Aurora will share some of her top secrets with you so you can do the same with your own children. If you set it up right, you will no longer need to push your child to learn, but rather your child will be naturally pulled toward it in a way that lasts long-term. We’ll uncover the ten modes of motivation and the four different types of learning so you can enter your child’s world and meet them at their level, and you will walk away with a game plan for getting the most out of your learning time together.
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7 Responses to “Parent Teleclass: How to Motivate Your Child”

  1. Nicole Grace says:

    Are there any transcripts?

  2. Awww… thank you for your kind words! Do keep in touch and let me know how I can help get (or keep) your kids crazy-wild about science!

  3. Germaine Rysdahl says:

    I was introduced to Suoercharged Science less than 24 hours ago. I am so impressed with the kindness, competence, and professionalism that is packed inside this curriculum. I am grateful, too, for the personal help in meandering through the site. I am looking forward to a very educational summer!

    gigi (Germaine)

  4. Susan Fox Durand says:

    Thanks..I got it working……

  5. Yes, the download worked when I checked it just now. Make sure you use a right-click and choose ‘save as’ so it will go to your computer. It’s an MP3 file that you can play on your player.

  6. Susan Fox Durand says:

    Does the download file work on How to motivate a child? I can’t seem to download this file..