Naturally radioactive elements emit energy without absorbing it first. Fluorescence for example – the atom absorbs a photon before emitting another photon. You have to “charge it up” or mix chemicals together before light comes out. With radioactive materials, they emit energy on their own, sometimes in the form of light, but sometimes they emit other particles. Let me explain.

Chemical reactions usually deal with only electron or atom exchanges. Nuclear reactions deal with changes inside the nucleus of an atom.
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Which one of these things you see on the screen now is radioactive? Most kids think that anything that glows must be radioactive, but it turns out that there’s a lot of things that glow that aren’t radioactive at all. Many minerals (called phosphors) glow after being exposed to sunlight which contains UV light. In 1897, Henri Becquerel was studying phosphorescence when he accidentally discovered radioactivity. Naturally radioactive elements emit energy without absorbing it first. Let me explain…

Cold light refers to the light from a glow stick, called luminescence. A chemical reaction (chemiluminescence) starts between two liquids, and the energy is released in the form of light. On the atomic scale, the energy from the reaction bumps the electron to a higher shell, and when it relaxes back down it emits a photon of light. Glow sticks generate light with very little heat, just like the glow you see from fireflies, jellyfish, and a few species of fungi. Chemiluminescence means light that comes from a chemical reaction.
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Okay, so now I want you to imagine a room full of ping pong balls that can bounce all by themselves. They go zipping all over the place all on their own. Now take those ping pong balls and add energy to them so now they bounce twice as fast. Got it?

Now what happens if we take away energy from them? Do they bounce slower? Yup!

Okay, now get them back to their original bouncing speed. Now take the room and make it smaller, like half it’s size, but keep the ping pong ball speed the same. Do they hit the walls more or less frequently? More! Are they speeding up or slowing down? Speeding up!

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Find a low pressure (like the pressure you feel right now – it’s called 1 atm). Put your finder on the 1 mark on the vertical side (next to the “P”, which stands for Pressure) and follow the dashed line straight across. As you move across, so you notice how at low temperatures you’re in the ice region, but when you hit zero, you turn to water, and for temperatures below 100 deg C you’re only in the liquid water phase?

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When something changes state, goes from like a liquid to a solid, all of the substance must change to the next state. For example, at 100° C all the water must change from a liquid to a gas. The temperature stays constant until it’s completely changed state. It’s kind of weird when you think about it.

If you were able to take the temperature of water as it changed from a solid (ice) to a liquid you would notice that the temperature stays at 32° F until that piece of ice was completely melted. The temperature would not increase at all.

Even if that ice was in an oven, the temperature would stay the same. Once all the solid ice had disappeared, then you would see the temperature of the puddle of water increase.
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Do you remember when I said that heat and temperature are two different things? Heat is energy – it is thermal energy. It can be transferred from one object to another.

Here’s what you do:

  • Find your balloon.
  • Put the balloon under the faucet and fill the balloon with a couple of tablespoons of water. Not too much!
  • Now blow up the balloon and tie it, leaving the water in the balloon.
  • You should have an inflated balloon with a tablespoon or two of water at the bottom of it.
  • Have your adult helper carefully light the candle. Don’t do this next to your computer… do it in the sink.
  • Hold the balloon over the candle carefully for a couple of seconds.
  • Did it pop?
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They can have a thermal energy but they can’t have heat. Heat is really the transfer of thermal energy. Or, in other words, the movement of thermal energy from one object to another.

If you put an ice cube in a glass of lemonade, the ice cube melts. Which way does heat flow?

The thermal energy from your lemonade moves to the ice cube.

The movement of thermal energy is called heat. The ice cube receives heat from your lemonade. Your lemonade gives heat to the ice cube.

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Thermal energy is how much the molecules are moving inside an object. The faster molecules move, the more thermal energy it has.

Objects whose molecules are moving very quickly are said to have high thermal energy or high temperature. Like a cloud of steam, for example. The higher the temperature, the faster the molecules are moving.
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Energy is the capacity to do work or to transfer heat. You do work when you walk up a flight of stairs. You can feel the heat from the sun when you step in the sunlight. Both are energy.

