While you will not be having a school day in the homeschool classroom on Christmas Day, you can do some of these activities beforehand to prepare your homeschool students for the holiday.

Santa’s Letter

Writing practice can become easy when the homeschool students are writing a letter to Santa. Have them format and write a formal letter to Santa Claus telling him how they have behaved through the year as well as ending with what they want for Christmas. Do tell them about what they can and cannot ask for before they write out the letter. In fact the second part can be done post the holidays in form of writing Santa a thank you letter for what they have received.

Decorations for the Tree

Arts and crafts gets taken care of by making decorations for the Christmas tree as well as the rooms of the house. You can search sites such as Pinterest or Instagram for easy to make handmade decorations which can be made in advance and hung up during the week before Christmas. Have the homeschool students pick out one decoration each that they will make for their craft project. It’s an activity which will require less supervision in the homeschool classroom, leaving the homeschool teacher free to catch up with other chores.

The Baking Party

Cooking is an essential life skill. Baking cookies is a great way to get the homeschool students to practice mathematics for the measurements, learn about the chemistry of baking soda and creating food for themselves. Pick out one cookie, one cup cake and one savory recipe in advance. Have it printed out on index cards and have a copy for each of the homeschool students. Supervision is a must for younger children and only adults open and close the oven.

Wrapping Gifts

Have the gift wrapping ideas ready for each item that is being gifted to each family member. You can ask the homeschool students to wrap each other’s gifts so that the element of surprise is maintained. It will also cut down on the total time it takes the homeschool family to get all the gifts wrapped if everyone contributes.