This is a recording from a live online class in Electricity! In this original class, kids learned how to spark together electric motors, build homemade burglar alarms, wire up circuits and build robots! Kids in this class created their own whizzing, hopping, dancing, screeching, swimming, crawling, wheeling, robot by the end of this class to take home.  Topics: electricity, magnetism, electrical charges, chassis construction, sensors. 

If you want your kids to learn science from a real scientist, and you want them to be totally engaged and excited about what they are learning, but you don’t feel you have the time or the know-how to teach it, I can help.

Go to

When you get there, you’ll see a video that shows you the science curriculum that I developed and teach.

If you like what you see on that website, just fill in the form below the video and your kids can get started today doing real hands-on science today. Like right now.

Thanks for listening!


Supercharged Science
Homeschool Science Curriculum

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