Heat is associated with changing the temperature of an object. The temperature changes because energy is being transferred to it. Another word for heat is thermal energy.

Thermochemistry is the science of heat or thermal energy transfer and how to use it with chemical reactions.
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Your silver turns black because of the presence of sulfur in food. Here’s how the cleaning works: The tarnished spoon has silver sulfide on it, and when you put it in the solution, the silver sulfide combines with the baking soda and salt in the water solution to break apart into sulfur (which gets deposited on the foil) and silver (which goes back onto the spoon). Using the heat from your stove, you’ve just relocated the tarnish from the spoon to the foil. Just rinse clean and wipe dry!

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The oxidation number of an element is the charge the atom has

I. For an atom in its elemental form the oxidation number is zero.
II. For any monatomic ion the oxidation number equals the charge of the ion.
III. For nonmetals the oxidation number is usually negative.
a) Oxygen is usually -2 in all compounds.
b) Fluorine is -1 in all compounds.
c) Hydrogen is +1 when bonded to nonmetals and -1 when bonded to metals (metal hydrides).
IV. The sum of the oxidation numbers for all atoms is zero for neutral
compounds or equals the charge for polyatomic ions.

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Sterling silver is an alloy (a solid solution) of silver and copper. In order to find the percent of silver, you have to break it apart from the copper, which will make it an ion floating around in a liquid. Then you will need to bond it to something that will make it turn back into a solid so you can measure it.

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In order to mix up chemicals in the right amounts (so we get the right amount out of the reaction), we have to figure out how much of a chemical to put in in the first place. Sometimes chemists have this problem: they need for example 2.0 L of 1.5 M solution of Na2CO3 (sodium carbonate). They find a bottle of Na2CO3 on the shelf, some distilled water, and a 2.00L flask. How much Na2CO3 do they put in the flask with the water?

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Gas forming reactions are also exchange reactions. The best example I can think of for this type of reaction is what happens when you put a piece of chalk in a cup of vinegar. The chalk, which is mostly CaCO3 (calcium carbonate) and vinegar (acetic acid) forms calcium chloride and carbonic acid, which isn’t stable and quickly turns into water and carbon dioxide. A faster version of this experiment is what happens when you take an effervescent tablet, like alka seltzer, and stick it in water, because the tablet is actually a solid form of baking soda and vinegar put together. What happens when you mix baking soda and vinegar together?

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Strong acids and strong bases (which we’ll talk about in a minute) all have one thing in common: they break apart (completely dissociate) into ions when placed in water. This means that once you dunk the acid molecule in water, it splits apart and does not exist as a whole molecule in water. Strong acids form H+ and a negative ion

The seven strong acids are: hydrochloric acid (HCl), nitric acid (HNO3) used in fireworks and explosives, sulfuric acid (H2SO4) which is the acid in your car battery, hydrobromic acid (HBr), hydroiodic acid (HI), and perchloric acid (HClO4). The record-holder for the world’s strongest acid are the carborane (CAR-bor-ane) superacids (over a million times stronger than concentrated sulfuric acid).

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Precipitate reactions are like watching a snow globe, but the snow appears out of nowhere.

For example, you can combine two liquid solutions that are totally clear and when you put them together, they each break apart into ions and then recombine in a way that looks like white snow in your test tube. Basically precipitate reactions make it possible to see the ions in a solution because they form a salt that’s not soluble – it doesn‘t dissolve in the solution. You can also get different colors of the precipitate snow, depending on which reactants you start out with. If you were to use potassium bromide (KBr) with silver nitrate, you’d find a yellowish snowstorm of silver bromide (AgBr).

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When a substance is mixed with water it’s called an aqueous solution. Solubility is a property that a solid, liquid, or gases has when mixed with a solvent. If it can dissolve into the solvent, then it’s soluble. Dissolving marbles in water is a physical change. The marbles don’t break apart in the water to form new molecules with the water.

