This experiment is for advanced students. All chemical reactions are equilibrium reactions. This experiment is really cool because you’re going to watch how a chemical reaction resists a pH change.

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6 Responses to “Bicarbonate Buffer”

  1. carmen_schmitz says:

    Where can we buy these chemistry sets in Canada? I’m having a hard time finding a site in Canada or a site able to ship to Canada. Thanks. (particularly C3000 v 2.0)

  2. Yes, that’s right. Universal indicator is actually a solution of lots of different compounds make the color change more of a smooth progression than the anthocyanin in the red cabbage juice (and the colors will be different pH levels), but the idea is the same.

  3. Michelle Palmer says:

    So if I just take a purple cabbage and boil it to get the color that is the same thing as the universal indicator?

  4. You can make some from purple cabbage juice, or you can buy it inexpensively here.

  5. Robyn Schwetz says:

    ??? In our C3000 kit there is no universal indicator. What exactly is it and any recommends on where to get some so we can do the bicarbonate buffer experiment? Thank you!