Your fingers have receptors which perform various jobs. In addition to touch, they can detect pressure, texture, and other physical stimuli.  One specialized type of receptors is called Ruffini’s receptors. They are good at identifying changes in pressure and temperature. In this experiment, we will test their ability to distinguish between hot and cold temperatures. We are actually going to try and trick your Ruffini endings. Do you think it will work?

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2 Responses to “Finger Thermometers”

  1. We use glass cups in this experiment. You can use soup cans if you don’t have glass, but you will want to use a material that will effectively transfer heat to the outside of the container.

  2. Donna Ready says:

    You said not to use plastic cups for this, but it looks like you are using plastic cups. Ok or not to use the clear plastic cups you used or are they another type of material?