinky). The molecules vibrate back and forth, crashing into the molecules next to them, causing them to vibrate, and so on and so forth. All sounds come from vibrations.


  • Musical instruments: triangles, glass bottles that can be blown across, metal forks, tuning forks, recorders, jaw harps, harmonicas, etc. Whatever you have will work fine.
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Jupiter not only has the biggest lightning bolts we’ve ever detected, it also shocks its moons with a charge of 3 million amps every time they pass through certain hotspots. Some of these bolts are cause by the friction of fast-moving clouds. Today you get to make your own sparks and simulate Jupiter’s turbulent storms.

Electrons are too small for us to see with our eyes, but there are other ways to detect something’s going on. The proton has a positive charge, and the electron has a negative charge. Like charges repel and opposite charges attract.


  • Foam plate
  • Foam cup
  • Wool cloth or sweater
  • Plastic baggie
  • Aluminum pie pan
  • Aluminum foil
  • Film canister or M&M container
  • Nail (needs to be a little longer than the film canister)
  • Hot glue gun or tape
  • Water
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On a clear night when Jupiter is up, you’ll be able to view the four moons of Jupiter (Europa, Ganymede, Io, and Callisto) and the largest moon of Saturn (Titan) with only a pair of binoculars. The question is: Which moon is which? This lab will let you in on the secret to figuring it out.

You get to learn how to locate a planet in the sky with a pair of binoculars, and also be able to tell which moon is which in the view.


  • Printout of corkscrew graph
  • Pencil
  • Binoculars (optional)
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