The New Year is a good time to begin new habits, try out new ideas, or simply re-evaluate what you have been doing and letting go of what does not work anymore. People talk about new year resolutions, and how they end up breaking them each year. Almost every resolution that was made in the month of December does not survive the month of January. So how do you make resolutions that actually work? Here’s the main point, don’t call them resolutions, call them goals. Then set these goals in a very measurable manner. Here are some ideas for your homeschool family.

Evaluate What You Have Been Doing

It’s about mid way through the academic session and you have been using your lesson plans, schedules and homeschool curriculum long enough to see what’s going right. More importantly you are in a much better position to identify what’s going wrong. You know what you want to let go and what you want to add. Write down five points about changes that you may want to make. This could be stuff like doing writing work when the kids are fresh instead of later in the day. Or adding extra worksheets after completing a lesson. Or using art and craft to reinforce classroom learning.  Just jot down five points that you want to work on in the new year in your homeschool classroom.

More Extra Curricular Activities

The homeschool parent often is in a quandary about what more they can offer their homeschool children. Again make it a goal to add five new activities to the homeschool student’s schedule in the new year. This could be something extra like a musical instrument or a sporting activity that they have not tried out so far. Or it could be an added number of errands and chores that the child needs to learn. Or it could be adding a weekly field trip to the schedule of the homeschool family. Just make sure that you have five goals in the area of doing more with your homeschool students. It will be that much easier to follow through on the new year resolution to bring more into their lives.