If the cell has a nucleus, the DNA is located in the nucleus.  If not, it is found in the cytoplasm.  DNA is the genetic material that has all the information about a cell.

DNA is a long molecule found in the formed by of two strands of genes. DNA carries two copies—two “alleles”—of each gene. Those alleles can either be similar to each other (homozygous), or dissimilar (heterozygous).

We’re going to learn how to extract DNA from any fruit or vegetable you have lying around the fridge. Are you ready?

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6 Responses to “Extracting DNA in your Kitchen”

  1. Yes, definitely peel the banana. The peel is just a protective cover.

  2. noah_1411 says:

    Am I supposed to peel the banana?

  3. noah_1411 says:

    When I used my banana was I post to take off the banana peal

  4. Yes, you can remove the DNA and look at it under a microscope. It is the “ghostly” layer between the puree and the alcohol.

  5. Can you pick out the DNA from the cup or is it just gas?

  6. emilyannejon says:

    This is rlly cool!! Thanks!