Did you know I carry a set of dice in my pocket just for this game? It's as old as the hills and just as fun to play now as it was when I was a little math whiz back in 2nd grade.  (No kidding - when we had 'math races', I was always team captain.  Not quite the same thing as captain on the soccer field, though...)

This is one of those quick-yet-satisfying dice games you can play to hone your thinking skills and keep your kids busy until the waiter arrives with your food.  All you need are five or six standard 6-sided dice and two 12-sided dice.  (Note - if you can't find the 12-sided dice, just skip it for now.  You can easily substitute your brain for the 12-sided dice.  I'll show you how.)
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13 Responses to “Easy Dice Game for Honing Math Skills”

  1. Well, it’s kind of like riding a bike – you get better when you work at it. 🙂

  2. Jason Perz says:

    it’s sound hard. to me

  3. Shelli Hutchison says:

    So what can you use if you don’t have 12 sided die? Just make up a number?

  4. Mary Kuhn says:

    Amazon has all sorts of dice. We had fun with this today.

  5. You can also find 12-sided dice prepackaged in another dice game from Stapes in their educational stuff aisle.

  6. Kathleen Pokorny says:

    For those looking for dice: In my drawer are dice from a local teacher supply store. Rainbow Resource may also have some. And I think we’ve purchased dice from the local gaming store at the mall (Games Workshop).

  7. Kathleen Pokorny says:

    Thank you! I love this idea and am opening my little drawer full of dice as I type….

  8. Kristi Taylor says:

    Any gaming store (board/role-playing) will have the dice as well.

  9. Melissa Healy says:

    I bought the math dice game from Barnes and Noble in the children’s section for $5 last month.

  10. Susan Fox Durand says:

    You can buy 12 or 20 sided dice at any teacher resource store..

  11. There should be links in there that take you to places to order them online, or you can make your own out of clay. As a kid, I never had money to buy stuff and our family didn’t have clay to play with, so I would make my own dice out of crumpled up tinfoil (carefully shaped into the kind of dice I wanted: 6-sided, 12-sided, etc.), then I would wrap it in masking tape so I could write the numbers on each side. Have fun!

  12. sevy keble says:

    Hmmmm…. Nice! Where do you get 12 sided dice?
    sevy keble 🙂