When you exercise your body requires more oxygen in order to burn the fuel that has been stored in your muscles. Since oxygen is moved through your body by red blood cells, exercise increases your heart rate so that the blood can be pumped through your body faster. This delivers the needed oxygen to your muscles faster. The harder you exercise, the more oxygen is needed, so your heart and blood pump even faster still.
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It is a little more difficult to find your pulse if you are at rest (like sitting at a computer). Do a few minutes of exercise and then try again.
I cant feel my pulse. Where else could I try to feel my pulse?????????
You have access to all the labs here as they are published: https://www.sciencelearningspace2.com/summer-camp/summer-e-camp/ If you’ve signed up for just eCamp, the bonus sections of eScience that you have access to are Units 1-7, which you can find here: https://www.sciencelearningspace2.com/study-units/ This experiment you are asking about is in Unit 19. Hope this helps!
Hi – I am registered for the eCamp. Should I have access to this?