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A reagent is chemical compound that creates a reaction in another substance; the product of that chemical reaction is an indicator of the presence, absence, or concentration of another substance.
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Let’s do a real example problem of how you’d do a calculation for figuring out how much oxygen you would need for the complete combustion of 454 grams of propane.
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A decomposition reaction breaks a complicated molecule into simpler ones usually by heating, but not always. In fact, if you leave a bottle of hydrogen peroxide on the counter, it decomposes into water (H2O) and oxygen (O2) without any heating at all. 2H2O  2O2 + 2H2

A very common type of decomposition is shown by the chemistry of metal carbonates. Calcium, one of the most abundant elements on earth, usually is locked up in limestone, called calcium carbonate. CaCO3. When heated to about 1000 degrees C, it decomposes to make lime (a solid metal oxide) and CO2 gas. Chemical engineers make more then 348 million tonnes of lime to make steel, cement and other chemicals.

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If you have one element, like sulfur, which is S, and it’s a negative ion, just add “ide” to the end, like sulfide. Or if you have a carbon ion, it’s carbide. Nitrogen would be nitride, chlorine would be chloride.

If there’s more than one atom, especially if one of them is oxygen, then they have special names. The one with more oxygen atoms is the “ate” and the one with less is the “ite”. Sulfate has 4 oxygen atoms, and sulfite only has 3. Nitrate has three oxygen, and nitrite has only 2.

If there’s more than two ions, the one with the largest number of atoms gets the “per” and “ate”, like perchlorate. And the smallest one gets the “hypo” and “ite”, like hypochlorite.

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A lot of chemical reactions happen in a solution (it allows the chemicals to interact much more easily with each other when it is), so chemists define how much of the solute is in the solution by the term MOLARITY.

Molarity is a really convenient unit of concentration and it works like this. If I have 10 moles of solute in 10 liters of water, what’s the molarity? 10/10 = 1! So it’s a 1M solution. What if I have 20 moles in 10 liters? Then it’s a 2M solution. See how easy that is?

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Mole means “heap” or “pile” and is a unit for measuring the amount of a pure substance. It’s a chemist’s dozen. It’s a lot bigger than 12 though. It’s 6.022 x 10^23. So if you had a mole of eggs, you’d have… that huge number at the bottom of the slide. The most confusing part is this…

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Elements are arranged so that the ones with similar chemical and physical properties are stacked in vertical groups, and there are 8 groups (see the numbers at the top?) with either an A or B after the number? I know they’re written in Roman… just remember that IV means four, and VI means six. Sometimes you’ll see them numbered 1-18 starting with hydrogen on the left.

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The rows are called periods. Now point to the metals… what colors are those? There are lots of them!

Atoms are made of protons, neutrons, and electrons. The protons and the neutrons make up the nucleus (the center) of the atom. The electron lives outside the nucleus in an electron cloud and are way too small to see. Protons and neutrons are made up of smaller little particles, which are made of smaller little particles and so on. Atoms can have anywhere from only one proton and one electron (a hydrogen atom) to over 300 protons, neutrons and electrons in one atom. It is the number of protons that determines the kind of atom an atom is, or in other words, the kind of element that atom is. How many protons does Zinc have?
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Matter that is made of only one kind of atom is an element, like helium. Helium likes to hang out in groups of two helium atoms.

An atom is the smallest particle of an element that still has its chemical properties. If you have a gold atom and you split it into smaller parts (which you can do), it won’t still act like it did chemically as it did when it was a whole atom.
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When doing your experiments, you’ll often repeat an experiment again and again for various reasons. One reason is to make sure the experiment you’re doing is repeatable – it’s not just a one-time thing. You might also be checking to be sure you’ve done it right, or written down the amounts of chemicals correctly, or need to observe something you didn’t previously.

Precision measures how well your answers agree with each other from experiment to the next.

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Read the temperature from the thermometer… what do you get? This thermometer is reading in Celsius.

We’ll cover thermometers and the four temperature scales in a bit when we get to thermochemistry, but I just wanted to make sure we’re all on the same page when it comes to reading a thermometer, especially now that so many are digital and some kids may have not yet had the experience of reading a temperature scale.

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If you’re going to do a chemistry experiment, you’re going to use chemicals. How much of each one you use is going to change the results you get, so it’s important to find a way to accurately measure out the same amount of chemical each time.

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We already talked about how matter is anything that takes up space, like air, kittens, your left armpit… Mass can exist in different states. What are they?

Solid, liquid and gas. You also know about two more additional states: what are they? Plasma and BEC! Can matter exist in more than one state at a time? Sure – ever had a glass of water? That has liquid water and solid water molecules (ice) at the same time!

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Glow sticks generate light with very little heat, just like the glow you see from fireflies, jellyfish, and a few species of fungi. Chemiluminescence means light that comes from a chemical reaction. When this happens in animals and plants, it’s called bioluminescence.

In a glow stick, when you bend it to activate it, you’re breaking a little glass tube inside which contains hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). The tube itself is filled with another chemical (phenyl oxalate ester and a fluorescent dye) that is kept separate from the H2O2, because as soon as they touch, they begin to react. The dye in the light stick is what gives the light its color.

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This experiment is for advanced students. All chemical reactions are equilibrium reactions. This experiment is really cool because you’re going to watch how a chemical reaction resists a pH change.

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This experiment is for advanced students. Hydrolysis is a chemical reaction that involves breaking a molecular bond using water. In chemistry, there are three different types of hydrolysis: sat hydrolysis, acid hydrolysis, and base hydrolysis. In nature, living organisms survive by making their energy from processing food. The energy converted from food is stored in ATP molecules. To release the energy stored in food, a phosphate group breaks off an ATP molecule (and becomes ADP) using hydrolysis and releases energy from the bonds.

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This experiment is for advanced students. We’re going to look at the strength of redox reactions using copper, zinc, and acids.

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Imagine you have a thin rope attached to a thick rope, and you jerk the thin rope so it creates a pulse that travels down the rope. When it hits the boundary between the two ropes, the wave just doesn’t stop and go away. Some of the energy from the wave is reflected back toward the source along the thin rope, and some of the energy is transmitted to the thicker (more dense) rope.

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If you stick a pencil is a glass of water and look through the side of the glass, you’ll notice that the pencil appears shifted. The speed of light is slower in the water (140,000 miles per second) than in the air (186,282 miles per second), called optical density, and the result is bent light beams and broken pencils.

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You’ll notice that the pencil doesn’t always appear broken. Depending on where your eyeballs are, you can see an intact or broken pencil. When light enters a new substance (like going from air to water) perpendicular to the surface (looking straight on), refraction does not occur.

However, if you look at the glass at an angle, then depending on your sight angle, you’ll see a different amount of shift in the pencil. Where do you need to look to see the greatest shift in the two halves of the pencil? (Hint: move the pencil back and forth slowly.)

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The refractive index provides a measure of the relative speed of light in that particular medium which allows us to figure out speeds in other mediums as well as predict which way light will bend.

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We’re going to bend light to make objects disappear. You’ll need two glass containers (one that fits inside the other), and the smaller one MUST be Pyrex. It’s okay if your Pyrex glass has markings on the side. Use cooking oil such as canola oil, olive oil, or others to see which makes yours truly disappear. You can also try mineral oil or Karo syrup, although these tend to be more sensitive to temperature and aren’t as evenly matched with the Pyrex as the first choices mentioned above.

Here’s what you need:

  • two glass containers, one of which MUST be Pyrex glass
  • vegetable oil (cheap canola brand is what we used in the video

Published value for light speed is 299,792,458 m/s = 186,282 miles/second = 670,616,629 mph

  • sink
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But why does light bend? You can imagine a toy car going from a wood floor to carpeting. One wheel hits the carpet first and slows down before the other, causing the toy to turn. The direction of the wave changes in addition to the speed. The slower speed must also shorten its wavelength since the frequency of the wave doesn’t change.

