Think of an organism (bacteria, fish, reptiles…) that interests you. With adult help, search the Internet to find five web pages about this organism.

Answer the questions below about each web site in your science journal:

1. Who wrote the site? (If unknown, write “unknown.”)

2. If the site has an author, does the site list his or her qualifications for writing about the organism?

3. Is there an organization that created the site? If so, who are they?

4. Does the site give you a way to contact the author and/or organization if you have questions?

5. Based on your answers to questions 1-4 above, do you trust this site as being a good source for information about the organism? Why or why not?

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2 Responses to “Conducting Research”

  1. Heather Russell says:

    “Think on an organism” should be Think of an organism.