Popcorn rocks are different than regular dolomite samples because they have a lot more magnesium inside. This was first discovered by a geology professor in the 1980s who was dissolving the limestone around fossils he was studying in his rock samples. When he placed samples of this type in the acid to dissolve, it didn’t dissolve but instead grew new crystals!

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7 Responses to “Popcorn Rock”

  1. You can grow crystals using table salt and vinegar, but I’m not aware of any rock besides dolomite that will produce crystals when placed in vinegar.

  2. squiggledoowatson says:

    What other rocks react (makes crystals) with vinegar the same way dolomite does?

  3. Michelle Stevens says:

    Streak plate
    Water in a graduated container
    Scale that measures in grams
    Longwave UV light source

  4. Yes – look on the Unit 20 shopping list page for online ordering links! 🙂

  5. Jeanette Bennett says:

    I can’t find a place to buy flowering rock samples. Can you tell me where I can get them?

  6. No problem! My team will contact you today to set you started!

  7. Amy Gates says:

    I am trying to access the entire unit 20 on atmosphere and geology. I have tried to find a link to upgrade my subscription but I cannot find it. I only found the page to become a new member. I need the 9-12th grade content. I might be skipping ahead but I want to do the geology unit because we have the opportunity to take a real geology field trip with a relative who is a geologist. I want my son to cover this unit before the trip. Please advise how I can upgrade my membership to have full access to this unit now.