If you need a refresher on how to convert units, here’s a video on how to do it:
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5 Responses to “Converting Units”

  1. Try refreshing your page. I have it playing through all the way to 7 minutes 51 seconds over here. What happens if you try a different device?

  2. miriamcron says:

    This video is pausing at scientific notation base 10. Please fix

  3. Jennifer Price says:

    Once you multiply 12×12, don’t you lose the squared notation? Because 12 squared is 144.

  4. Robin Bolyard says:

    We are trying out your program for the one month free. Presently my son is beginning on the physics lessons. You refer to the experiments they have completed. However, my son said that there haven’t been any. We started with the Advanced lessons, and chose Physics. Are these not the high school lessons? If they are, how have we missed the experiments?

    thank you, Robin