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Do you remember the eye balloon that you made earlier? The white portion of the balloon represents your sclera, which you may have already guessed is also the white part of your eye. It is actually a coating made of protein that covers the various muscle in your eye and holds everything together.

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How does light know which way to bend? It depends on whether the wave is speeding up or slowing down when it moves across the boundary, which depends on the optical density of the mediums.

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Wowza… you’ve made it through the ENTIRE course in Advanced Physics! Wa-hoo!!

Time for one more video… ready?

If you’ve ever tried to skewer something under the water from above it, you know that you can’t aim directly at the object, because of the way light bends when it goes from a slower to a faster medium. Can you guess the one condition where light doesn’t bend as it crosses a boundary?

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How much incident light bends as it crosses a boundary can be calculated and measured if we know about the mediums, including information about the index of refraction. Snell’s Law is a mathematical relationship between the refractive and incident angles of light and the optical density of the different mediums.

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If you’re scratching your head during math class, wondering what you’ll ever use this stuff for, here’s a cool experiment that shows you how scientists use math to figure out the optical density of objects, called the “index of refraction”.

How much light bends as it goes through one medium to another depends on the index of refraction (refractive index) of the substances. There are lots of examples of devices that use the index of refraction, including fiber optics. Fiber optic cables are made out of a transparent material that has a higher index of refraction than the material around it (like air), so the waves stay trapped inside the cable and travel along it, bouncing internally along its length.  Eyeglasses use lenses that bend and distort the light to make images appear closer than they really are.
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Incoming light refracts as it crosses two boundaries of a prism. Notice how prisms have non-parallel sides for a reason…

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Now let’s take a look at how to use Snell’s Law to figure out the optical density of a medium by measuring how much the light bends when it goes from one medium to another.

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The Law of Reflection states that when light reflects off the surface, the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection. Snell’s Law states that when light crosses into a new medium, the relationship between the angle of incidence (θi) and angle of refraction (θr) are related by the equation:

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Let’s take a look at a glass prism and total internal reflection critical angles to determine the optical density of the glass.

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Fiber Optics are one application of total internal reflection.  Optical fibers are flexible, transparent fibers made from plastic or glass about the size of a human hair that can serve as a "light pipe" to transmit light from one location to another. The bundle of fibers is used in medical applications where doctors can see inside the body by attaching a small camera to one side of the cable. To make the project below, you can order this Fiber Optics kit.

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Dispersion is when visible light is separated into the colors that make up the light. We’ve already seen how optical density is a measure of how much a medium slows down light that travels through it. The index of refraction depends on the frequency of the light.

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In this experiment, water is our prism. A prism un-mixes light back into its original colors of red, green, and blue. You can make prisms out of glass, plastic, water, oil, or anything else you can think of that allows light to zip through.

What’s a prism? Think  of a beam of light.  It zooms fast on a straight path, until it hits something (like a water drop).  As the light goes through the water drop, it changes speed (refraction). The speed change depends on the angle that the light hits the water, and what the drop is made of.  (If it was a drop of mineral oil, the light would slow down a bit more.) Okay, so when white light passes through a prism (or water drop), changes speed, and turns colors.  So why do we see a rainbow, not just one color coming out the other side?

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Ever notice how water has to be involved before you get a rainbow? Rainbows never happen on dry, clear days.

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spectrometer2Spectrometers are used in chemistry and astronomy to measure light. In astronomy, we can find out about distant stars without ever traveling to them, because we can split the incoming light from the stars into their colors (or energies) and “read” what they are made up of (what gases they are burning) and thus determine their what they are made of. In this experiment, you’ll make a simple cardboard spectrometer that will be able to detect all kinds of interesting things!

SPECIAL NOTE: This instrument is NOT for looking at the sun. Do NOT look directly at the sun. But you can point the tube at a sheet of paper that has the sun’s reflected light on it.

