Have you ever heard of a dollar word search? It’s a special kind of puzzle where the letters in a word add up to a coin value. For example, an A is worth a penny, the letter B is worth two cents, C is worth three cents, and so on. Are you completely confused? That's okay!  Just watch the video and I’ll show you how it all works.

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11 Responses to “$1 Word Search”

  1. Dina Zervoulakos says:

    The word gymnastics costs $1.30

  2. Laura Stephenson says:

    Fifty-one is a dollar.

    My name is 41 cents.

  3. Debbie Aslinger says:

    My name is worth $.81!

    -Lucy Aslinger-

  4. Mehak Chawla says:

    I got a really close one just 9cents too much:


  5. Melissa Lahr says:

    I am going to try the longest word in the english language that i know of, which consists of 1,909 letters. probably more than a dollar, but i will still attempt it. Wish me luck!

  6. Melissa Lahr says:

    can it be over a dollar? I have facetiously as $1.36 and abstemiously as $1.61.

  7. So far, I have: 1,761. “Toilets” is number 1,555 in my alphabetical list. “Starfish” is number 1,413. Would you like me to post the solutions I have, or do you prefer to figure it out yourself? 🙂

  8. How many words have you found Aurora?

  9. Nelson Sun says:

    found more $1:
    is superbs a word?
    thirteen is sooooo close(99)
    toilets(i got this one while in the bathroom)
    afghanistan(i thought this would be too long to work but since i thought ‘well, anything is possible’, i tried it and it worked!)

  10. Nelson Sun says:
