Phenolphthalein is a weak, colorless acid that changes color when it touches acidic (turns orange) or basic (turns pink/fuchsia) substances. People used to take it as a laxative (not recommended today, as ingesting high amounts may cause cancer). Use gloves when handling this chemical, as your skin  can absorb it on contact. I’ll show you how:

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4 Responses to “Turning Water into Wine”

  1. Aurora Lipper says:

    No, never drink this or other chemistry experiments.

  2. suzanne_mangeri says:

    well, can you drink it?

  3. No, it’s just the same color. NEVER drink anything we experiment with in our science lab.

  4. bbumgardner says:

    Is this actually wine? Or is a just a show name? That would be so cool if it was real!