Every wonder why you have to wear a seat belt or wear a helmet? Let's find out (safely) by experimenting with a ball.

You will need to find:
  • a car
  • a licensed driver
  • a ball
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8 Responses to “Why bother with seat belts and helmets?”

  1. emilyannejon says:

    We actually just got home from running errands and I saw this video… It made me laugh because I had a water bottle in the car with me. (I had set it on the floor) I enjoyed watching it rock (and fall) back and forth when the car stopped and went forward. THANKS!

  2. Ingrid Cordano says:

    Mine also went backwards is that normal?

  3. Tom Schindler says:

    how do we get the stuff? it says we don’t have access.

  4. Kelly Mann says:

    thanks for being so nice

  5. Kelly Mann says:

    that sounds fun

  6. Kelly Mann says:

    have a good day :)(:

  7. Most of our experiments have video… this one was so simple that we didn’t make a video. Let me know if you need help with a specific part of the activity.

  8. Heather Smith says:

    wheres the vidio