Usually you need a specialized piece of material called a diffraction grating to make this instrument work, but instead of buying a fancy one, why not use one from around your house?  Diffraction gratings are found in insect (including butterfly) wings, bird feathers, and plant leaves.  While I don’t recommend using living things for this experiment, I do suggest using an old CD.

CDs are like a mirror with circular tracks that are very close together. The light is spread into a spectrum when it hits the tracks, and each color bends a little more than the last. To see the rainbow spectrum, you’ve got to adjust the CD and the position of your eye so the angles line up correctly (actually, the angles are perpendicular).

You’re looking for a spectrum (the rainbow image at left) – this is what you’ll see right on the CD itself. Depending on what you look at (neon signs, chandeliers, incandescent bulbs, fluorescent bulbs, Christmas lights…), you’ll see different colors of the rainbow. For more about how diffraction gratings work, click here.


  • old CD
  • razor
  • index card
  • cardboard tube
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Mirages happen on sunny days when the roads are heated by the sun to a point where it also heats the air above the road. Since hot air is less (optically) dense that cool air, the light refracts as it travels through it.

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Like sound, light travels in waves. These waves of light enter your eyes through the pupil, which is the small black dot right in the center of your colored iris. Your lens bends and focuses the light that enters your eye. In this experiment, we will study this process of bending light and we will look at the difference between concave and convex lenses.

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When I was in grad school, I needed to use an optical bench to see invisible things. I was trying to ‘see’ the exhaust from a  new kind of F15 engine, because the aircraft acting the way it shouldn’t – when the pilot turned the controls 20o left, the plane only went 10o. My team had traced the problem to an issue with the shock waves, and it was my job to figure out what the trouble was. (Anytime shock waves appear, there’s an energy loss.)

Since shock waves are invisible to the human eye, I had to find a way to make them visible so we could get a better look at what was going on. It was like trying to see the smoke generated by a candle – you know it’s there, but you just can’t see it. I wound up using a special type of photography called Schlieren.

An optical table gives you a solid surface to work on and nails down your parts so they don’t move. This is an image taken with Schlieren photography. This technique picks up the changes in air density (which is a measure of pressure and volume).

The air above a candle heats up and expands (increases volume), floating upwards as you see here. The Schlieren technique shines a super-bright xenon arc lamp beam of light through the candle area, bounces it off two parabolic mirrors and passes it through a razor-edge slit and a neutral density filter before reaching the camera lens. With so many parts, I needed space to bolt things down EXACTLY where I wanted them. The razor slit, for example, just couldn’t be anywhere along the beam – it had to be right at the exact point where the beam was focused down to a point.

I’m going to show you how to make a quick and easy optical lab bench to work with your lenses. Scientists use optical benches when they design microscopes, telescopes, and other optical equipment. You’ll need a bright light source like a flashlight or a sunny window, although this bench is so light and portable that you can move it to garage and use a car headlight if you really want to get creative. Once your bench is set up, you can easily switch out filters, lenses, and slits to find the best combination for your optical designs. Technically, our setup is called an optical rail, and the neat thing about it is that it comes with a handy measuring device so you can see where the focal points are for your lenses. Let’s get started:
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Convex lenses bulge outwards, bending the light out in a spray (diverging beam). A hand-held magnifying glass is a single concave lens with a handle. These lenses have been used as ‘burning glasses’ for hundreds of years – by placing a small piece of paper at its focal point and using the sun as a light source, you can focus the light energy so intensely that you reach the flash point of the paper (the paper auto-ignites around 450oF).

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Thin lenses are either diverging or converging lenses that aren’t very thick in the middle. We can simplify our ray tracing diagrams and our math equations by assuming a lens is thin.

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Converging lenses take incoming light and focus it down to a point before diverging out again. You can have single or double convex lenses, depending on the shape of the lens.

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The rays spread out when passing through a diverging lens. You can have single or double concave lenses.

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What happens if you bring an object from far away up close to a lens? How does the image change? The answer is that it depends on what type of lens and the distance it is from the lens.

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Imagine you were designing a pair of eyeglasses. How would you know what kind of lens to make? How curved would it be? What would the magnification be? Here’s how you use the lens maker’s equation to figure out the critical information about a lens.

