If you think of celery as being a bundle of thin straws, then it’s easy to see how this experiment works. In this activity, you will get water to creep up through the plant tissue (the celery stalk) and find out how to make it go faster and slower.

The part of the celery we eat is the stalk of the plant.  Plant stalks are designed to carry water to the leaves, where they are needed for the plant to survive.  The water travels up the celery as it would travel up any plant.

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3 Responses to “Celery Stalk Water Race”

  1. Excellent question! How might you test your idea?

  2. shanesdeals says:

    Does it matter if the water is hot or cold or will i get the same results?

  3. shanesdeals says:

    Does it matter if the celery stick is in the sun or dark?