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By using lenses and mirrors, you can bounce, shift, reflect, shatter, and split a laser beam. Since the laser beam is so narrow and focused, you’ll be able to see several reflections before it fades away from scatter. Make sure you complete the Laser Basics experiment first before working with this experiment.

You’ll need to make your beam visible for this experiment to really work.  There are several different ways you can do this:

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The eye is a complex structure that detects and focuses light. Light first enters the eye through the cornea, a clear protective layer on the outside of the eye. The pupil, a black opening in the eye, lets light in. In dark rooms, the pupil will become larger, or dilate, in order to let in more light. If the room suddenly becomes bright, the pupil will become smaller. The pupil is surrounded by the brown, blue, grey, or green iris.

After passing through the pupil, light goes to the lens which, like a hand lens, is a clear curved structure that helps focus light on the retina, in the back of the eye. The retina is where the rods and cones are found.

This video is an old instructional film shown to pre-med students in the early 50s you might enjoy watching:

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In this lab, we are going to make an eyeball model using a balloon. This experiment should give you a better idea of how your eyes work. The way your brain actually sees things is still a mystery, but using the balloon we can get a good working model of how light gets to your brain.

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In order to see an object, you have to be in its line of sight. With a mirror, that means you have to be in the line of sight of the image that is in the mirror.

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The angle that the reflected light makes with a line perpendicular to to the mirror is always equal to the angle of the incident ray for a plane (2-dimensional) surface.

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The lens in the eye changes shape to bring objects into focus. Myopia (nearsightedness) is the lens’ inability to bring objects that are far away into focus. The light gets brought into focus in front of the retina, so the eyeglasses needed to correct for this have diverging lenses.

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Here’s an experiment that uses a flashlight with a paper on the front with a slit cut out so a narrow beam of light hits the mirror. Use a protractor instead of the fancy disk that I used in the video):

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The angle that the reflected light makes with a line perpendicular to to the mirror is always equal to the angle of the incident ray for a plane (2-dimensional) surface.

We’re going to play with how light reflects off surfaces. At what angle does the light get reflected? This experiment will show you how to measure it.

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The law of reflection holds true no matter what angle the light hits the surface with. Specular reflection occurs when light reflects off smooth surfaces like mirrors or quiet lakes, and diffuse reflection happens when light reflects off rough surfaces (like everything else). How the light reflects off and scatters depends on the roughness of the material.

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Mirrors are used to gather light and create images, like the mirror in your bathroom or those found in telescopes. We’re going to actually make a telescope a little later, but now we need to learn how the mirror makes an image in the first place.

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Parallax is how objects in the distance appear differently than objects up close depending on your viewpoint. If you’re over to one side, you’ll see something different than if you’re over to the other side.

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Have you ever seen a candle in a mirror? The image of the candle looks like the reflected rays seem to be coming from the image point, but they really don’t. This type of image is a virtual images, because it appears that light is coming from this location, but it’s not really the case.

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When you look in a plane mirror, you’ll see images that are virtual, upright, left-right reversed, and have no magnification.

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Ray tracing is how scientists figure out the path that light takes by looking at the speed of the wave, the optical density of the medium, and how reflective the surface is. Ray tracing shows how light can reflect, bend, change direction as it moves from one medium to another. Let’s find out how you can locate any image of any point by tracing rays.

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Ever notice that even though you may be 6 feet tall, you don’t need a 6-foot tall mirror in order to see your whole self? How big of a mirror do you actually need to see your entire length?

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Right angle mirrors are two mirrors that are connected together to form an L-shape. What’s interesting about this is that while normally you’d have one image appear in one mirror, you can have three images appear when you put them together at right angles! Here’s how…

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Your optic nerve can be thought of as a data cord that is plugged in to each eye and connects them to your brain. The area where the nerve connects to the back of your eye creates a blind spot. There are no receptors in this area at all and if something is in that area, you won’t be able to see it. This experiment locates your blind spot.

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